Second-hand little prince

Chapter 946 Interrogation

Chapter 946 Interrogation
Qin Zixuan led a group of people into the courtyard and came to the room. Everyone was being attracted by Du Xie's operation. Qin Zixuan looked at the door for a while and stared at Zhang Wei with a smile. We will fight again, he waited. It's on.

The atmosphere became different, and everyone noticed it. Seeing Qin Zixuan standing there with a smile, they touched his waist one after another, and found that something was wrong with this touch, and they couldn't mobilize their internal energy.

If they haven't noticed something is wrong, they are fools. Zhang Wei was so angry that he vomited blood on the spot. Qin Zixuan looked at Zhang Wei with a smile and let the other party utter evil words. He grabbed several alive ones!
Zhou Qian's old face was cloudy and uncertain, and he was lying there so weak that he couldn't straighten up. At this time, Zhou Qian didn't know whether to be lucky or unlucky, but fortunately he was not lying in the operation.

Qin Zixuan kicked away a master who was rushing upwards, then sat in the upper seat, and said quietly: "Everyone, I didn't expect that we would meet so soon, right?"

"Qin Zixuan, you villain!" Zhang Wei squeezed out a word from between his teeth. Because of too much force, blood gushed out from his chest. Du Xie slapped the wound, ordering Zhang Wei to be honest and not to affect his operation.

The painful Zhang Wei narrowed his eyes, and then stared at Du Xie, wanting to ask what this bastard means?They have obviously been poisoned, so why continue the operation?Just kill him.

"Brother Xie, can this person still be saved?" Qin Zixuan asked with his head tilted, he was sincerely swallowed by the poisonous evil, and actually had the operation with a serious face, it couldn't be seen that he had ever plotted against the other party.

"As long as you don't kill him, his life will definitely survive." Du Xie replied during the operation, his hands were stained with blood, his eyes were still fixed on the knife edge, he was looking for those pieces of iron.

"High!" Qin Zixuan stretched out his thumb. This dear fellow, he mastered the method with only one experimenter. The imperial physicians in the imperial hospital performed several operations on many corpses before they could even scratch the surface.

Du Xie grinned, although he is a poisoner, but his medical skills are better, but not many people know about it, and of course few people dare to let him heal, the name of poison master is still very scary to say .

Qin Zixuan sat there watching Du Xie bandage up Zhang Wei's wound, and then waved him away. Of course, those who wanted to kill him would not be spared. He should take him down for an interrogation to see how many people are coming.

Throwing Zhang Wei and Zhou Qian together, Zhou Qian was so angry that it was this old guy's idea to trouble King Cheng, and now they are all prisoners, this old guy has an inescapable responsibility.

Qin Zixuan's team quickly returned to Prince Cheng's mansion, and the group was taken to prison. Qin Zixuan and Li Han set up a table of delicious food in the torture room, and there was a small wine in front of them. The two drank and ate. .

Zhou Qian really wanted to die at this time, because a soldier was hurting his injury and asked Zhou Qian what would happen if he untied the bandages.

What do you think about unraveling it?Of course, the intestines rolled out. Do you still need to ask this kind of question?Zhou Qian asked Qin Zixuan what he wanted in a weak and angry voice.

Qin Zixuan toasted with Li Han and asked, "Daughter-in-law, guess what I want to do?"

"You want to fuck me." Li Han replied naturally, and the soldier who was torturing Zhou Qian blushed, really blushing for the general, his skin was thicker than the city wall by visual inspection.

Qin Zixuan was choked and stared, where did this crazy girl come up with this sentence, is this the time to think about that kind of thing?Qin Zixuan's eyes rolled around. Fortunately, there were not many people here.

Lin Xi was looking up at the ceiling, Bai Jing lowered her head to play with the saber in her hand, and Liu Yi stared at her toes to observe her embroidered shoes, which were embroidered by her mother-in-law herself.

The soldiers have already begun to remove the bandages, so let's kill Zhou Qian first, for the sake of the general's face, Zhou Qian can no longer live, the soldiers are Li Han's personal soldiers, and they will especially think about Li Han.

Li Han didn't care what other people thought, he teased the young man, grinning, Qin Zixuan's ears turned red when he laughed, he blushed sincerely for his wife, why did he marry such a man, flirting regardless of the occasion.

"Stop, what on earth are you trying to do? You're throwing in a question." Zhou Qian was in a hurry, seeing that the straps were about to be untied, but there were no sutures in his stomach, as soon as the straps were untied, all the small intestines and large intestines rolled out up.

"Hey, haven't I lost the question yet?" Qin Zixuan waved his hand to signal the soldier to stop. He should ask a few questions, and it's not too late to untie the bandage if he doesn't cooperate.

"I didn't ask, you can ask." Seeing the soldier stop, Zhou Qian heaved a sigh of relief, his face was still pale, he gave up resisting and decided to cooperate with Qin Zixuan. kill him.

"Name, surname, age, occupation, hurry up, I'm not patient." Qin Zixuan finally dropped a question in the past, and still pretended to be impatient.

Zhou Qian didn't expect Qin Zixuan to ask such a simple question, so he quickly answered, his name is Zhou Qian, his gender is male, his age is 119, his occupation is stuck here, and finally he thought about defining it as a killer.

He was here to assassinate Qin Zixuan, so the job of assassin was not a wrong choice. Qin Zixuan continued to ask questions. After a series of questions, Qin Zixuan started from the bottom, and the speed became faster and faster, and he clearly asked Zhou Qian's old background.

Zhou Qian is an eagle on the prairie. He has been fighting prairie wolves all the time. He regards fighting prairie wolves as practice, and he learned martial arts from prairie wolves. All his skills are obtained through hard work.

Unexpectedly, Qin Zixuan took him to jail before he showed his glory. Zhou Qian thought about his battle with the prairie wolf, and then looked at the young man in front of him, shouting that people are more ruthless than wolves.

Qin Zixuan was delighted to hear that people are not more ruthless than wolves, how can they kill wolves? If he was not ruthless than these people, he would have already been lying dead on the ground. With the assassination time and time again, Qin Zixuan's courage and murderousness have been honed up.

Now Qin Zixuan will not be afraid when he sees a dead body, even if he kills himself, he will not be terrified. The gun in his hand has already been killed by blood. Hearing Zhou Qian's painfully summarized famous words, he just grinned.

Zhou Qian's greatest achievement in this life is to sum up a set of martial arts and cultivate to the level of a master. This man is a martial idiot, and he has never even played with a woman in his life. Qin Zixuan feels sorry for him. He has lived too much in this life.

Of course, the most embarrassing thing is not that he has never played with women, but that he was taken down just after he walked out of the grassland before showing his muscles, and he was also slandered. This is not a blow to Zhou Qian. Zhou Qian thinks about his life's hard work Unexpectedly, it is no match for a bullet from others, no matter how you think about it, it is not good, and you feel wronged and want to die.

(End of this chapter)

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