Second-hand little prince

Chapter 921 Discovery

Chapter 921 Discovery
Another tribe of aboriginal people was taken down, Qin Zixuan ran over to check their supplies, Qin Zixuan grinned at them, what are they, there is not even a decent piece of furniture.

In their tree house, there are no beds, no quilts, only hopelessly tattered animal skins. These animal skins are full of patterns, and there are even fish skins mixed in.

Qin Zixuan frowned when he smelled the stench before entering the tree house. This smell is too bad. I don't know how these aborigines endured it.

Qin Zixuan couldn't stand the strange smell, and the tree house that had always attracted him lost its appeal. Qin Zixuan stepped aside resolutely, and then, led by the soldiers, went to see the place where they cooked.

Seeing the fire, Qin Zixuan let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this group of people didn't always eat raw meat, they also knew how to eat cooked food.Apart from what Qin Zixuan saw, there are other places to put things.

Qin Zixuan turned to a large warehouse, looking at the bones piled inside, Qin Zixuan grinned for a while, this is the so-called warehouse, are you sure it's not an animal cemetery?
Some bones still exuded a cold light, and some had sharp knives on them, Qin Zixuan gritted his teeth as he watched, unable to believe what he saw with his eyes.

Oh my god, Qin Zixuan picked up a bone knife and played with it in his hand. He didn't understand why they didn't use it in battle since they had developed such a weapon. Instead, they threw stones vigorously. It was so funny.

Qin Zixuan saw these pointed things tied to wooden sticks in the warehouse. It seemed that they were using this kind of tool for hunting. He didn't know if it was efficient or not. I have to say that these people still had ideas and were not stupid.

With the help of the soldiers, Qin Zixuan saw all the property of the tribe. Their property was very simple, just some bones and animal skins, but no gold, silver or jewelry.

Qin Zixuan suspected that even if someone gave them jewels, they might not know the value of the jewels. Qin Zixuan shook his head vigorously after seeing it. Fortunately, the purpose of his reporting was not robbery, otherwise Qin Zixuan would be fooled by them and cry.

The speed of Qin Zixuan's group was not fast in seizing a group of people to educate a group. The next morning, they discovered a jade mine. It was not because the prospectors were skilled, but because it was a group of open-pit mines.

They saw the ore veins while they were marching, and Qin Zixuan looked at the large expanse of exposed natural ore, and sighed in his mouth, there are so many treasures that no one knows, if it wasn't for the arrival of their group, they don't know when they will be discovered.

With so many jade veins, Qin Zixuan did not immediately arrange for manual mining, but continued to check. In addition to checking the island's resources, they also wanted to conquer the island and turn it into the back garden of Daqin.

On the fifth day, Qin Zixuan's progress slowed down. They were blocked in front of a thin line of sky. The mountain in front of them had only a long and thin passage with no steps on it. If they were not careful, they might stumble and fall to their death.

This is not the most terrible thing, the most terrible thing is that there are people guarding above, and if you want to pass through, you have to break through the opponent's defense. Faced with this kind of natural danger, Qin Zixuan is also very helpless.

If they forcefully grab it, there will definitely be casualties. If they don't forcefully grab it, how they can take this natural danger becomes a problem. They can't move forward and be blocked here, anyway, Qin Zixuan can't stand it.

The two sides discussed the current situation. Whether it was a forced robbery or a detour became the focus of everyone. Everyone knew that this matter was difficult, and the casualties were huge. Although they did not have the upper hand in terms of weapons, they had the upper hand in terms of geography.

The result of Qin Zixuan's discussion with a group of people was to ignore it, let him go, anyway, all roads lead to Rome, let this natural danger be a natural danger for the time being, and they will take all the places south of the natural danger.

The army stopped and began to sweep east and west. It seemed that they wanted to take down all the space here. The army was very fast, and took all the territory south of the natural barrier in three days.

The space to the north of the natural barrier has not yet been obtained, but spies were sent to the north by boat to go ashore and start to check. Qin Zixuan is counting the gains of this trip with his chin resting on his chin.

Qin Zisheng sat on the dragon chair, and Ning Anguo's obsequious smile was in front of his eyes. Ning Anguo was trying to persuade Qin Zisheng to rob the big family, that is, even if you forced them to death, they would not be able to find food for ordinary people, so it would be better to rob the big family.

The food stored in a big family can be equivalent to tens of thousands of people. There are many big families in the Western Qin Kingdom, and these big families are not convinced by Qin Zisheng. What Ning Anguo means is that they are not convinced anyway, so they simply play with them.

Qin Zisheng felt that it made sense. The army could not run out of food at the front line. Now it was in a stalemate. If the food could not be supplied in time, the good prospects of the army would be ruined once the morale of the army was scattered.

Ning Anguo's mouth is very good at speaking, and Qin Zisheng's heart was moved as soon as he said it. Thinking of some big households fleeing with money and food, Qin Zisheng gritted his teeth in hatred. The current good situation cannot be lost because of these trivial matters.

So, Qin Zisheng issued an order to demand that the big households hand over their money and food, otherwise it would be a serious crime of deceiving the emperor, ransacking their homes and destroying their families!This imperial decree can poke a hornet's nest at once.

Those big households who were still vacillating immediately threw themselves into the fleeing army. Their wealth was accumulated over several generations, so they couldn't afford to be a dog emperor.

Qin Zisheng became even angrier when he saw someone running away, and immediately ordered whoever dared to escape from the other nine clans. The ruthlessness of the methods made people feel disgusted, so many big families connected with each other and once again strengthened the team against Xiqin.

The ranks of self-proclaimed kings increased rapidly one by one, and ten kings coexisted successively in the land of the original Great Chu. This is not counting the people on the small hills. If you count those people, hehe, it will be terrible.

Because the soldiers fighting at the border had no food and grass, the stalemate battle was defeated, even if there were masters from the Shangguan family in charge, those masters could behead the high-level people, but they couldn't kill everyone.

Qi Yan is worthy of being an outstanding female military strategist in Daqi. After she discovered the attack method of Xiqin, she asked the emperor of Qi to issue an imperial decree, that is, if the superior officer died, whoever contributed the most to the sergeant who led the army would continue to be the commander. s position.

After this imperial decree, all the generals wanted to take advantage of the war to become kings and worship ministers. It was a desperate effort to express themselves. There was a turning point in the stalemate battle, but the turning point didn't last long.

The masters of the Shangguan family will be dispatched again, and they will still be beheading, but this time the beheading is not only the head, but also the subordinates, and the situation has changed again.

There was chaos in the group of dragons without a leader. Everyone wanted to do meritorious service and naturally they would not cooperate. The soldiers of Daqi were defeated again. The soldiers of Western Qin had no food and grass, so they could only go forward to grab food. Their goal was only one, to kill and rob. grain.

(End of this chapter)

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