Second-hand little prince

Chapter 947 Confession

Chapter 947 Confession
Zhou Qian not only confessed his own background, but also confessed the background of Zhang Wei and the others. Of course, it is beneficial to do so, such as asking the doctor to sew his stomach up.

As long as the thread is stitched, you don't have to worry about your intestines rolling out. This proposal is still very tempting. Zhou Qian, who is afraid of death, accepts this temptation without thinking.

Their leader is Zhang Wei. This person has a great background. He is the master of King Hulun. King Hulun practiced martial arts in front of Zhang Wei since he was a child. Zhang Wei is very fond of him. Zhang Wei is also really kind to King Hulun. All his abilities were passed on to King Hulun.

The general trend of unification of the world is approaching, and King Hulun wants to fight for the hegemony of the world. Zhang Wei rushed to the front line. The previous assassinations of Qin Zixuan were planned by Zhang Wei.

Zhou Qian will appear in this team, and Zhang Wei launched a network to find people in. As long as Zhou Qian thinks of Zhang Wei's care for him, he will grit his teeth with hatred.

Zhou Qian didn't know much about Wei Xiao's origin. He heard that he met Zhang Wei when he was traveling in the grasslands. Will seal Wei Xiao as the side-by-side king.

I don't know how much water this title has. Anyway, Zhou Qianxu's title is also the king. Zhou Qian is not attracted by the great profit of the title, but because he can compete with masters.

It's a pity that the master didn't see it until now, but he was abused a lot. Zhou Qian doubted his life because of the injuries all over his body.

There were a total of seven people who set out this time, and two others had a temporary mission to go to West Qin. Those two were Zhang Wei's younger brothers and Zhang Wei's right-hand men. Zhou Qian didn't know what they were going to West Qin for.

Qin Zixuan frowned after hearing this, feeling that the two of them must have not held their shit when they went to Xiqin. It seemed that they had to remind the emperor to pay attention to the two of them.

The intention was very clear, that is, to ask Zhou Qian to draw the figure, Zhou Qian drew without saying a word, picked up the brush, and after the painting was finished, he looked like a master, and threw the brush aside, Qin Zixuan stretched his head to look, and was immediately amused.

This painting is even more cartoonish than a cartoon. If anyone can find someone with the painting, Qin Zixuan will give 1 likes. It's so awesome that it's impossible to tell that it's the head of the painting.

Zhou Qian blushed, he really couldn't draw, so Qin Zixuan had no choice but to ask his subordinates to invite an artist over, Zhou Qian dictated, and the artist did the painting, and soon two portraits appeared in front of Qin Zixuan.

This one looks much more pleasing to the eye, and it is really incomparable with the previous portraits. Qin Zixuan asked people to send these two paintings to the palace, and then gave Zhou Qian a glass of wine, which should be regarded as a reward.

As for where the other people who came to kill Qin Zixuan were, Zhou Qian didn't know. Zhang Wei had always been responsible for this. Their goal this time was very clear, which was to kill Qin Zixuan.

Li Han squeezed his cup and gritted his teeth, dared to kill the young man to kill them, some of them came to kill some of them, Li Han asked if there was any saint master to make a move, this Zhou Qian didn't know either, when it came to the saint master Zhou Qian looked fascinated, Holy Master, he has never seen a Holy Master in his life.

Cooperate well, Qin Zixuan is still very talkative, and took the initiative to bring a few dishes to Zhou Qian, asking Zhou Qian to eat something to fill his stomach, don't make things difficult for his stomach, we are all adults, and the game has rules.

Zhou Qian was very moved after hearing this, and his resentment towards Qin Zixuan disappeared a lot. The two were in a hostile relationship before, and it was not too much to make moves. Now it is in the hands of others, and Qin Zixuan still treats him like this. Zhou Qian praised Qin Zixuan as a good person in his heart ah.

If Qin Zixuan saw Zhou Qian's inner activities, he would probably die of laughter. Those who give him something to eat and drink are good people, and the good person card is too easy to get.

After interrogating Zhou Qian, Qin Zixuan didn't go to interrogate Zhang Wei first, but ran over to see Wei Xiao. This guy is not in the prison, but he has been poisoned and is being raised in his room.

Seeing Qin Zixuan and Li Han approaching, Wei Xiao stretched out his thumb, he was really good, he didn't notice when he got tricked by this trick, and he was poisoned by someone.

"Master Wei, you're being polite. May I ask who Master Wei takes orders from?" Qin Zixuan sat down on his seat with a smile on his face. Li Han turned over the glass and poured water for Qin Zixuan, and then poured himself a glass.

Along the way, Li Han just accompanied Qin Zixuan to make troubles, and Qin Zixuan could play whatever he wanted. It's better for the young man to have something to do than to be bored. The boring little man looked so pitiful and lonely.

Wei Xiao told Qin Zixuan that he was a disciple of the Eastern Emperor's family, and that his trip this time just happened to coincide with his meeting. Knowing that the Eastern Emperor's family was allied with Daqin, he would naturally help him secretly.

After completing the mission this time, he can return to the Eastern Royal Family to continue his cultivation. Wei Xiao himself did not expect that the mission of this trip would go so smoothly. He had originally planned a sneak attack, but now he has to cancel it.

Qin Zixuan told Wei Xiao that Donghuang Taiye and Donghuang Taishang were staying in Chengwang Mansion, and he could visit them at any time. After hearing this, Wei Xiao was delighted. Those two were direct descendants of the Eastern Royal Family, so he naturally wanted to visit them. up.

Wei Xiao didn't know who was in the other forces, but Zhang Wei said that this was a joint operation with the purpose of destroying Qin Zixuan and Li Han, so Qin Zixuan said goodbye to Wei Xiao again and went to interrogate Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei was sitting cross-legged on the ground at this time and was about to force out the poison from his body, but unfortunately he was not only poisoned, but also injured, he couldn't get out any internal energy, and spent a long time tossing himself to make him weaker.

Qin Zixuan ran in to look at Zhang Wei, this old face was nothing to look at, so Qin Zixuan no longer looked at Zhang Wei's face, but looked up and down Zhang Wei's injury, Zhang Wei felt guilty for a while.

"Zhang Wei, the master of King Hulun, was originally an orphan in the grassland. He was protected by the old King Hulun. By chance, he became a teacher of Ye Licang, the eagle of the grassland. He learned the true story of Ye Licang and dominated the grassland at a young age."

Before Qin Zixuan sat still, he recited Zhang Wei's identity first. Zhang Wei glanced coldly at Qin Zixuan. Many people knew these information, so it was very easy to find out.

"At the age of 40, she had sex with the goddess of the grassland, Ye Lihong. No, Ye Lihong was raped by a wolf-hearted and ungrateful person. She gave birth to a son named Wild Dog. Today, Wild Dog is 55 years old and has a lot of children and grandchildren."

When Qin Zixuan said this, a sneer rose from the corner of his mouth, and Zhang Wei's eyes became fierce. He couldn't believe that Qin Zixuan knew about this history. He is a prairie eagle and has many enemies. Admit it, I didn't expect to be found out by Daqin!
"I heard that Ye Lihong is the great-granddaughter of Ye Licang. Hehe, Zhang Wei, will your conscience hurt? Ye Licang passed on all your abilities to you. If he knows that you slaughtered all his offspring , will he jump up from hell and look for you desperately??"

(End of this chapter)

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