Second-hand little prince

Chapter 936 Reconciliation

Chapter 936 Reconciliation
Qin Zixuan looked at Wang Rui with a disgusted expression on his face. Why didn't he realize that this kid was a jealous one before? I don't know if it's too late to return the product. If Wang Rui knew Qin Zixuan's thoughts, he probably wanted to bite Qin Zixuan to death.

"Sanggong, what should I do with this guy?" Li Han pointed to Qiao Kaifu who was dragged on the ground. She has no opinion on how the emperor can play, but if he dares to look for the young sanggong with a knife, it will be a capital offense.

"It's up to you, don't dirty my place." Qin Zixuan turned his head away from Qiao Kaifu's ugly appearance, and was very proud of himself in front of him. Why did he become a mess when he met his wife?

Li Han took the order and asked his own soldiers to take him to the barracks for strict interrogation. It has been a long time since the kittens and puppies dared to jump out to perform, which made Li Han very upset.

"Did the emperor say when the full-scale war will start?" Qin Zixuan got into the carriage, left Qin Ziming, sat in the carriage and chatted with Li Han, let's stop here for today's stroll.

"The robbing of people has already begun, and the full-scale war will start at the end of this month. The emperor means that we should not go to sea for the time being. Things at sea can wait until the mainland is unified."

Li Han helped Qin Zixuan adjust a comfortable position. Qin Zixuan grinned. After the full-scale war started, there would be no free time. At that time, he would be busy making strategic arrangements.

"Xianggong, when will you make peace with Dahai?" Li Han couldn't help asking, because Xianggong was angry for a long time this time, and he really ignored Dahai, which made Li Han afraid, worried that Dahai would fall out of favor.

Qin Zixuan picks his nose, that kid is not natural, he has to be taught a lesson, otherwise he will be cheated by the sky, and he won't even have a chance to breathe, and he will still be cheated in a row, it's too bad, he needs to be cured!

The father and son were at odds, and a group of people were worried. No one thought that Qin Zixuan would act like a child, and would stop talking to Dahai, and let Nawa go to hell without responding.

The sea that will be messed with is also boring, lying listlessly in Cheng Wang's mansion, shaking in front of Qin Zixuan from time to time, Qin Zixuan turns a blind eye to it, the sea jumps anxiously, and the long and short calls of father and father are useless, just ignore it.

Li Han doesn't care about Qiao Kaifu's life and death, she is worried about the relationship between the eldest son and the husband-in-law, can they still be father and son if this continues?Qin Zixuan ignored Li Han's words, and made up his mind to cool the sea for a while.

You must let that kid know who the old man is, and you can't catch him to death. It's killing him. Make it seem like you treat him badly. God knows how good you are to your eldest son.

Before the carriage reached the door, Hai Hai came up to him with his short legs, grinning and calling for daddy, he almost knelt down, and before Qin Zixuan got out of the car, his thighs were already hugged.

"Father, my good father, I'm not cheating on you anymore, let's make up." Dahai eagerly looked at Qin Zixuan, life is boring without his father.

"Really know it's wrong?" Qin Zixuan looked up and down the sea with his mouth tilted, how could he feel that this kid didn't know his mistake yet.

"Got it, I really got it." Dahai blinked his big eyes and assured, he knew that when he grew up, it would be no fun to cheat on his father, so let's protect his father, Dahai has a different goal, which is pretty good.

Qin Zixuan snorted twice, temporarily forgave Dahai, bent down and hugged Dahai into his arms, Dahai felt relieved, and had fun in Qin Zixuan's arms, Li Han jumped out of the carriage, seeing the father and son get back together, he couldn't help laughing, Pretending to be Mr. Dahai, he said just now that he would not forgive Dahai.

Qin Zixuan entered the mansion with his eldest son in his arms, took a step forward, turned to Li Han and said, "Since Qiao Kaifu has been touched, watch the Qiao family to death, and don't let them escape."

"Received." Li Han made a gesture, someone immediately conveyed the general's order, not the prince's order, Qin Zixuan was relieved, and immediately ran into the palace with Hai Hai in his arms.

Before taking three steps, I threw the sea to have fun. The speed of father and son reconciliation is really fast, and the big thick legs are really good for hugging.

The father and son get along well, and the atmosphere in Prince Cheng's Mansion is much more relaxed. Qin Zixuan ran all the way into Fenglin Courtyard and met Gu Yueru head-on. Gu Yueru looked at the father and son with supercilious eyes.

"Father, where do you want to go to play?" Dahai came back to life, and began to think about going out to play, Qin Zixuan had no objection, the two squatted down in a corner, and discussed where to go to play.

Gu Yueru joined the team very quickly, and this guy was also taken badly. From Xiaobailian to Heixinlian, he actually proposed to cheat a brothel because the other party cheated her of money.

Qin Zixuan couldn't help inquiring about what happened, and only then did he know that after a few months of work, the oiran changed hands again. Gu Yueru, a guy who had been wandering around for a few months, went to the brothel to find a girlfriend, but in the end he was slaughtered.

The three guys didn't hold back their shit, and the little villains decided to go out one after another. This one said masked robbery, the other said he robbed his oiran, and someone suggested going to the brothel to eat the overlord's meal.

Li Han leaned against the wall, watching the three of them come up with bad ideas, and said quietly: "I can lead troops to level down their brothels."

"You're awesome! Where else are we going to play after leveling the brothel?" The three asked in unison.

"Who is going to the brothel?"

Concubine Cheng's voice sounded, Hai Hai changed his face, hugged Qin Zixuan and said, "Father, I really didn't cheat you this time."

"Understood." Qin Zixuan stood there as a bachelor and smirked, trying to pass by, but the result was unsatisfactory. Concubine Cheng heard very clearly that these three guys still wanted to go to the brothel.

A prince, a martial arts master, and a little prince, what do these three want to do?Concubine Cheng really wanted to knock their heads open to see what they were thinking.
How to answer this question?Qin Zixuan was thinking about it, but Li Han had already jumped out to take the blame, saying that he was going to the brothel, and had nothing to do with the young man, and she admitted to beating and scolding as he wanted.

Seeing Li Han's expression that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, the corners of Princess Cheng's mouth twitched a few times, her son became the daughter-in-law who is now the first one, and she is too good at doting on her husband.

Qin Zixuan grinned and slipped back, he should find a chance to run, the farther the better, this is the prelude to an explosion, my lord, if you don't run, wait to be sprayed.

The three of Qin Zixuan, who had no loyalty, turned around the corner and ran away. Li Han stepped behind and was grabbed by Princess Cheng's ears. Li Han tilted his head to cooperate, and even bent his waist a lot.

It wasn't that Li Han wanted to bend over, but mainly because Concubine Cheng was too short. If she didn't bend over, her mother-in-law would have to pad her shoes. Those little feet made Li Han's balls hurt, and she felt sorry for her mother-in-law.

Concubine Cheng grabbed this thick-skinned guy, looked at that dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water, and finally let go. She didn't do anything to Li Han, and she didn't change it even if she scolded him. ah.

After the three of Qin Zixuan ran away, they went into the study laughing and laughing. They still had to continue discussing important matters, which is not a bad thing!When Li Han found the three of them, they had already discussed how to take revenge on each other.

(End of this chapter)

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