Second-hand little prince

Chapter 954 Flower Fairy

Chapter 954 Hundred Flowers Fairy
"If you look at me with this expression again, I'll dig out your eyeballs." The cold voice sounded without any warmth, and Yun Zheng shivered in fright, and quickly lowered his head, not daring to take another look.

The national teacher's contemptuous eyes passed Yun Zheng's body and fell on the branches and leaves. It seemed that the tender branches and leaves attracted her more than Yun Zheng. Yun Zheng stepped forward and told the story, but the conclusion was that he found nothing.

After listening, the national teacher didn't say another word, but turned around and jumped on the branch, and disappeared in the blink of an eye between the branches and leaves. Yun Zheng looked at the empty forest and sighed, not daring to profane any more.

Qin Zixuan!The voice of the national teacher suddenly sounded in the forest, followed by a soft sigh, the figure of the national teacher has moved away from the place where the voice fell.

Qin Zixuan, who was sitting in Prince Cheng's mansion, rubbed his nose and felt someone calling him. He looked around and found no target, then turned his face to tease Linger, Linger's small hands grabbed Qin Zixuan's hair fiercely, pulled it hard, and it hurt Qin Zixuan grinned.

Even so, Qin Zixuan was not willing to yell loudly, Li Han felt distressed, and stepped forward to help Qin Zixuan, Ling'er grabbed Li Han with his backhand, Li Han picked up Ling'er, and then jumped up and down, immediately teasing Ling'er giggled.

Qin Zixuan jumped up from the ground and followed Li Han's figure to learn how to jump up and down. He felt that he should learn this trick, not for anything else but because Ling'er likes it.

Ruxue came over with a plate of snacks, watched Li Han jumping up and down with Ling'er in her arms, blinked, and worried whether her daughter would be like a general when she grew up, whether she wouldn't even be a female celebrity ?
Ruxue thought of the little hen with a cockscomb embroidered by the general, and worried that her daughter would embroider the same kind in the future, so she couldn't help asking Qin Zixuan for advice in a low voice.

Qin Zixuan waved his hands and said, "It doesn't matter. From now on, it's fine for my daughter to marry and wear a general. It's a general who loses face. My daughter doesn't lose face."

Ruxue opened her mouth, she couldn't believe that the prince would say such a thing, why don't you spoil her so much, shouldn't she teach her daughter to be a girl from a young age?That way no one will be ashamed.

Qin Zixuan never thought about letting his daughter learn the virtues of female celebrities, as long as his daughter grows up happily, as for any bastard who dares to appear in front of him in the future, he will beat him to death.

Li Han danced for a while, saw the snacks brought by Ruxue, hugged Linger and sat down, Qin Zixuan picked up Linger, Li Han then squeezed some snacks and chomped on them, as for the female model who chomped, it had nothing to do with Li Han.

Qin Zixuan didn't care too much, life should be fun, no matter how comfortable it is, it's too tiring to live by so many rules in such a short life, it's better to live recklessly.

Ruxue looked at the family of three, and felt that they were the real family, and she had to stay away, but then she thought it was wrong, she was Linger's mother, why did she feel that she was redundant?

Ruxue picked up a piece of dessert and thought about feeding it to Li Han's mouth. Qin Zixuan opened his mouth slightly and stared at Ruxue in a daze. Is this really the maid who grew up serving him?
On the contrary, Li Han saw the opportunity quickly, picked up a piece of snack and stuffed it into Qin Zixuan's mouth, Ling'er opened his hands and took it out of Qin Zixuan's mouth, making Qin Zixuan laugh.

Early the next morning, Qin Ziming came to Prince Cheng's mansion and told Qin Zixuan that a goddess full of immortality had come to Baihualou. She looked like a water spirit. This thing should only exist in the sky, and it is rare to hear it in the world.

It only appeared for a few minutes yesterday, and it made all the talented people go crazy, and went to Baihualou like crazy, and many talented people who thought they were talented wrote a poem and handed it in, just asking for their own. The masterpiece can enter the other party's eyes.

After hearing this, Qin Zixuan became very curious. He knew Qin Ziming's vision. It wasn't that real beauties couldn't catch Qin Ziming's eyes. Although the way he was talking and drooling was ugly, it also proved that the other party was really a beautiful woman.

Whether or not to go to Baihualou turned into a difficult problem in front of Qin Zixuan. He wanted to go but worried that it would be a trick.

Since we have to see each other sooner or later, why not see each other earlier?Qin Zixuan thought about this question very seriously, and finally came to the conclusion that he should go and have a look.

Li Han threw the sword in his hand and called to go with him, Dahai also ran over to join in the fun with his short legs, Qin Ziming looked at Dahai and was speechless, what's the point of going to a brothel for a little kid from Yaya.

Gu Yueru hooked up with Gong Liangyan and came over. As a snow mountain goddess, Gong Liangyan had never been to a brothel. She was a young man, and she never got involved with bad things. At this time, Gu Yueru was urging Gong Liangyan to go. brothel.

Qin Zixuan slapped the table and asked to go together, so some people were happy and some were worried. Mrs. Song stood by and watched a few people discussing important matters like this, feeling worried in her heart, can Dahai go to the brothel?

It seems that his mother-in-law ordered him not to go to the brothel, and now he has to take Dahai with him. Alas, it seems that the beating was not serious last time!A touch of sadness rose in Song's heart.

Qin Ziming made an appointment with Qin Zixuan, when the time came, he would book a seat at Baihualou and wait for everyone to come. For safety reasons, Qin Ziming did not stay at Prince Cheng's mansion for breakfast, mainly because he was worried that Concubine Cheng would settle accounts after autumn.

This kid Qin Ziming is skating now, he knows under what circumstances he can stay and eat, and when it is safe to run early, Qin Zixuan doesn't take it to heart, anyway, he is not allowed to beat him now, there is an imperial decree.

After Qin Ziming left, Li Han sat there and analyzed with Qin Zixuan who this beautiful woman who suddenly appeared was and why she suddenly appeared. It must be for the young man.

Gu Yueru looked at Qin Zixuan, envious of Qin Zixuan's luck, but Qin Zixuan picked his nose and disliked him for being too lazy, don't they need to change their tactics?It seems that everyone takes the beauty trick too seriously. After using it time and time again, only fools get caught.

In the afternoon of that day, Qin Zixuan went to the hot spring pool to take a beautiful bath, changed into clean clothes, and was about to go to the Baihua Building. Since others put down the ring, he would be stingy if he didn't go.

A group of men and women came out of Chengwang Mansion and went straight to Baihualou on Huajie. Before they got close to Baihualou, they saw men crowded in front of Baihualou. Some were tall, short, fat, thin, handsome and ugly.

These men were all crowded at the door waiting to see Fairy Baihua, some even made up slogans, shouting loudly and waving their hands, wishing that the whole world could hear his voice.

Those men who are rich hold banknotes, those who have no money and talent hold poem manuscripts, those who have no money and no talent but have a handsome face raise their heads to show their strengths.

Qin Zixuan and his group approached, looking at the farce in front of them, they laughed wickedly.

(End of this chapter)

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