Second-hand little prince

Chapter 938 Assassination

Chapter 938 Assassination
There was murderous intent in Li Han's eyes, staring at a corner, Qin Zixuan felt something was wrong, could something be wrong?However, Qin Zixuan didn't feel the murderous intent, so it is estimated that the other party has not released the murderous intent yet.

Based on his intuition, Qin Zixuan also figured out the rules. His perception of danger comes from the murderous intent of the opponent. If the opponent does not release the murderous intent, Qin Zixuan will not feel it.

Li Han looked at it for a while, but he was not in a hurry to do it. This place is not far from the gate of the palace. I believe that person would not choose this kind of place to do it. Li Han was going to find a suitable place to do it.

Just like that, Qin Zixuan and Li Han got into the carriage together, and in the palace, the emperor had already moved to the royal study, where he was sitting there reflecting on his past. Is she horny?

At this moment, the emperor began to doubt life, thinking about how many beauty tricks happened to Qin Zixuan.
The emperor counted on his fingers for a while, his hands were not enough, alas!Sighing, the emperor finally found out that there is a real gap between people, it seems that he should stay away from beauties in the future, everyone wants to harm me.

The queen sent a maid to ask where the emperor rested.In a nutshell, the palace has been empty for a long time, should you take care of it, Your Majesty, this means that your Majesty doesn't understand, he is planning to reboot.

Wei Dehai sent the people away, returned to stand beside the emperor, and looked at the thought-ridden emperor with a burst of sympathy, the royal family has no love!Wei Dehai thought for a while and added, Ben Gong has no love either!

Qin Zixuan's motorcade passed through Zhuque Street, Qin Zixuan felt a faint danger hit his heart, it seemed that the other party was planning to make a move here, and he didn't know who was the person who came this time.

Others robbed the world, and he was robbed. Qin Zixuan felt helpless thinking about it, making him look like a peerless beauty. Qin Zixuan held the sword while thinking about it.

Li Han glanced at Qin Zixuan, and said in a low voice, "Sir, you should stay in the car."

"Why? Are you underestimating me?" Qin Zixuan squinted at Li Han. He is also a little master now, and he has inner qi!Others' kung fu is hard work, but Qin Zixuan's kung fu is all acquired.

Seeing Qin Zixuan's complacent look, Li Han couldn't bear to hit this guy, so he had to follow Qin Zixuan to mess around, but fortunately she was by her side, who would dare to hurt the young man and kill him!
"Kill Qin Zixuan!" A shout suddenly sounded, and the stars in the sky hid in the clouds in fright, Qin Zixuan touched his nose, feeling that he was either robbing himself or killing himself!
"Which faction is it that came? Turn around and kill them!" Qin Zixuan cursed, and Li Han responded immediately. He wanted to kill the young man, so he passed her first.

Gunshots sounded outside, Li Han and Qin Zixuan walked out of the carriage side by side, Qin Zixuan held the sword, looked at a group of men in black flying over, his eyes were wide open, he didn't know where these masters came from.

These people's body skills are good, and soldiers can't lock their bodies.Li Han glanced twice and saw the doorway, Qin Zixuan nodded, his body skills are pretty good, let's try his luck.

Qin Zixuan pulled out his pistol and shot casually, and a man in black fell down. Qin Zixuan was so proud, calling himself a sharpshooter, that he knocked down an enemy with one shot.

The other soldiers looked at Qin Zixuan with admiration, they couldn't hit each other, the prince shot one by one, there is really no comparison between people, the prince is the prince, there is no comparison.

The Luoshui in Li Han's hand flew out suddenly, cutting through the neck of an enemy who was rushing forward, and then the long sword was in his hand. Li Han held the long sword and looked coldly at the enemy who was running towards him.

As soon as Qin Zixuan raised his hand, the people who were rushing forward suddenly changed their directions. Qin Zixuan laughed when he saw this appearance, and pointed forward with one hand, "Come indiscriminately!"

The soldier's legs softened and he knelt down. The prince of emotion was shooting randomly, and he moved too fast towards the enemy. The shooting might hit their forward trajectory, so a random shooting started.

The man in black who had grasped the rules was dumbfounded now, there is no rule at all, everyone shoots indiscriminately, and this group of people also cooperated, that is, I shoot this point on the same track, and you shoot that point, no Give the enemy room to dodge.

Qin Zixuan took a closer look and asked, "Is it the master?"

"No, a super fighter." Li Han's tone was very calm. If a master-level expert possessed this speed, it would be useless even if the personal soldiers shot randomly. Qin Zixuan took a deep breath. It seems that he has to be strong to live well. .

Li Han didn't pay much attention to the other party, just watched quietly, and suddenly called out to bring the bow, Bai Jing handed over Li Han's bow, and Liu Yi held the pistol and watched the play quietly.

Three arrows were fired in a row, and they shot at the fastest man in black. The man in black's pupils dilated, and he quickly turned around to avoid it. Unexpectedly, the arrow would change speed. Li Han even thought of the direction he would change in advance. This is the real arrow. master.

Qin Zixuan stretched out his thumb, this daughter-in-law is really awesome, she's amazing.Li Han raised the corners of his mouth, just like to see the admiration expression on the little Xianggong's face.

As more and more people in black fell down, the voices shouting to kill Qin Zixuan became weaker and weaker. Finally, some people saw that there was nothing they could do and turned around and ran away. !

Because of the speed of the man in black, this action did not catch anyone alive, but it reminded Qin Zixuan that the enemy is in the dark and has never disappeared. This kid has a headache just thinking about it. He has provoked whom. ?

With the arrival of the city guards, the body of the man in black was also dragged away. Qin Zixuan had become a habit of being assassinated, and now he didn't even bother to look at the body. It was really annoying to see.

Back at Prince Cheng's Mansion, Qin Zixuan and Li Han analyzed who these people would be under. The speed of the Shangguan family was good. It might be their tricks, and of course it might be Yunmengguo's people.

Thinking of Yunmeng Country, Qin Zixuan's egg hurts for a while. If Yunmeng Country has a large population, Qin Zixuan will recognize it. A small country with hundreds of thousands of people actually dreams of becoming the hegemon of the mainland. Why are they not afraid of supporting themselves to death?

Qin Zixuan's statement caused Li Han to laugh out loud. He said that the bold are starved to death and the timid are starved to death. This is absolutely true. Yun Mengguo belongs to the stupid and bold. I really don't understand why they jumped out.

Sitting next to him, Bai Jing suddenly interjected, "I think it's also possible that King Hulun made the move."

"Really? Tell me your reason." Qin Zixuan's eyes widened. Two of his previous opponents had been silently eliminated, and now King Hulun jumped out. Who will jump out in the future?Qin Zixuan is really looking forward to it, the world is getting more and more lively.

(End of this chapter)

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