Chapter 943
Seeing Zhang Wei counting the money with pain on his face, Wei Xiao burned a stick of incense to Zhang Wei in his heart, which meant that they lost all their meal money.At the end of the compensation, they didn't make up 3 taels, so they took away all the loose money they had.

The group of people saw that Zhang Wei's expression was not right. They were eating meat with Brother Zhang. Before the meat was in their mouths, they lost all their wealth. Where did they live in Weijixuan?

Of course, this is not the most frightening thing. The most frightening thing is that their identities have been exposed. Daqin is not alone now, and he is also protected by masters. If these masters come out to kill them, where will they go to find someone to reason with.

And this kind of thing is very likely to happen. After all, they have seen Qin Zixuan's shamelessness. It is really shameless. Qin Zixuan didn't know that someone was scolding him in his heart, and he was counting the bank notes one by one for fun.

"Can we go?" Zhang Wei asked with a dark face, but he didn't dare to make a move.

"Yes." Qin Zixuan replied cheerfully, stepped back, the soldiers dodged a path, and Qin Zixuan happily counted the money in his hand.

Zhang Wei snorted, and walked out of Weijixuan under the stares of the soldiers. Not long after they left, Xiao Er who was lying on the ground suddenly turned over and got up from the ground.

Thief Saint stepped forward and kicked, cursing: "You still don't want to roll over and greet the prince."

Qin Zixuan was stunned, and actually feigned death in front of a group of masters. Where did this talent come from?

"Little Ma Liu kowtowed to the lord, thank you lord for the bowl of rice." Ma Liu rolled to Qin Zixuan's side and kowtowed to Qin Zixuan, and walked aside cheerfully.

Thief Saint then stepped forward and explained: "This is my year-end friend. He can't get along on the road and joins me. He has no other skills. He is very good at cheating death. He often lies on the ground as a dead body."

Pfft, Qin Zixuan couldn't stop laughing, and asked Ma Liu if he sold himself to bury his father?Ma Liu nodded, it was really that kind, Qin Zixuan was even happier after hearing this, and asked why Ma Liu quit, the business was very good.

Ma Liu grinned and replied: "My lord, it's not that I don't want to do it anymore, it's because my partner sold me in and ran away with the seller. I have no partner."

Hey, is there such an operation?Qin Zixuan was stunned when he heard this, what is it called, a good partner actually took a fancy to him and paid him out, this business is really a big loss.

"Why don't you find a partner anymore?" Qin Ziming squeezed out from the soldiers, looked at Ma Liu up and down for a while, this guy was also curious after hearing it from the crowd, and he had met many people who sold themselves to bury their fathers , but did not take it home.

Alas, Ma Liuyi sighed first, then bowed, and then replied: "Young Lord, we need a fate in business, I feel that my fate with that business is exhausted, if I force it, I'm afraid I'll catch up with you." My life."

"Is there such a thing?" Qin Zixuan was so curious, he never knew that there was such a thing as selling one's body to bury his father. Isn't it possible to do it casually?
"360 lines, there are particularities in the line of work, but the rules are dead, and people are alive. There are not many people in this line of work who really abide by the rules, so the end result is not so good. Most of them die where they are buried. You have little money, but you can't save a penny."

Ma Liu smiled wryly, this is not a big deal, the fact is true, basically all the money he earned in these years was spent in brothels, and he is still alone.

Having been kicked by Zhang Wei before, the habitual action came out, and he hid there and pretended to be dead, but he didn't expect that he didn't die, but the other party hanged one person and lost everything.

It was only then that Ma Liu discovered that there was a big gap between people. He had worked so hard all his life and hadn't earned 15 yuan. Now that he got 15 yuan here, the money was amazing.

Qin Zixuan looked at Pirate Saint, this old man seemed to have said the same thing, could it be that even the easy-to-make money business can't save money?Qin Zixuan felt that it should have something to do with people.

It's easy to make money by yourself, but he still saves a lot of money, he is the one who takes care of the family's big business, and there are a bunch of subordinates under him, all of them are rich, and they are all rich when they walk out of Chengwang's mansion.

Since Ma Liu is not dead, Qin Zixuan asked him to do a good job, and at the same time gave him a reward of [-]. Weijixuan's staff rewarded them all. Li Han stood behind Qin Zixuan with his hands behind his back, wanting to see when the young man would find her. exist.

The thief took the silver ticket to reward the staff, and did not interfere with the little love between the couple.

Qin Ziming took the banknote returned by Xiaoer, put it in his pocket happily, couldn't help but glance at Li Han, wondering how long the general will hide?
Qin Zixuan hugged Qin Ziming's shoulders, and asked to go upstairs to have a drink. His wife goes to the military camp every day, life is boring!Let's find a brother for a few drinks.

Li Han followed the two upstairs, when footsteps came from behind him, Li Han looked back, saw that it was his own soldiers, stopped and waited for news, Qin Zixuan also heard the footsteps, and saw Li Han when he turned his head .

Ouch, Qin Zixuan yelled, and quickly ran towards Li Han, yelling, "My eldest daughter-in-law, why are you here?"

This voice frightened the soldiers to stop, standing there not knowing whether to advance or retreat, the prince was flirting with the general, it seems that it is not good to bump into it at this time.

Li Han turned around happily, she has been here for a long time, it's because the husband didn't find out, okay!Qin Zixuan came to Li Han's side and reached out to recruit his own soldiers. If you have something to say, hurry up and he will listen.

The soldiers came forward to report the news, that is, Zhang Wei and his party went out of Weijixuan and entered a yard. The yard was a businessman's house. At present, the businessman's family is not in Yujing, and the house is managed by the housekeeper. What should I do next? You have to obey the general's orders.

Li Han raised his eyebrows. It seems that this kind of house also needs to be checked. These small businessmen are also the best cover for spies. Li Han asked the soldiers to arrange people to keep an eye on it. Leave.

The soldiers led the order to retreat, Qin Zixuan and Li Han went upstairs side by side, Qin Ziming sat with him, the three sat there talking and laughing, not worried about the sudden appearance of a master.

Qin Ziming played with the Dongzhu in his hand, and said, "Brother Xuan, do you want my brother to help out with a few missions? The blood demons are still idle."

Qin Zixuan is very clear that the blood demons don't touch members of the royal family, so during this period of time, some people have pressured the blood demons to complete several missions, but it is a pity that the blood demons resisted the pressure and refused to do it.

Hearing Qin Ziming mentioning the blood demon, Qin Zixuan felt that he couldn't be left idle. If so, then find something to do, what to do?This needs to be thought about carefully. Qin Zixuan picked his nose to trick him, his eyes rolled around, and Li Han curled his lips.
(End of this chapter)

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