Second-hand little prince

Chapter 956 See Through

Chapter 956 See Through
Without further ado, Li Han got up and came behind Qin Zixuan, raised his hand and grabbed Fairy Baihua's arm, and in the surprised eyes of the other party, he stuffed Fairy Baihua's small hand into Qin Zixuan's hand, and told Qin Zixuan to touch it as he wanted.

Li Han's idea is very simple, if the young man wants to touch him, he thinks highly of him, so why hide!Don't be shameless, you obviously showed up here to hook up with the young man, but you still pretend when the young man comes, it's so fucking disgusting.

Qin Zixuan pursed and blew a kiss to Li Han, and then really grabbed Baihua Fairy's little hand, so angry that Baihua Fairy felt cold, even so, Qin Zixuan didn't let go, anyway, it's not for nothing, it's not for nothing, The little hands are so tender and smooth, I want to touch them even after touching them.

It's useless for Fairy Baihua's angry pretty face to freeze, Qin Zixuan is no longer a weakling, he is a person with internal qi, unless Fairy Baihua wants to show her strength, otherwise don't try to break free.

Gu Yueru's heart itch when she saw it, she actually took advantage of Fairy Baihua's rivalry with Qin Zixuan to grab the other little hand, touched it up and down a few times, and encouraged Gong Liangyan to touch it a few times, the little hand is so tender.

Gong Liangyan held the cup and didn't do anything, but quietly watched Qin Zixuan interact with Li Han. This guy described the texture while touching it, and told Li Han to go home and soak Li Han's hands in a milk bath, and it would definitely be like this.

Li Han said cheerfully that his hands belonged to his husband, and he could do whatever he wanted, but the prerequisite was that the husband should soak first, and he took the opportunity to touch Fairy Baihua twice when he was speaking.

I don't know if it was Li Han pinching too hard, or Fairy Baihua was annoyed by being touched, she couldn't help but break free from the restraints of Qin Zixuan and Gu Yueru, stood up from the chair, and the cold air radiated from her body.

Qin Zixuan tilted his head to look at Fairy Baihua, Yaya is another master, are women so strong these days?If I didn't guess wrong, I can't beat him, whoever has cultivated his internal energy for nothing is not as good as the weak chicken back then, and there are excuses for not being able to beat him.

Li Han was secretly lucky, if Fairy Baihua made further moves, Li Han would explode and hurt people.Dahai sat next to Gu Yueru and tilted his head to look at Fairy Baihua, with an evil smile on his lips.

The little lady is so cold, it's interesting to conquer this kind of woman, do you want to help my father?Dahai looked at his mother, and the thought disappeared in an instant. Forget it, it’s better not to cause trouble for his mother. Dahai’s conscience returned to his place, and he decided to stand by and watch.

Based on my mother's current state of mind, if she blocks women from her father's backyard, she will fall out of favor in all likelihood. After all, the woman in front of her is not the Song family. The woman in front of her is beautiful and has personality, which is easy to attract men.

Qin Zixuan tilted his body to look at Fairy Baihua, then turned his head and shouted at Li Han: "This flower girl is really dishonest, we spent money, why don't we smash Baihualou."

"Well, that's a good idea. Let's smash Baihualou and make it unable to open." Li Han agreed, and Mama Sun, who was waiting by the side, knelt down and begged the Lord and General for mercy. sky.

Let’s just say that General Wang Ye is a brothel killer, how long it has been since he came here and he is ready to smash his own Baihualou, if he comes every day to pay back, he will definitely be smashed and can’t find North and South.

Qin Zixuan gave Sun's mother a sideways glance. The bastard Baihua Fairy didn't see this guy come in to make amends when she broke free. Qin Zixuan suspected that the other party used kneeling so easily.

Fairy Baihua's breasts heaved in anger, and she stared at Qin Zixuan with hatred. This time, she was really at a loss. The hand that had never been touched by a man was actually touched by this bastard in front of her, and what was even more hateful was that that big bastard hit her chest.

Gong Liangyan kept looking at Fairy Baihua. When she saw the gesture of Fairy Baihua, Gong Liangyan's eyes suddenly widened. Gong Liangyan was very familiar with that gesture. She is a fortune teller and goddess of snow mountains, and she often makes this gesture.

Could it be?Gong Liangyan's eyes fell on Fairy Baihua's face. Could it be that this one is a fortune teller like herself? If she is a fortune teller, why did she appear in Baihua Tower?The target is Qin Zixuan?

There are many ways to get close to Qin Zixuan, why use this one?Gong Liangyan can't figure it out, and it's not hard to find a way to get close to Qin Zixuan. This kid often goes in and out of Prince Cheng's mansion, so hiding in the brothel is a bad idea.

I think back then I got close to Qin Zixuan by blocking the way, and the other party didn't make any monsters. It's not like today's tricks. If Fairy Baihua didn't dodge quickly, Qin Zixuan's hand would touch the other party's waist on.

Of course, Gong Liangyan didn't hear that there was a goddess operator, where did this one come from?Why approach Qin Zixuan, this is worth thinking about.

Seeing that kowtowing was useless, Mama Sun quickly winked at Fairy Baihua, it was no big deal to be touched by customers in the brothel, even if she hugged her waist and touched her buttocks, it was normal.

What's more, one of the black towers is a woman, so it doesn't matter, it doesn't suffer anyway, at least Mama Sun thinks it doesn't. Qin Ziming sat there drooling and staring at Fairy Baihua, feeling curious in his heart.

"You, do it and serve the king, or I will smash the Baihua Tower!" Qin Zixuan pointed at Fairy Baihua, and said harsh words with a smile.

Fairy Baihua remained silent, and her gestures became even faster. Qin Zixuan's eyes fell on Fairy Baihua's hand, and he suddenly called out, "National Teacher!"

Um?Gong Liangyan widened her eyes and looked at Fairy Baihua up and down. Could this be the national teacher of Yunmeng Kingdom? Do you want to be so exciting? She has always wanted to fight this national teacher, but she didn't expect him to appear in front of her eyes and she didn't recognize it.

Fairy Baihua paused her hand gestures, and stared at Qin Zixuan with her cold eyes. She couldn't figure out how Qin Zixuan thought of his identity, and then screamed out. This made Fairy Baihua unacceptable. Is her disguise so bad?

Qin Zixuan was delighted to see the other party's reaction, another big beauty, I never thought that the old witch was a big beauty, it really opened my eyes, Qin Zixuan looked up and down the national teacher, it was so beautiful, such a beautiful beauty actually became the national teacher, What a waste.

"Brother Xuan, is this the Yunmeng Guoshi who made you famous all over the world?" Qin Ziming finally recovered his voice, pointed at the Guoshi and also widened his eyes. How did such an awesome person run into the brothel? Different.

"God fortune teller, are you done with your calculations? Come here and pour me some wine." Dahai patted the table and shouted, his big eyes wandering for a while, and the angry national teacher fell back. This group of people is really too much. Treat yourself like a brothel girl.

Ms. Sun was clever, she got up quickly to help Dahai pour the wine, and was treated by Dahai smashing the glass.

(End of this chapter)

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