Second-hand little prince

Chapter 959 No One Good Thing

Chapter 959 No Good Thing
The grand master accompanied the king and followed the national teacher from afar. The desire to possess flashed across their faces from time to time. If it weren't for the value of the Chinese teacher's use, the national teacher would have become their forbidden meat long ago.

The national teacher jumping in the forest didn't know that there was someone following behind her. She was still jumping freely, running in the forest, and finally stopped in front of a big tree, looked up at the tree house on the tree, the national teacher smile on his face.

The national teacher jumped onto the tree house a few times, and then crossed his legs to play. Although Gong Liangyan said it was easy, but the national teacher's own family knew about her own affairs, and she knew that her internal injuries were not serious. Fortunately, Gong Liangyan gave her a good pill .

Not long after the national teacher jumped onto the big tree, at a distance of 100 meters from the big tree, Taishi Yunzheng accompanied the emperor Meng Cong to stop behind a big tree. He was reprimanded by the national teacher.

Meng Cong stared at the tree house for a long time, then turned and backed up about 300 meters, then stopped, and the attendants immediately cleared a space and asked Meng Cong and Yun Zheng to sit down.

Yun Zheng raised his head and stared into Meng Cong's eyes. He saw Meng Cong's dirty heart, and a murderous intent flashed in his heart. Feng Shui took turns. When he came to his house this year, as long as he killed Meng Cong and seized the big position, Yun Mengguo was his own. The national teacher is also his own.

This crazy idea grew wildly in Yun Zheng's heart. Meng Cong didn't know how to read minds, and he didn't know that the frail grand master in front of him was plotting against him. He had crazy ideas about his trip.

One is to kill Qin Zixuan, and the other is to get the national teacher, let the national teacher become his own woman, and serve him for the rest of his life. This time Meng Cong brought his confidant and powerful combat power.

Yun Zheng looked at Meng Cong's thoughts, and a calculating look flashed in his eyes from time to time. This time is Meng Cong's opportunity, and it is also his opportunity. As long as Meng Cong is killed and his daughter is in the palace to support him, Yunmeng will belong to the He is in contention.

The national teacher didn't know that someone outside was plotting against him, and she was still meditating, and her internal injuries were slowly being healed. Under the night, the stars hid in the clouds, the moon closed its eyes, and the night was pitch black.

The strong wind brought heavy rain, like big pearls and small pearls falling on a jade plate. In Prince Cheng's mansion, Qin Zixuan stood by the window, watched the heavy rain fall, and couldn't help sighing that it was another good rain.

Li Hanyi agreed by the window, Qin Zixuan said that dog shit smells good, Li Han could also say yes without conscience, looking at the thunder and lightning in the sky, Qin Zixuan thought of the night he traveled through.

Baba two mouths, suddenly want to eat barbecue, Li Han asked the servant girl to bring meat skewers without saying a word, let's do it if you want to eat, don't worry, Cheng Wang's mansion does not miss this meat dish.

So the two moved to the Tingyu Pavilion, sat in the pavilion and set up a barbecue grill. The fragrance spread in the night wind, attracting foodies, and the small barbecue for two people turned into a group of people.

Qin Zixuan, who wanted to drink some wine, was drunk and fell to the ground. Li Han patted the table and wanted to compete with the old monster in Zhoushan. The old man tricked the young man into drunkenness. The old monster in Zhoushan ran away with Du Kang in his arms. No, he won't fight wine with Li Han, that girl will never get drunk after a thousand cups.

Early the next morning, the sun exposed half of its fiery red head from the east, illuminating the earth crimson, the early risers had already started to work, people were coming and going on the street, and the errands of various families had already started to work.

The people who got up early went out of the city, and those who entered the city entered the city. Their lives were lively and orderly. They were not affected by yesterday's wind and rain.

Yun Zheng accompanied Meng Cong into the city. They were here to join forces. If they wanted to kill Qin Zixuan, Yunmengguo alone would not be enough. They had to find allies. The signal for joining outside the city gate had appeared. People drop.

It's just that after the joint signal appeared, there was no new content. They had to go to the city to find a new joint signal. I don't know if the other party ignored it or something happened, but they didn't contact them again.

As for whether the other party is in danger, Yun Zheng has also thought about it, but he has not found out that there has been a battle in Yujing City recently, and so many masters have accidents, it is inevitable that a fierce battle will not be avoided.

Yun Zheng never imagined that what killed the master was not force, but a pack of poison, and even more unexpected that the opponent did not have a fierce battle, but lost all his wealth and then lost his life.

After Yun Zheng and his party entered the city, they entered the eyes of the spies. For no other reason, King Cheng passed down a portrait of Yun Zheng when he entered the palace. Although Yun Zheng made a simple disguise, he still couldn't change the characteristics of his face.

A group of people walked through the streets and alleys, and did not see the new connection signal after walking half of Yujing City. Cold reception.

Qin Zixuan was sitting in Prince Cheng's mansion and didn't know that someone was coming to join him in the city. He was still teasing Linger there. In order to make Linger like him, Qin Zixuan also worked hard. He actually flew up and down with Linger in his arms, tired sweat profusely.

Dahai, who was boxing, occasionally looked up at his father who was flying around. He did not expect that Linger was the motivation for his father to practice martial arts. There was indeed a gap between his son and his daughter. Dahai felt sour when he thought about the scene where his father cried because he loved his daughter .

The father loves his eldest son very much, but the father is still very eccentric, Ling'er is the one who loves him the most, no matter how hard he tries, this Dahai can't change, who makes himself not a daughter.

Li Han took the move and walked to Qin Zixuan's side, looking at the two of them having fun, this guy hugged Qin Zixuan and threw him up, Hai Hai covered his eyes, his mother was too mighty.

Qin Zixuan held Ling'er in his arms, and was thrown into the air by Li Han unexpectedly. He screamed louder than Ling'er. Li Han looked up at the young man and Ling'er cheerfully, having fun.

"Stinky bitch, if you throw me again, I'll beat you." Before Qin Zixuan finished his sentence, he was already flying into the air. Ling'er giggled in Qin Zixuan's arms, and Qin Zixuan continued to scream.

With Concubine Cheng who came over earlier, watching her son and granddaughter flying up and down in the air, her heart rose to her throat, and she really wanted to catch Li Han and beat her up. When will this tiger girl grow up? .

Ru Xue's frightened little face was pale, forgive her for not practicing martial arts, she didn't know that a person can fly into the air like a stone, her general is always so fierce, why didn't the gentleness of a woman show on the general?

Qin Zixuan fell to the ground, Li Han caught the two of them, out of the corner of his eyes, he caught sight of Concubine Cheng who was walking over with a dark face, and immediately asked Qin Zixuan to stand still, her mother-in-law is here, please behave well.

Qin Zixuan stood there in a daze, looking at Concubine Cheng silly and happy, Concubine Cheng looked at the two angry and funny, stretched out Ling'er, and decided to ignore these two guys, neither of them was good.

(End of this chapter)

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