Chapter 922
Qi Yan soon knew the hidden dangers brought by the edict, and went to the palace again to see Emperor Qi, but this time Qi Yan had no chance to see Emperor Qi, because she was already being targeted.

More than a dozen ministers entered the palace to protest and demanded that Qi Yan be punished. It was because she provided the trick that the army was defeated. Qi Yan had to bear the blame. All the ministers who were old, frail, and gray-haired knelt in front of the golden palace. Knock down one head after another.

Qi Huang looked at the officials below, his eyes were full of disappointment, it was at this time, and he was still thinking about internal fighting, why didn't they think about how to stand up from despair?
Qi Yan's suggestion may not be perfect, but it has achieved great results at the beginning of the battle. If I have to say something, I can only say that the enemy is too cunning, and they didn't realize it in time and make adjustments.

No matter what the reason is, it is not the best time to punish Qi Yan. If the war is over, in order to appease public anger, Qi Huang may punish Qi Yan, but can it be done now?

Emperor Qi really didn't want to punish Qi Yan, but he couldn't think of a way to get rid of Qi Yan if Qi Yan wasn't punished. As the minister said, someone has to take the blame.

Qi Huang felt troubled in his heart, at this time Qi Huang's close eunuch came forward to ask, suggesting that Qi Huang pretend to punish the crime, first calm down the public anger, and then explain the plan to save Qi Yan.

Emperor Qi adopted it, decreed to seize Qi Yan's title, and entered the clan's mansion to reflect on it. This was a good idea, but the person who carried it out was wrong.

Qi Yan was drugged to death the second day after entering the clan mansion. Qi Huang was dumbfounded when he heard the news. He didn't understand whose way his daughter was in the way?Why kill her?
Regardless of whether Qi Huangming understands or not, death is like a lamp being extinguished. Qi Huang looked at Qi Yan's cold body, burst into tears, and regretted his death in his heart. This is a military talent second only to Li Han, and he just disappeared.

Qi Yan's death became the last straw that overwhelmed the camel's camel. The army that was still resisting suddenly lost the support of the people. Rumors spread among the army, saying that Qi Huang was about to flee, Qi Huang was going to surrender, and Qi Huang had abandoned them. .
No matter which rumor it is, none of it is helpful to resist the enemy. It is how to spread the discouragement. The army fell into a trough, and began to flee, and those masters in the arena also began to retreat.

A letter of success was passed to Qin Zisheng. Qin Zisheng was overjoyed. Although the domestic situation could not be stabilized, the external situation was good, and the land area expanded again. people.

This kind of arrogance is nothing. No matter how arrogant he is, he will not be able to change the fate of the people in the Western Qin Dynasty. There is no one who is undead in a war. If there is a lack of clothing, food and soldiers at the border, then only the strong can be arrested.

The young and the middle-aged should be arrested, so the young and the middle-aged fled, and then the old men were also arrested, and finally all men were arrested. This situation caused a lot of jokes.

The rumors about Xiqin spread to the Emperor of the Great Qin before the dragon case one by one. If you want to die, you must be crazy. This is not true at all. The Emperor of the Qin is stroking his beard and looking at the crazy Qin Zisheng cheerfully. Bar.

Where there is resistance, there is oppression. Western Qin's resistance is the most violent. Daqi's land area was robbed by Western Qin for two-thirds. Daqi's palace was burned and the imperial city was slaughtered. Qihuang fled with his soldiers. Heartbroken and seriously ill on the way, he went west a few days later.

When the news came out, the morale of Da Qi fell to the bottom, and they regretted it. Why didn't the development of things go in the direction they thought?At this time, someone thought of Qi Yan's goodness, and could only look up to the sky and sigh, God will not bless me Daqi.

One month later, Daqi was completely occupied by Western Qin. The news reached the hands of the Great Qin Emperor, and then distributed it to the officials to watch. Shang Biefeng and Shang Biehuang also stood among the officials.

Looking at the information in his hand, his mouth was very uncomfortable. Back then, the Three Kingdoms were all powerful, although Da Qi and Da Chu were not the strongest, but if they wanted to destroy any country, they would definitely suffer heavy losses. I didn't expect that it would be so easy to really destroy a country.

The emperor convened a group of ministers to discuss the matter, discussing the date of dispatching troops, whether to take the initiative to attack or wait for others to come to the door, there are opinions, but it is not to take the initiative to attack, but to wait for them to come to the door.

The reason is very simple, Qin Zisheng has no capable people around him, he can't wait, so he will take the initiative to attack, he can hide and kill according to the pass, kill a batch of Xiqin's soldiers, and then subdue a batch.

To exacerbate the internal conflicts in the Western Qin Dynasty, as long as the internal stability of the Western Qin Dynasty is unstable, it doesn't matter when they send troops, and it will be more perfect to grab another batch at that time.

Qin Zisheng turned a blind eye to the domestic conflicts, and once again sent troops to attack Qinglong Pass, another army that captured Daqi passed through Youhun Pass, and a pincer battle ensued.

Just when Daqin was facing enemies on both sides, rumors spread that Qin Zixuan was busy at sea, and spent a month educating the aborigines, teaching them how to dress and cook, learning Daqin culture, and unlocking their IQs.

The results are gratifying, these people are very obedient, and a new city was built to replace their original residence. At the same time, Qin Zixuan is still doing the ideological work of these people, that is, to be loyal to Great Qin.

Daqin has become a sacred place in everyone's hearts. Only those who have learned well and have strong skills will have the opportunity to go to Daqin to have a look in the future. Thinking about it this way, everyone's heart is moved.

One day, Qin Zixuan was checking the terrain in a valley. A soldier dug down hard and found black soil. Qin Zixuan stepped forward to observe, nodded in satisfaction, and found another coal mine.

With enough coal, we can use the steam engine to make more machines, maybe even let the train meet everyone. Qin Zixuan clapped his hands and asked people to mark this place clearly.

Afterwards, Qin Zixuan turned around and left. The island had already been captured, so there were still more islands waiting for him to attack, so he couldn't stay here forever.

The next day, Qin Zixuan boarded the big ship and began to move to the north of the island. Everyone had a good impression of Qin Zixuan and respected Qin Zixuan's decision. In their hearts, King Cheng was an omnipotent god with a wide range of knowledge.

If King Cheng has any shortcomings, then his biggest weakness is that his martial arts are low and his combat effectiveness is too bad. Of course, he is also smart, and he has a lot of means to save his life.

Gong Liangyan hangs out with Li Han and Gu Yueru every day, and every time she sees Qin Zixuan, her eyes are full of complexities. She can't see through Qin Zixuan's fate, but she is curious about Qin Zixuan's future, and becomes interested in Qin Zixuan. Then, that is, Hehe, you understand.

Qin Zixuan was quite an idiot in terms of feelings, he didn't notice Gong Liangyan's abnormality, but continued to make fun of everyone, Qin Ziming followed behind Qin Zixuan and played the side drums, his obese body had a natural sense of humor, and it was a perfect match.

(End of this chapter)

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