Second-hand little prince

Chapter 941 Reward 1

Chapter 941 A Reward

Qin Zixuan sat on the floor of the house, with a bunch of radish heads in front of him, looking at this and that, he couldn't help grinning happily, while Li Han sat beside him and watched Qin Zixuan also blooming happily.

Soon the room was full of laughter, Qin Zixuan tried his best to amuse his children, he didn't have the majesty of a father like other people, he was just a heartless father who didn't worry about the danger from the outside world.

Playing with the children for a long time, until the masters of the children came to the door, Qin Zixuan reluctantly bid farewell to the children, the little guy was going to take a medicinal bath, Li Han dragged Qin Zixuan back, and the husband should also take a medicinal bath .

The next day, several merchants came from the gate of Yujing City. These merchants carried a few newly hunted prey on their backs and swaggered into Yujing City. The first place was to go to Weijixuan. They were going to taste the delicacies of the world. .

These people went to Weijixuan to order a table of food, ordered a few jars of wine, and started to find fault with each one after eating and drinking. They had no money to pay the bill, and they even scolded the thief for being black-hearted. The price was too high. The angry thief wanted to beat him to death These dogs don't even look at where they are eating the overlord's meal.

Qin Zixuan got the news and personally brought the troops over. He knew that a group of masters were coming to Yujing to kill him, so he had to give them a chance to do it anyway.

I heard that it was a multi-departmental joint assassination, but the news I got so far is that this group of people is the only one. I don't know if the others didn't show up or dared to show their faces. No matter who it is, Qin Zixuan doesn't want to hide from him.

Bringing the troops to the front, Qin Zixuan ran to Thief first to see if the old man had been injured. In fact, he was slipping, so it was impossible for him to be injured, but Xiaoer was killed.

The corpse was placed in the lobby, Qin Zixuan was furious when he saw it, why not, since the palace of Cheng Cheng is full of dead people, it depends on the owner when beating a dog, doesn't it depend on the owner when killing someone?
Qin Zixuan waved his hand, and shot out the Skynet in his hand, trapping the loudest guy who was screaming. This guy saw the Skynet falling from the sky, and struggled quickly, not wanting to have a pistol behind the Skynet.

Qin Zixuan shot him in the head, and his struggling body fell to the ground within a few hits. The bustling scene was quiet, and even the guests who watched the scene felt chills in their necks.

"You dare to make trouble in my territory, you are quite courageous!" Qin Zixuan held his gun, tilted his mouth, slanted his legs and shook his feet, looked at the group of people in front of him up and down for a while, followed by a burst of contempt.

"It's you bastards who want to kill me?" Qin Zixuan cut his teeth, sincerely looking down on these people, "If you want to kill me, you go to Prince Cheng's mansion if you have the guts. Is it interesting to have trouble with a little girl? Do you have any!"

The rioters looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn't expect that a teammate would die first before they acted. The most important thing is that they would know their purpose before they acted.

Could it be that someone leaked the plan for this trip? After this idea appeared, the faces of several people changed drastically, and their eyes rolled around for a while, looking for a chance to break through. They didn't want to die here.

"Anyone who dares to kill me is an enemy!" Qin Zixuan yelled slowly, raising the pistol in his hand again.

"Wait a minute, my lord, this is a misunderstanding. We are not killers, but businessmen." One of them shouted, typing a code word in his hand, Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows after seeing it.

I have someone of my own. It seems that this person leaked the news. This person has to be let go. It is hard to say whether the others should let go. Qin Zixuan turned around twice with his gun in his hand and asked, "You said you are businessmen, not here to make trouble. Yes, do you have any money after eating so much?"

This question got to the point, whether you have money is the key point, if you don’t have money and dare to order a big table, it’s a disturbance, and you don’t need proof, it’s a disturbance, Wei Xiao secretly praised it as a good question, this question doesn’t need his explanation.

Wei Xiao only needs to ensure that he will not be killed by mistake. As for the others, hehe, it is up to them whether they live or die. Anyway, as long as he completes this vote, he can become a regular.

"Here, money, hehe, yes." A dark-faced man laughed a few times, and took out a crumpled bank note from his clothes, with the words "100" written on it, and [-] taels of silver note is also called a rich man , Qin Zixuan was about to cramp from laughter.

100 taels is not called a rich man, probably Qin Zixuan’s Weijixuan is as arrogant. The robber saint calculated that a table meal costs 8000 taels, and killing a mistress costs 5 taels. The total is 8000 taels. two.

When this figure came out, several people were frightened and stupid, why should they be so exaggerated.Let’s not talk about the food, why don’t they grab it if a mistress pays [-] yuan.

There is really no need to grab this one, someone brought it up, Qin Zixuan loaded his gun, pointed at the red-faced man, with a sneer on his lips, he could tell that this person should be the leader.

Now that you have found the right owner, don't let it go, if you don't take the money, you will die!Zhang Wei's face was blue with anger when Qin Zixuan pointed a gun at him. He is a majestic master, and he is still alive today. He really couldn't swallow this anger.

Regardless of whether he could swallow it or not, Qin Zixuan was ready to keep this man, but it was the wrinkled 100 taels of silver in the hand of the black-faced man that really irritated Qin Zixuan.

The price of Weijixuan has always been open. Those who have money come in and those who have no money go out. They never deceive people. The real price is clearly marked. Are you wondering if you have money?
It was obvious at a glance that this group of people wanted to eat the overlord's meal. If they could kill themselves by the way, they would surely wake up laughing. In fact, that was the intention, but they didn't expect Qin Zixuan to frighten them with his attack.

Who would have thought that Qin Zixuan would kill a master with a single shot. They don't have a holy master here, and masters are also afraid of death. They are worried that they will follow in the footsteps, so of course they have to be careful.

"Don't tell me, if you have something to say, a mistress is just a cheap life. Isn't 5 yuan too much? Besides, you also killed our people. It is reasonable for one life to be worth one life. Is it right to pay compensation?" Too much?"

Zhang Wei told Qin Zixuan to stop, he didn't want to be a corpse on the ground, the meaning in his words had been subdued, and he regretted coming this time, he knew that Qin Zixuan was not easy to kill, so he joined other people before killing him.

Qin Zixuan pursed his lips, a cheap life, cut it, Qin Zixuan pointed at the other person's nose and cursed: "A cheap life is about you, my younger brother is the most precious, their annual salary is 300 taels of silver, plus Do you know how much they can earn in a year?"

Speaking of this, Qin Zixuan snorted with contempt on his face, pointed at Qin Ziming and said, "Reward one to open the eyes of these poor people."

"Okay, Xiaoer, I'll give you a reward!" Qin Ziming was super cooperative, and tipped a stack of banknotes. Xiaoer took the banknotes and thanked him, and then counted them one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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