Second-hand little prince

Chapter 940 Assassination

Chapter 940 Assassination
The latest map of the continental distribution is drawn on the map, which were discovered by Daqin's spies who risked their lives to travel.Qin Zixuan looked at this map and thought of Huaxia Shenzhou.

A monarch who claimed to be in charge of the world did not realize until the end that he was not in charge of the world, but only a part of the map. The current situation is quite similar to the situation at that time.

The adjacent mainland is fine, someone has been there, and there are still some traces to check, and nothing is known about the sea. Now because Qin Zixuan has to prepare for the country, Qin Zixuan can't go to sea.

"Is this the Yunmeng Kingdom?" Qin Zixuan pointed at the map, with a funny expression on his face, thinking of Yunmeng Kingdom's great ambition, wondering how they are preparing, whether they will meet on the battlefield, or whether they are Before encountering it, Yunmengguo was wiped out by others first.

"This is Yunmeng. Passing through Yunmeng Swamp, there is an iceberg. There are people on the other side of the iceberg, but because of the harsh environment, they cannot turn over. The spies arrived there by sea."

The emperor's finger slid across the map, his face was full of excitement, he just realized that the world is so big, and his goal in this life is to expand the territory.

Li Han stood beside Qin Zixuan with his hands behind his back, tapped the map with his chin, and said, "These will conquer them sooner or later, but our current enemy is on the grassland, and King Hulun's goal is also not small."

"Well, it makes sense." The emperor nodded, and he agreed with Li Han's words very much. Now the biggest enemy is on the grassland. They have magnificent war horses, and he suffered a big loss on the horses.

These years have been improving the quality of the horses, and the effect is also there. They can rule the roost in the Three Kingdoms, but compared with the horses on the grassland, they are still much weaker. Qin Zixuan rubbed his nose and then bombarded them with long spears.

These words were quite confident, and the emperor smiled after hearing this. This is true, since you can't hold the opponent's horses, then use long guns and cannons to bombard them, as long as you subdue them.

While several people were talking, Wei Dehai walked in from the outside and looked at Li Han with a strange expression. The emperor asked what happened?Wei Dehai took out a piece of information.

What was written on it was to assassinate Qin Zixuan and Li Han. This time, Li Han was also included in the list of must-kills. Qin Zixuan rested his chin and sighed. Here we go again!

"Who is here this time?" Qin Zixuan asked weakly.

"This time it's the joint assassination team, there are experts from Yunmeng Kingdom, there are also experts from the grassland, and also," Wei Dehai glanced at the emperor, and continued: "There are also experts from the Shangguan family. It's a master class master."

"How many people are there?" the emperor asked anxiously, now the emperor also believes the saying that those who win Qin Zixuan win the world, it is really not a lie, Qin Zixuan's ability is too great.

"Uncle Huang, after you take down Yunmeng Kingdom, you hand over their national teacher to me, and I will chop him up with knives. It's too bad. Isn't this just looking for trouble." Qin Zixuan shouted angrily.

The person sitting in the world is the emperor and the prince, and I am a person hiding under a big tree to enjoy the shade. Why do these people keep staring at me?
"Okay, Uncle Huang promises you." The emperor agreed straight away, and also began to worry about protecting Qin Zixuan, he couldn't trap him in Prince Cheng's mansion.

"By the way, Your Majesty, since most of the land in Western Qin has been conquered, have Jiang Min and Xiao Tian been found? I want to know how they are doing now?" Li Han suddenly remembered his spy camp.

The emperor shook his head and asked Wei Dehai to secretly order the spies to pay attention to the two of them. These two are Li Han's darlings. They must have some skills, and they are also very big. We need to find out where they are hidden and who betrayed Daqin.

The emperor is very clear about the skills of the spy battalion, even though they are just small spies, they have the ability to overwhelm the river and sea, so we have to guard against them.

"The address provided by Lian Xiang cannot be found, which means that the other party has moved. If my guess is correct, these two people will be killed in all likelihood. Now the key point is to find out who betrayed Daqin. Qin Zixuan interrupted suddenly, Li Han nodded in agreement.

After talking for a while, Qin Zixuan decided to go back to the mansion. The matter here has been settled, and when the Western Qin Dynasty is destroyed, Daqin will fight head-on with the prairie eagle.

When passing through the grassland at that time, Qin Zixuan didn't feel any pressure. Now thinking that the other party is his enemy, Qin Zixuan feels the pressure is huge. Those people are inhumane, and they are not afraid of death. Some of these battles have been fought.

The two left the palace, Qin Zixuan was riding on Taxue's back, humming a ditty, facing the unknown enemy, Qin Zixuan's mentality was not bad, he was not frightened stupid.

Back at Prince Cheng's mansion, Dahai was punching with his fists, his little face was covered with sweat, the little guy wanted to make himself stronger, and then protect his silly father, Qin Zixuan hugged Dahai for a while, and advised Dahai to take it easy and don't tire himself out.

Gu Yueru heard that she wanted to beat someone up, but she let it be lazy and persuaded her children to learn from him. This kind of father must be the best of Qin Zixuan, Qin Zixuan's face was covered with sweat from Dahai's head.

The two were talking and laughing as they walked back, Gu Yueru suddenly said: "Baihualou has opened again, I don't know who made the move this time, there are really unbelievers in this world."

"Cut, there are too many rich people in this world. Even if Baihualou is unlucky a hundred times, someone will take over. After all, there is a limit to being unlucky. Maybe this time it can be revived." Qin Zixuan continued happily, and quickly Walking in, he didn't take it to heart.

Now that he is so busy, he doesn't have time to go to the brothel, so that's good, so as not to be read by his mother, as if he went to the brothel to be a bad boy. This is why Qin Zixuan is really drunk.

"Father, did you encounter any danger on the road?" Dahai asked.He looked Qin Zixuan up and down, his clothes were intact, so he should not be in any danger.

Qin Zixuan shook his head, he didn't encounter any danger, he just flashed away when he encountered danger, Qin Zixuan walked into the house while chatting, and saw Feng Wu Qinglan walking out with Ling'er in his arms, Qin Zixuan's expression changed and sparkled.

"Hold me over here and have a look." Dahai waved and called, Feng Wuqinglan walked over holding Ling'er, Linger's eyes quickly found Dahai, and excitedly opened her hands to be hugged by Dahai, turning a blind eye to Qin Zixuan.

Qin Zixuan's smiling face was gorgeously ignored by others, his heart was broken into eight petals, my precious daughter, why didn't she wait to see herself?Qin Zixuan couldn't figure it out, not only Qin Zixuan couldn't figure it out, everyone couldn't figure it out.

But Ling'er likes the sea very much. Dahai hugged Ling'er for two laps. Linger clucked joyfully. Dahai's heart softened. It turned out that there was a younger sister who felt like this. No wonder the father was begging for his daughter all day long. , he will have a bunch of daughters in the future, too cute, Dahai loves this feeling to death.

(End of this chapter)

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