Chapter 935
In the face of Qin Zisheng, all the officials shut up. There was only one voice in the hall. The imperial decree came out, and the people of West Qin fell into panic. They couldn't live through this day. God knows when it will be their turn.

There are people fleeing with their families and children everywhere. Some of these people fled beyond the Great Wall, some fled to Daqin, some fled to Yunmeng, and some went into the primeval forest to fend for themselves.

Outside the Great Wall, King Hulun sent people to wait at the border early on. As long as anyone escaped, he would arrange accommodation immediately, and even asked these people to send back news to bring more refugees, and the robbery operation officially began.

Daqin's actions outside the Great Wall did not hide it from Daqin, and soon Daqin also responded, sent troops out of Qinglong Pass, took down Sishui Pass and the surrounding towns with lightning speed, and began to receive the fleeing people.

After these people fled to Sishui Pass, they planted land tax-free and provided grain.

Shang Biefeng and Shang Biehuang personally appeared to settle down the common people, they had a high reputation among the common people, and the common people who were still a little bit uneasy were finally relieved.

Qin Zixuan didn't care much about the changes at the border. He was busy tracking down the spies who sneaked into Yujing. This matter was supported by the emperor. Hit.

Lianxiang has completely turned his back on the water, Qin Zixuan told Lianxiang the news that the people of West Qin had escaped, and Lianxiang asked to return to the country and take his family to join Daqin, Qin Zixuan rolled his eyes and refused.

Kneeling and kowtowing anxiously, he really couldn't think of any other good way, the only thing he could do was to kneel and beg, his family, the family he cared about the most, it's better to move to Daqin, it's the safest place .

These days, Lian Xiang pondered over and over again, feeling that the Western Qin Dynasty was unreliable, and the people lost their hearts so there was no image of an emperor. On the other hand, in the Great Qin Dynasty, the common people's hearts are united, this is the image of an empire.

After figuring it out, Lian Xiang sincerely hoped that he was from Daqin, Qin Zixuan continued to roll his eyes, and finally proposed a condition, that is, let Lianxiang go back to be an internal response, publicize the goodness of Daqin, and encourage more people to flee.

As for Lian Xiang's family members, they can be sent to Daqin. Daqin will settle down well and provide them with a comfortable environment to live and work in. Lianxiang doesn't need to stay in his hometown, as long as he keeps wandering around to promote Daqin's goodness.

When the Western Qin Dynasty was destroyed, he could write down a great service for Lian Xiang. After hearing this, Lian Xiang was moved. If he could make a meritorious service in this way, it would be too simple.

After the two parties reached an agreement, Qin Zixuan gave Lian Xiang 100 taels of silver to use on the road, and at the same time arranged for someone to send Lian Ye away. You can earn as much as you can.

As for Lianxiang's immediate boss, Fanghui, who didn't have Lianxiang's good luck, he pretended to be tough at first, but in the end he was frightened to death after being stabbed ten times. Facing such a spineless person, Qin Zixuan really looked down on him.

As for Fang Hui's boss, he has not been found. It is estimated that the other party has been alarmed and did not contact Fang Hui again. Although the clues were broken, Li Han did not give up. Instead, he mobilized the power of Yujing City to check the household registration again.

At the same time, even the distance of hundreds of miles from Yujing City was added to the scope of the dragnet, which really allowed him to find many spies in a short time. Of course, there was a surprise, that is, he actually found spies outside the Great Wall.

King Hulun, who had never done anything to Da Qin, actually sent spies. Qin Zixuan did not expect this, but Li Han was not surprised. He believed that the emperor also sent spies to enter beyond the Great Wall.

Yujing City returned to normal life. Qin Zixuan walked on the street with his stomach upright. This guy was walking with three big wolf dogs in his hands. He walked majesticly. Passers-by saw Qin Zixuan and retreated.

Qin Ziming followed beside him tremblingly, looking at Qin Zixuan's big wolf dog with envy, who raised such a dog, it was obviously a ferocious wolf dog, but Qin Zixuan raised him so cute.

He would take a look at Qin Zixuan before eating. If Qin Zixuan didn't nod, he wouldn't eat it. I would be envious. Qin Ziming also raised a wolf dog himself. That thing couldn't lift his head when he saw the food, and he was really disobedient.

Qin Zixuan and his party were walking when they saw a man with a knife rushing towards him in anger. When Qin Zixuan saw the person coming, he yelled. Yang Shulin and others rushed forward one after another, protecting the wolf dog behind them.

Qiao Kaifu wanted to make a decision with Qin Zixuan with a sword in hand. The reason was that Qin Zixuan had ruined his future. He wanted to prove to Qin Zixuan that he was really capable. This reason made Qin Zixuan laugh to death. I don’t know who made the move. This reason No fool would believe it.

Qin Zixuan asked someone to drive Qiao Kaifu away, not wanting that Qiao Kaifu was determined to fight Qin Zixuan, Qin Zixuan was so angry that he shouted to assassinate, as soon as he uttered the call, Qiao Kaifu was frightened and stepped back a hundred meters.

Dueling and assassination are two different things, Qiao Kaifu really didn't expect Qin Zixuan to be so shameless, if he knew he would not rush over foolishly, Qin Zixuan stared at Qiao Kaifu and smiled.

Does this big fool really think that he is the one who is catching him now?Wrong, it's not that I caught him, but the emperor held on to Qiao's family. Although there is a Taoist temple on Nanyuan Mountain, the Taoist temple was built under the supervision of the emperor's spies.

Daoist Qingxu also has this person, who is played by a distant relative of the Qiao family. The above Qiao family is full of doubts, and it is really not easy to clean up.

Where did Qiao Kaifu learn from?For whom?All these need to be explained by the Qiao family. If they haven't arrested anyone yet, they want to see if anyone has contacted the Qiao family. Now it seems that the Qiao family's patience is very poor.

Li Han rode a horse and came galloping from behind Qiao Kaifu. When Qiao Kaifu heard the sound of the horse's hooves and looked back, he saw a big knife slashing at him. Shengsheng was shaken to the ground.

Li Han's strength has surpassed Qiao Kaifu's imagination, Li Han's horse didn't stop, and came straight to Qin Zixuan, without even giving Qiao Kaifu an extra look.

Qiao Kaifu, who was in shock, hadn't reacted yet, and was shot flying by Bai Jing. He dared to trouble the prince with a big knife. He was so courageous. There were not many people with such courage in Yujing City.

puff!Qiao Kaifu vomited blood lying on the ground, staring at Bai Jing who stopped in front of him, and recognized him, this person is the deputy general next to the general, and he is also so powerful, it's too scary.

"Tie up!" Bai Jing shouted, and immediately some soldiers rushed up to tie Qiao Kaifu up, and then Bai Jing rode her horse and ran towards Qin Zixuan, her eyes fell on the big wolf dog Qin Zixuan was leading, and the corners of her mouth twitched few times.

Qin Zixuan waved his hand to greet Bai Jing, but Wang Rui responded first. That kid was so jealous, he couldn't see Bai Jing communicating with the man.

(End of this chapter)

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