Second-hand little prince

Chapter 942 Losing Money

Chapter 942 Losing Money
After Xiao Er finished counting, Zhang Wei and his group were completely disgraced. Qin Ziming immediately rewarded 10 taels, which was twice as much as Xiao Er's compensation.

Qin Ziming watched the show with his hands behind his back and his stomach upright. If you want to say that he is not bad for money, he is not short of money for following brother Xuan.

With gold silk embroidered on his body and a jade belt wrapped around his waist, this guy wears all valuables on his body. Unlike Qin Zixuan's low-key, Qin Ziming is a representative figure who shows off his wealth in a high-profile way.

Qin Zixuan gave Thief a sideways glance, and the Thief shouted: "The price of the junior status has increased, and the compensation is 15 taels."

puff!Zhang Wei was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, he just said a word, and the price went up by [-], he opened his mouth, Wei Xiao persuaded in a low voice: "Brother Zhang, don't talk about it, what if the price increases again? "

"Then kill it!" Zhang Wei gritted his teeth in hatred. He was a majestic master, but he could still be controlled by a little prince. He didn't believe in this evil.

"I can't get out!" Wei Xiao had no choice but to remind Zhang Wei to look around carefully. He really couldn't get out. After a while, all the spectators inside were kicked out, and the people staying here were all elite soldiers.

These guys held long guns in their hands and surrounded them. Qin Zixuan even stared at them with a gun in his hand. If he wanted to survive, he had to cooperate, otherwise he might die.

"I don't have any money, but I have one thing!" Zhang Wei shouted, Qin Zixuan was overjoyed when he heard it, who was he talking to, he dared to be so arrogant when he didn't have money, he raised his hand and shot Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei had already resisted, and moved away, he did, and the companion who had been standing behind him was unlucky, the bullet pierced through the abdomen, and knelt on the ground in pain.

Qin Zixuan missed with one shot, and shot two more at Zhang Wei. Zhang Wei had been hiding from Qin Zixuan, but Yang Shulin had sharp eyes and shot a cold shot, hitting Zhang Wei in the chest.

If Zhang Wei hadn't seen the opportunity and avoided the heart, this shot would have left him behind.Zhang Wei didn't play tricks this time, he knew he was careless, the Sharpshooter Team of Prince Cheng's Mansion was no joke.

Zhang Wei, who had been honest, took out a stack of banknotes from his arms with great difficulty. He was an official for thousands of miles only for money, and he killed people for thousands of miles for money. Unexpectedly, the money was ruined before the people were killed.

Counted out 15 taels of silver notes and handed them to Qin Zixuan, Qin Zixuan curled his lips, Yang Shulin stepped forward to take the silver notes and stuffed them into the hands of the Thief, tilting his head and said: "My lord, a total of eighteen shots were fired, and the cost of one bullet It’s 8000 taels, and the total is 1000 taels.”

Hehe, Qin Zixuan smiled, Yang Shulin is getting more and more sophisticated, he doesn't need to wink, Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows, looked at Zhang Wei and said: "Did you hear that? Don't give me a chance to get angry."

The corners of Zhang Wei's mouth twitched a few times, who is giving someone a chance to show off, look at Xiaoer who is lying on the ground, and then look at the bank note in his hand, he is the one who wants to show off now, okay?

"Boss, give it to him, anyway, 15 taels have been taken out." An old man with a goatee persuaded in a low voice, regardless of his age, he is also afraid of death.

The man who was shot in the abdomen lowered his head, his face flashed sternness from time to time, he didn't know who he was hating, but Zhang Wei was stubborn, the gunshot wound on his body was only bandaged with a cloth, and he kept dealing with Qin Zixuan.

At this time, I heard the persuasion of the old man with the goatee, and after thinking about it, it was true. I took the big head of 15 yuan, is it even worse?So he counted another [-] and handed it to Yang Shulin.

How arrogant he was when he came to Weijixuan for dinner, and how embarrassing he was at this moment, his face was slapped, and Qin Zixuan, a specialist in face slapping, was still thinking of ways to make money.

Seeing the broken tables and chairs, Qin Zixuan pointed to them and said something, seeing Qin Zixuan's action, the thief immediately pulled out his plan, Zhang Wei was so angry that his face turned purple.

This is endless, right? If you want money, tell me earlier, can't you settle it all at once?This is cutting flesh with a knife, one knife and one knife is endless, right!Zhang Wei was angry, so naturally he had no good words, the clothes on his chest were wet with blood, dripping down the robe.

Qin Zixuan pursed his lips in amusement, wondering if he had the ability to piss off a master to death, if he could really piss off a master, then he would add another sum to his great achievements on the stele.

Or move towards this goal?Qin Zixuan rolled his eyes to think about something good, and the thief had already calculated it. The total is 3 taels, and a table is 500 taels. It is made of high-quality golden nanmu, which is very valuable.

Zhang Wei pointed at the broken table and shouted, "Where's the gold thread? Find me a thread!"

Uh, Robber is speechless, most afraid that someone will be serious, I really can't find the gold thread, I don't know if taking two from Qin Ziming's body counts?Qin Ziming didn't know Thief Saint was up to him, so he was watching the show with his stomach in his arms.

This set of extortion methods is not bad, Qin Ziming decided to learn how to do it, it is very good to cut flesh with a knife, Qin Ziming always likes it, I feel that brother Xuan is rich, he is too good at torturing people.

Qin Zixuan blinked, and asked back: "Is it difficult for Master Dangtang to shatter the gold thread?"

Zhang Wei was speechless when asked this question, could he say it was difficult?Wouldn't that mean plastering the master's face? If it's not difficult, wouldn't it mean that the gold threads in the broken wood were shattered by them, and wouldn't it mean that he would lose money?

Everything else is easy to say, just this money, Zhang Wei doesn't want to pay for this money, look at the bank notes in his hand, and if he pays, what will they eat, drink, and live in?He came to Yujing and asked for money everywhere, but he had no money!

"Tsk tsk, it turns out that you are fake masters. You can't even break a gold thread. You are so embarrassed to come out to mess around. Isn't it shameful? You want money, no money, no strength, no strength? Where do you have the face to come to Yujing? Where did you come from?" Smash my Weijixuan in the face?"

Qin Zixuan despised Zhang Wei and his party from head to toe with his hands behind his back, and finally came to the conclusion that these few people were all fake masters, and that's right, there were a few masters who came in with wild game, and called them "I" We are businessmen!
Qin Zixuan couldn't help laughing at the thought of a group of businessmen who were poor with only 100 taels of silver. The phoenix eyes were bent into crescents.

It seems that the young man had a good time playing, so let him play for a while. Li Han stood in the ranks of the soldiers and did not come out, watching the big show with his arms folded.Qin Zixuan didn't know that his daughter-in-law was here, and he was still circling around to see if there was anything valuable on these people.

The thief shook his abacus and shouted: "There is still 3 taels short, pay quickly."

Zhang Wei's hand holding the bank note trembled twice, suspecting that Thief Saint was looking at the bank note in his hand to settle the accounts. Does he still have 3 taels of bank note?Zhang Wei wanted to know the truth very much. For the first time, he found out that being the boss in charge of the money bag is also a hard work.

(End of this chapter)

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