Chapter 944

Qin Zixuan took 100 million silver tickets and asked Qin Ziming to go on a mission, not targeting the royal families of various countries, nor targeting the generals of various countries, but issued a hunting order for those who chased him down.

In other words, whoever kills Qin Zixuan, who Qin Zixuan kills, and who is going to kill him, Qin Zixuan doesn't know, this blood demon should have the ability to know, Qin Zixuan is not worried at all that someone will not find the target.

Not long after Zhang Wei and his party entered the room, the butler brought the doctor into the room. Zhang Wei was not the only one injured, but also an unlucky guy. Both of them were seriously injured.

The doctor scratched his head anxiously after checking the injuries of the two people. This wound is different from the arrow wound. You only need to pull out the tip of the arrow for the arrow wound. But how can this wound be repaired?It was the first time Langzhong encountered such an injury, and he was helpless.

What kind of person is Zhang Wei? He was so angry at first, and when he saw this stupid doctor refused to heal him, he thought that the other party did it on purpose. Zhang Wei believed in his heart that the other party was sent by Qin Zixuan to disgust him, so he was furious. Xia raised his hand and slapped Lang Zhong to death.

The housekeeper stood there dumbfounded, would he be so awesome, would he still hang out in Yujing?Beating the doctor to death is a death sentence?It's not something that can be settled with money, the housekeeper scolded the few people in front of him in his heart, who are they? He asked a doctor with good intentions, but he turned out to be a wolf with good intentions.

Well, the housekeeper doesn't care, he should step aside, these people are masters, they are the ones that the boss will never offend, the housekeeper should avoid it for the sake of his own life.

Just like that, Zhang Wei slapped Lang Zhong to death angrily, and the housekeeper excused him to invite Lang Zhong again, and he would not enter the house again when he went out.

The family has fields, houses, wives and children, and the housekeeper really doesn't want to continue to serve others. Now that Daqin's system is getting better and better, it's good to be an ordinary person. This housekeeper's job can be quit, and he should spend some money to redeem himself.

After the butler left, Zhang Wei checked his wound by himself, and found that it was full of pieces of iron. If these things were not cleaned up, they would kill him sooner or later, but how to get them out?

Don't look at Zhang Wei's injuries, he turned his head not slow at all, and soon thought of a plan, he was not the only one suffering from this kind of injury, so the whole mouse.

It was a good idea to let Zhou Qian heal the doctor when he came again. It's just that the doctor can't wait for the left and the right. It's fine if the doctor doesn't show up, and even the housekeeper didn't show up.

Zhang Wei waited impatiently, so he sent another servant to invite the doctor, and brought the housekeeper back by the way, asking if he died outside?Zhang Wei didn't know that the butler didn't die outside, but went to jail.

That guy knew that his boss had no good intentions. Who were they receiving here? He was injured all over and had a bad temper. Even the doctor was beaten to death. To be on the safe side, he should turn himself in first.

The news reached Qin Zixuan's ears, Qin Zixuan was so happy, those people are really talented, the master just has a bad temper, so awesome!No matter what time it is, I still show the master's score, and I am not afraid of being poisoned to death by the doctor.

Now that he knew where his opponent was resting, Qin Zixuan didn't stay idle, and sent a few more people, including a Langzhong, to Weijixuan, who was worried about hurting his own people, so he did it in someone else's courtyard, which was fine.

The doctor who was sent in was a capable man, this person was Little Poison Girl's senior brother, after returning from the sea, Little Poison Girl and Poisonous Snake went back to the Five Poison Sect to study the poison they brought back, and now it was troublesome, so they sent Duxie to Qin Zixuan's side.

One is to prevent Qin Zixuan from being poisoned, and two, if someone is poisoned, he can be treated in time. Even if the poison cannot be cured, it can still be suppressed for a few days, which bought time for the little poison girl.

Facing the kindness of the little poisonous girl, Qin Zixuan was thankful. When he heard that the other party was asking for a doctor, Du Xie took the initiative to ask for a fight. He ate and drank by Qin Zixuan's side all the time.

Du Xie followed his subordinates into the courtyard, and along the way, the subordinates repeatedly told Du Xie that he must be careful. The injured person had a bad temper and could not be stimulated. After hearing this, Du Xie curled his lips. Whose temper is it?
Entering the yard, stepping over to enter the courtyard, and entering the inner room, looking around with poisonous eyes, the servant stood there and answered honestly, but the housekeeper was not found, the doctor invited back, he is the doctor with the best medical skills in Yujing City.

When the servant said this, he also asked Zhang Wei to prepare some money. He is a famous doctor who charges high fees. As a result, Zhang Wei's face turned purple. If he had money, could he wait until now to hire a doctor?

He had already gone to the clinic to seek treatment, but he endured it until now because he had no money, and the servants couldn't speak, so he actually asked Zhang Wei for the outpatient fee he had paid in advance, which was always the same money.

It was this small amount of consistent money that stimulated Zhang Wei, that guy slapped the servant out of the room, Du Xie lowered his head and twitched the corners of his mouth a few times, it seemed that these people were not clear about being stimulated by the prince.

He was so angry that he couldn't tell the enemy from himself, this is the rhythm of civil war!Fortunately, this time, Zhang Wei didn't kill him, and the servants spit blood lying in the courtyard, feeling a hatred in their hearts.

Now the servants also understand that there is no way to find the butler. The butler must have found out that something is wrong and slipped away. He is a second idiot.

"Give him a diagnosis and treatment." Zhang Weiqing yelled with a straight face, he didn't mention the consultation fee, Du Xie secretly laughed, and glanced at him, seeing that Zhang Wei looked very angry, he still didn't irritate the other party.

But Du Xie didn't want to irritate the other party, and the other wounded quit. His family knew about his family affairs, and Zhou Qian also knew that his injury was incurable. guinea pig.

It is also because these two people have high strength and good physical fitness. If ordinary people were injured like this, they would have cried and begged for help. These two people still have time to play tricks.
Zhou Qian called out that Zhang Wei is the boss and nothing can happen, so Zhang Wei treats first, he can bear it, and asks Du Xie to heal Zhang Wei first, Du Xie looks at Zhang Wei, Zhang Wei refuses to let Du Xie do it, saying that he is the boss and should take care of him Subordinate, treat Zhou Qian first.

Wei Xiao watched the two push back and forth for a while, and thought they had a good relationship, God knows how bad their relationship is, this is trying to push each other to become guinea pigs. Crack, no one is a fool.

In the end, Zhou Qian refused to obey Zhang Wei's order to the death, and Zhang Wei jumped in anger, wanting to start a war. Both of them are masters, and if they really want to fight, neither of them can think well.

Fortunately, Zhang Wei is the leader, and the leader's privileges are still limited. He actually ordered Zhou Qian to seek medical treatment, otherwise he would disobey the order and be severely punished by law.

(End of this chapter)

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