Second-hand little prince

Chapter 914 Small Cotton Jacket

Chapter 914 Small Cotton Jacket

I didn't let myself think about getting married. Is this person too domineering? The trustworthy Mrs. Lin ran over cheerfully and persuaded Lin Wenhao, which means that you don't look at yourself. Who should I pick?

In the end, Mrs. Lin made the decision for Lin Wenhao. She came to discuss this matter. Mrs. Yun Qinglin is very familiar with Lin Rou. A pretty girl.

It's just that after Yun Zhan had an accident, Yun Qing became lonely and helpless, and she didn't want to go out again. In addition, Lin Rou got married later, and she didn't move around with the Lin family. Now thinking of it, Mrs. Lin sighed.

The past is like smoke, Mrs. Lin can't care about sighing, she should go to the old lady, she can be Lin Wenhao's master in this matter, but the old lady has to nod if she really makes a big decision, otherwise the word filial piety will overwhelm Lin Wenhao. The lady has to shed a layer of skin.

Qin Zixuan is not worried about how things will develop in the future. If Lin Wenhao can't do it here, then he can look for it again. If it doesn't work, he can go to the Jianghu to find those young talents. .

I ran around outside, except for a wave of unidentified men in black attacking at the beginning, there was no surprise attack after that, and this was also read by Concubine Cheng for a long time, ordering Qin Zixuan to reduce going out, and stay in the office if it is not necessary. Palace.

Qin Zixuan responded with a dark face, every time it happened like this, Qin Zixuan didn't want to complain anymore.Of course, Qin Zixuan was attacked by men in black, and Yujing caused another earthquake. This time, the general led a team to cleanse the unknown forces.

The spies from all sides suffered a lot, and a certain courtyard in Yujing City was bloody. When Li Han made a move, he overturned Qin Zisheng's spies base in Yujing.

A month later, Prince Cheng's mansion became lively. Firstly, Rushi gave birth to a fat boy. Qin Zixuan gritted his teeth and offered a reward. It was impossible to tell whether he was happy or unhappy, anyway, the bounty was quite generous.

Immediately after Picturesque started, Qin Zixuan waited in front of the door with a look of hope on his face. Picturesque started fast and gave birth faster. An hour later, with a cry, Qin Zixuan's heart fell to the bottom again, and his eyes were red. reward.

Gong Liangyan hugged Huang He and followed Qin Zixuan to watch the play, almost dying of laughter. Prince Cheng, who wanted a daughter, won six boys in a row, and became very popular. Li Han had no choice but to comfort him. Some of us have stomachs. If we don’t have a daughter to let us They continued to have children until they had daughters.

Concubine Cheng looked helpless at her son, and she was looking forward to having a granddaughter in her heart. After a room full of boys, her mentality was different. She always felt that a girl would be perfect, so she waited like this for three days, and Ruxue started.

Qin Zixuan ran to Ruxue's yard and waited, his heart was in his throat, and he circled around the door from time to time, what Ruxue gave birth to was dangerous, bowls of ginseng soup were sent in, the pain was half dead not come out.

Whether Qin Zixuan was standing or sitting, you can tell me whether it is a padded jacket or not. This torture not only tortured the people inside, but also tortured the people waiting outside.

Starting in the morning, until the sun is westward, the sky is covered with red clouds, a rainbow hangs high in the west, the screams of Ruxue are getting louder and louder, Qin Zixuan is spinning around anxiously, and hundreds of birds are singing in the sky of Prince Cheng's mansion , hovering overhead.

It caused a lot of people to look up, but Qin Zixuan didn't pay attention to these things. He is still waiting for the little guy to be born. Is it male or female?
There was a lot of movement in Chengwang's mansion. Feng Wu Qingkong showed up outside Chengwang's mansion with a few old men and old ladies. They wanted to break in, but thinking about the attack on Qin Zixuan last time, he thought it would be more appropriate to post a greeting card.

The post was handed over to the guard, and the guard took the post to report. Qin Zixuan asked the guard to tell Feng Wu Qingkong that the concubine was in labor and it was inconvenient to see guests, so she would come to the door to plead guilty in the future. What she said was reasonable. flash.

Actually lazy at the door and didn't leave, the guard had no choice but to report again, Qin Zixuan waved his hand, where is the love, don't disturb him and just wait for his daughter to be born, this kid is very anxious, who cares who Feng Wu Qingkong is, he is self-willed .

After waiting for another half an hour, there was a cry, and the congratulations of the midwife came from inside, congratulations to Prince Cheng for being a young daughter, congratulations to Concubine Cheng, congratulations to the general
When Qin Zixuan heard that it was a young lady, he looked up to the sky with his hips crossed and laughed. He was very proud, and finally a little padded jacket came, waving his hands and shouting for a big reward, ten times the reward, no, a hundred times the reward!
This guy doesn't take money seriously, so proud!The midwife was very excited when she heard Prince Cheng's shouts outside, and she waited more carefully. She knew that Prince Cheng had six sons and one daughter, so this one would definitely be favored.

Qin Zixuan sent Lin Xi to the palace to announce the good news. He has a daughter. This is a great joy, and he has to hold a big banquet to enjoy with the common people. Qin Zixuan called the housekeeper to give porridge for a hundred days from now on.

Pfft, Concubine Cheng was lying on her back, feeling so distressed that she wanted to vomit blood. The first two grandchildren only gave porridge for three days, but after giving birth to a granddaughter, they gave porridge for a hundred days. The gap is too big.

Concubine Cheng looked up at the sky and suddenly found that the bird hovering over Prince Cheng's mansion had gone. It was really strange. It seemed that this little granddaughter was very human.

When the news came out, Feng Wu Qingkong, who was waiting at the gate of Prince Cheng's mansion, sent a message begging to see Prince Cheng. Qin Zixuan waved his hands and didn't have time. He wanted to play with his daughter, so he didn't want to meet guests. Qin Zixuan was already in a sprinting posture with his robe in his hands.

In the palace, the emperor was followed by the officials of the Qin Tianjian, who were reporting the strange things in the Chengwang Mansion, but this matter was a good thing for the royal family. The birth of Feng Nu would definitely establish a relationship with the Feng Wu family.

The emperor was happy after hearing this, and combined with the news that the people of the Fengwu family were guarding in front of Chengwang's mansion, there are nine out of ten that the other party came for Fengnu, and the emperor yelled to drive Chengwang's mansion.

When the big team arrived at Prince Cheng's mansion, Feng Wu Qingkong and others stood guard at the door with dark faces. Qin Zixuan didn't see them, and they didn't dare to leave, for fear that someone would go in and harm Feng Nu once they left.

Every phoenix girl is a little goblin, extremely smart and talented, and phoenix girls are often the top masters in the world, with combat power far surpassing that of saints, which is a symbol of the rise of the Fengwu family.

Struggles still exist in invisible places, and the five major families will also compete for resources, but everyone is equal in strength, and no one can suppress the other these years, but the arrival of Feng Nu is different, and can rewrite history .

The emperor looked at the dark-faced people guarding the door, wanted to laugh but held back, went up to say hello to them warmly, and led them into Prince Cheng's mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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