Second-hand little prince

Chapter 955 Beauty

Chapter 955 Beauty
Lin Xi led the guards to drive away all the people surrounding the door, cleared a site and let Qin Zixuan enter. His goal was very clear, to ensure that the prince could enter smoothly.

Many of the onlookers were noble people, seeing Qin Zixuan exercising his privileges immediately caused a wave of dissatisfaction, Qin Zixuan looked at those people curled his lips, called the mother of Baihualou, and told the other party clearly that he wanted to see Fairy Baihua.

Grandma Sun of Baihualou wanted to take Joe, but Qin Zixuan told the other party in a positive tone that if she was not allowed to see Baihua Fairy today, she would not let Baihua Fairy appear in front of him in the future, otherwise she would be smashed every time she saw her.

Mother Sun was speechless after hearing this, Qin Ziming thought of Qi Ruobai with blinked eyes, and added that if the other party appeared in front of King Cheng with the cheek, he would have to smash Baihualou.

The reason is that he didn't give Cheng Wang face, and he posted it on his own after the fact. This is shameless for giving face.

Mama Sun blinked her eyes, and she had an intuition in her heart that the Baihua Fairy who suddenly appeared was most likely aimed at King Cheng. If it wasn't for the money that the other party gave her, Mama Sun really didn't want to take this job.

She lowered her head and thought about it for a while. Mama Sun thought it was better to let Qin Zixuan and his party meet. If she provoked King Cheng with Qiao, there would be no place to cry. I heard that the previous few were hurt by King Cheng. For safety's sake Let's go along for the sake of it.

Qin Zixuan entered Baihualou under the eyes of everyone envious and jealous. This was a bad start. Those who held their own identities offered to enter one after another. Mother Sun did not dare to offend these people, so she had to open the door early to welcome guests.

As for whether this group of people will be able to see Baihua Fairy, this Mama Sun really can’t guarantee it. When Baihua Fairy came, she said that she is free to come and go freely. Of course, the cost of borrowing is still very high, and I gave 10. A tip of two denarii.

The most important thing is that the other party is really immortal. Mother Sun asked herself that she had seen many beautiful women, but she had never seen such a beautiful one. Once this girl appeared, she would definitely overwhelm all the brothels on Huajie.

The fact is the same, it only appeared for a few minutes yesterday, and it attracted a lot of people, even Prince Cheng Qin Zixuan was attracted in, and Mama Sun was still very proud.

Qin Ziche and his party entered the No. [-] private room, Dahai patted the table and called out to the beautiful woman, but Qin Zixuan slapped him on the forehead, Dahai rubbed his forehead and giggled.

Mama Sun clapped her hands and brought in a group of beauties. Qin Zixuan hadn't ordered yet, but Dahai had already ordered two. She stretched her waist to be served by the beauties, and enjoyed it more than Qin Zixuan. At first glance, she looked like an honest person who often went in and out of brothels, and Qin Ziming's eyes were caught All straight.

When Qin Zixuan and his party ordered the food and wine, Mama Sun shouted that it would be ready immediately, and then ran to arrange the food and drink. Mama Sun didn't have to make the food and wine herself, Mama Sun went directly to find Fairy Baihua.

After entering the Xiulou, Mama Sun saw Fairy Baihua standing there with bare feet, and she cried out as a baby, feeling distressed for a while, as if she really had a good relationship with Fairy Baihua.

When Mama Sun received Baihua Fairy's cold eyes, she immediately shut up, she was worried that if she didn't shut up, the air would freeze her to death.

"Hehe, girl, Lord Cheng is here and wants to see you? Can you go and see me?" Mama Sun didn't use an ordering tone, nor did she use interrogative sentences, but a discussion tone.

Seeing Fairy Baihua opened her mouth to say no, Ms. Sun became anxious and hurriedly said, "Girl, Lord Cheng said that if you don't see him today, if you appear in front of him with the cheek to face him, he will smash you once every time he sees you." Baihualou, I beg the girl to raise her feet and go see her."

Um?Fairy Baihua turned her cold eyes to Mama Sun, her gaze seemed to be able to freeze people into ice, Mama Sun was so frightened that her heart couldn't be controlled, she quickly raised her hand to express that she didn't reveal half a secret, that's what she said when she came.

Fairy Baihua looked away from Mama Sun, a look of relief flashed in her eyes, she knew in her heart that Qin Zixuan had discovered that her identity was suspicious, and yes, it was normal for Qin Zixuan to find suspiciousness with Qin Zixuan's ability.

Since we have to meet sooner or later, let's meet.Fairy Baihua left the embroidery building and walked barefoot on the smooth stairs. She knew Qin Zixuan's location without Mama Sun leading the way.

Mama Sun opened her mouth to give some advice, but she couldn't speak. She hurriedly followed with heavy steps, also worried that Fairy Baihua wouldn't entertain guests and smashed her signboard.

As Fairy Baihua came out, the sound of breathing was everywhere in Baihualou, Qin Zixuan's eyes were also attracted by Fairy Baihua, his mouth was wide open, he couldn't believe his eyes, there was such a superior thing in the world.

Facing the beautiful woman, Qin Zixuan's heart was pounding, and the powerful rhythm made Li Han jealous. This guy pushed away the waitress beside him, and moved to Qin Zixuan's side to show his presence.

Dahai opened her small mouth and glanced at Li Han. Unexpectedly, the mother with thick lines was also wary for a moment, thinking that her mother would keep getting thicker. It seems that the opponent is too weak to arouse her fighting spirit.

Qin Zixuan leaned on Li Han's body, calling Goddess in his mouth, and Li Han answered the word "female nerves". He learned this word from Qin Zixuan, but he is very good at using it in ideas.

Gu Yueru and Gong Liangyan looked at each other, and couldn't believe that such a good thing would appear in the brothel. Gong Liangyan's eyes fell on Fairy Baihua's feet, and her perfect little feet made Gong Liangyan jealous.

Dahai is the least affected person, because he is young and has no desires, he pats the table and calls beautiful women, and the good atmosphere is completely destroyed by Dahai's screams.

Baihua Fairy frowned slightly, her eyes fell on Dahai, she didn't expect a little kid to appear in the brothel, Dahai pouted and blew a kiss, calling the beauty to sit down and serve the king.

Qin Zixuan saw Dahai stealing his lines, pushed away the flower girl beside him, patted the chair and called to sit here, the place is delicious, Dahai rolled his eyes, whose seat is stinky?
After Baihua Fairy appeared, all the flower girls around everyone lost their color and really looked down on them, so these flower girls all lowered their heads and red eyes and retreated. They were envious of Baihua Fairy, this fairy spirit really imitated Not coming.

Fairy Bai Hua ignored Da Hai's clamor and sat down next to Qin Zixuan. Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows, and it was really aimed at him. Qin Ziming stretched out his thumb, drooling all over the floor.

He thought in his heart that peony flowers would die under the flowers, even being a ghost would be romantic, if Baihua Fairy came after him, he would die willingly, it is so beautiful!

Qin Zixuan reached out to touch Fairy Baihua's little hand, Fairy Baihua shrank her arms to avoid Qin Zixuan's fluffy hand, Li Han was not happy after seeing it.

(End of this chapter)

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