Chapter 937
Qiao Kaifu was imprisoned in the barracks by Li Han, and under Jiang Yunji's key care, he dared to attack King Cheng's idea. He was so brave. Jiang Yunji admired Qiao Kaifu a little bit. He was too awesome, and he didn't even look at what was behind King Cheng. Who is it?

There are all kinds of torture tools in the barracks, under Jiang Yunji's instruction, they all call on Qiao Kaifu, Qiao Kaifu only then understands how arrogant Qin Zixuan and Li Han are, and there is no need to report to the emperor for beating him.

Qiao Kaifu can be regarded as a man. After two hours in the prison, he couldn't survive anymore. He thought that his father and sister would come to save him when they received the news, but he didn't expect that after two hours passed, he still couldn't wait. reinforcements.

Qiao Meiren has been taken care of by the emperor, and is being interrogated secretly by the empress. The empress will show off now, and she will not be able to gain the upper hand in the competition. At this time, the interrogation will reveal her tricks.

Qiao Meiren was tortured to death, and all the secrets she knew were vomited out, but it was still useless. The queen wanted to take this opportunity to kill Qiao Meiren. Who told her to rob her of a man?
Poor Qiao Mei has been tortured to such an inhuman form, she has no time to save Qiao Kaifu, she cannot protect herself.The first thing Qiao Nan did when he received the news was to send him to the palace and beg Qiao Meiren to help him.

It would be even more beautiful if you could take the opportunity to sue Li Han for a book. This idea is very good. The news was hijacked by the emperor, and the emperor sneered at the news.

Everyone was busy, but Qin Zixuan was the most idle. The three of them discussed a small plan and prepared to act according to the plan, but they were caught by Concubine Cheng.

They are worried when they are quarreling, and they are more worried when they are not. When is this, and I am still in the mood to find trouble with those brothels, and there are news of the battle everywhere.

Qin Zixuan didn't care much about this, he was read cheerfully, turned around and wanted to slip away, but was grabbed by Concubine Cheng's ears, Hai Hai rushed to save his father, this baby has a real heart, and started to protect his father after he stopped cheating.

Concubine Cheng had no choice but to let Qin Zixuan go, Qin Zixuan took the opportunity to run away, and ran to Li Han's place in one breath, asking if there was any trick in the interrogation.

This really turned out to be a trick, Qiao Kaifu's master was not from Daqin, but from Liuyun Villa, Liuyun Villa was the office of Shangguan's family outside, and it turned out that Qiao's family was known without even thinking about it.

Qin Zixuan rubbed his chin and thought for a while, Liuyun Villa was very active in Daqin, Zhou Zishou was also a disciple of Liuyun Villa back then, Zhou Meiren's purpose of entering the palace should be the divine sword,
As for Qiao Meiren, she probably wanted to harm the emperor. After all, Qin Zisheng was not in power at that time, and the goal of the Shangguan family was the Excalibur, which can be proved by all signs.

"Daughter-in-law, have you noticed that they are all lazy, they have used beauty tricks time and time again, so why aren't they worried about being cheated?" Qin Zixuan asked suddenly.

Li Han giggled a few times, whether the beauty trick will be used to get someone out of the way, the possibility of the emperor's way of being out of the way is not very high, the same trick is used on the young man, it is 100% out of the way.

Thinking of the beauties used by Mr. Zhao back then, Li Han always admires him whenever and wherever he thinks of it, so he has a lot of eyes, and hides when he sees a beautiful woman. Most people have already rushed to show the charm of men.

Qin Zixuan didn't know what to think of, and laughed again, Uncle Huang must be very depressed at this time, whoever made him feel weak when he saw a woman, hehe, beauty trick, use it once.

As a thug of the Shangguan family, Liuyun Villa appeared repeatedly in Qin Zixuan's sight, and he could ignore it if he wanted to. The two were chatting, and the eunuch came to deliver an order, asking Qin Zixuan to enter the palace.

Qin Zixuan scratched his head in confusion, why did he let himself enter the palace at this time?Shouldn't it be the emperor drinking and talking with the beauty at this time?
There was no way, Qin Zixuan and Li Han packed up their things and stepped into the carriage, wandering to the palace, they went not to the imperial study, but to the side hall, where the emperor and empress were waiting for them.

Seeing Qin Zixuan approaching, the queen rarely showed a smile. Qin Zixuan who smiled was flabbergasted. I don't know what kind of monster the queen has. This guy is not clear-headed. Qin Zixuan is afraid that she will miss him.

The emperor pointed at the confession in front of him and asked Qin Zixuan to read it. Qin Zixuan picked up a few sheets to check, and suddenly laughed. Did he make a mistake? Qin Zixuan shook the paper in his hand and asked, "Is Beauty Qiao beautiful?"

The emperor nodded, not beautiful, can he be brought into the palace?Qin Zixuan asked again: "Better than Qi Ruobai?"

Well, thinking about Qi Ruobai's looks, the emperor seems to be incomparable. Qi Ruobai's silly Baitian is indeed a top-notch beauty.

"Tch, even Qi Ruobai is inferior and still wants to seduce me, what a whimsical idea." Qin Zixuan was very proud, Qi Ruobai's stupid girl tried all kinds of methods but failed to seduce him, a beauty like Qiao is nothing. .

And she was the Emperor's woman, Qin Zixuan felt disgusted just thinking about it, others didn't know if Qin Zixuan was jealous of his seniority, anyway, Qin Zixuan was very jealous, even if an elder woman was naked and hid in front of his eyes, he wouldn't take a second look.

"Uncle Huang, what should I do with that woman? And the Qiao family is also quite capable. They have such a big appetite. If it wasn't for him bumping into my hand, I wouldn't even be able to see him."

Qin Zixuan told the truth, the emperor was speechless for a while, yes, the Qiao family will not bump into this kid, this kid is lazy, how can he care about the affairs of the court.

Li Han scanned through the confession, suggesting to destroy the Qiao family, and even planned to seduce the husband, and then divide the relationship between the husband and the emperor. This plan is really vicious, but fortunately, the husband is a good person, and he will not be tempted by beautiful women.

Now that you know the forces behind them, let's kill them. Thinking of this, the emperor immediately ordered the guards to arrest them, and none of the Qiao family would be spared.

They were doomed as early as when they fled to Liuyun Villa. As for Miss Qiao, Qin Zixuan had never even met her. Li Han's eyes fell on the last sheet of confession, and there was a name on it.

"Has this person been bribed by Xiqin?" Li Han asked.

"It's not sure yet. What is certain is that the Qiao family has a good relationship with this person. Whether he was bribed needs to be investigated." The emperor said indifferently, his eyes fixed on Qin Zixuan's elongated head, and the kid didn't look carefully just now.

Qin Zixuan glanced at it and said: "Don't worry, this person can't make a big wave, just leave it alone for now, if he wants to move, you can use the lieutenant general's plan to trick him."

"This is a good idea." The emperor was very happy after hearing this, and he decided to plan. In the future, whoever is planning is not sure. Qin Zixuan had another conversation with the emperor, and then he left the palace. Li Han accompanied Qin Zixuan all the way out of the palace. Eyes shot to a corner.

(End of this chapter)

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