Chapter 960
After lunch, Lin Xi brought the chief eunuch to Fenglin Courtyard. The chief eunuch sent some pictures of people. Qin Zixuan recognized Yun Zheng at a glance, but Qin Zixuan didn't know any of the others.

The eunuch told Qin Zixuan that the pedestrians had been looking for things in Yujing City, and they hadn’t noticed what they were looking for. They were probably looking for someone. Qin Zixuan agreed with this point of view. It’s not that you can’t go shopping like this. If you want to assassinate yourself, the Chengwang Mansion is here. Need to ask specifically.

Qin Zixuan put several portraits on the table and looked at them one by one. The eunuch pointed to Meng Cong and said, "This person's status is still higher than Yun Zheng's, and Yun Zheng respected him a lot along the way."

"Yun Zheng is the grand master, and the only person who can make him respect him is the king of Yunmeng, and the rest are the masters of the state. Who do you think will be among them?" Qin Zixuan asked.

The chief eunuch shook his head and said that he didn't know, what would he think as an eunuch about this kind of thing.Qin Zixuan did not force the eunuch to express his opinion, but continued to check the information.

"The emperor said that the city of Yujing is in chaos recently. If it is not necessary, the prince should stay in Chengwang's mansion to play, and don't go out to take risks." The eunuch conveyed the emperor's intentions. Although it was not an imperial edict, he still hoped that Qin Zixuan would be honest for a few days.

Qin Zixuan picked his nose, whenever he encountered something, his first thought was to ground his feet, and he didn't even think about how weak he was?Can you bring enough bodyguards when you travel by yourself?

This matter has nothing to do with the eunuch, Qin Zixuan kept his mouth shut and responded, the eunuch laughed with him, knowing that Lord Cheng didn't listen, if he was honestly locked up in Prince Cheng's mansion, he would not be Prince Cheng.

Qin Zixuan read several pieces of information in a row, but he still couldn't come to a conclusion, but those two people were probably the ones who could make Yun Zheng bow his head, but what Qin Zixuan couldn't figure out was why Yun Zheng did this.

Yun Zheng met him before, and now he appeared in Yujing City openly and aboveboard, and he respected the men around him. Doesn't this tell Daqin that the person next to him is of high status, and you can start messing with him.

What is the benefit of doing so for cloud competition?Soon, Qin Zixuan came to the conclusion that there are no good people in the grand master. Looking at Yun Zheng, and then looking at Grand Master Zhao, the father of one of Yaya's noble concubines was named grand master.

Thinking of Concubine Zhao, Qin Zixuan crooked her mouth. That woman is also a favorite of three thousand people. It is a pity that her identity is too sensitive. Otherwise, she would definitely be able to live to this day. It is also the emperor's ambition. alive and well.

Qin Zixuan hesitated for a while, put away the information, and told the eunuch to go back and tell the emperor that he would act carefully and not let himself take risks. As for the matter of not leaving Prince Cheng's mansion, let's discuss it later.

The eunuch was helpless, and also understood Qin Zixuan's petty temper. It was rare to be able to stay in Yujing for so long. This guy wandered around in order to leave Yujing, and even gave birth to children casually.

So the chief eunuch left Prince Cheng's mansion and returned to the palace to return to the palace. Qin Zixuan held on to the information and went around in circles.

Li Han looked at Qin Zixuan cheerfully, wondering what the little Xianggong would be thinking?After turning around for a while, Qin Zixuan slapped his thigh and shouted, "Come on, let's go to the beauty trap."

"Sir, how about the beauty trick?" Li Han asked.

Qin Zixuan waved his hand and whispered something in Li Han's ear, Li Han raised his eyebrows, "Xiao Xianggong is really good and bad when he plays bad, but he is cute when he is bad."

Without further ado, immediately send people to the brothel to search for beauties. They want to choose a Qing Wan who is the most seductive and has not shown his face to use as a beautifier.

The brothels in Huajie had nothing else but prepared a lot of cards. Yang Shulin took [-] cash to select candidates. The mothers of those brothels were naturally willing to cooperate. Yang Shulin bought a girl named Xuan'er.

This is Ruyan Pavilion's trump card that has been trained in secret for three years and is ready to be released to compete for the top oiran. It was selected by Yang Shulin and brought to Qin Zixuan. He was quite happy to see Prince Cheng Xuan'er, thinking that he had fallen into the eyes of Prince Cheng, and would be able to eat and drink in the future. Spicy, it turned out not to be the case.

However, although the task this time is challenging, the benefits will be great after completion. Qin Zixuan promised that if Xuan'er can complete the task, he will set Xuan'er free and give Wenyin Qianliang when he leaves.

With the 1000 taels of silver plus the free body, Xuan'er can live the life he wants to live. This is a good thing that has the best of both worlds. Xuan'er thanked her repeatedly and promised to complete the task.

After receiving the portraits of the characters, Xuan'er remembered these people in her mind, focusing on remembering Meng Cong and Yun Zheng. Xuan'er knew that Yun Zheng could read minds, and also learned how to decipher them.

Qin Zixuan did not teach Xuan'er to swear, but taught Xuan'er to praise others. As long as Yun Zheng looked at her, he would immediately think of good words such as being handsome and charming in his mind, and praised Yun Zheng to the sky.

Xuan'er wrote down Qin Zixuan's confession, and knew that what he was facing was not an ordinary person. The benefits of this trip were great, but the dangers were also great. Compared to becoming a man's plaything in the future, taking risks now is still very cost-effective.

Xuan'er took a few deep breaths, prepared himself psychologically, and then quietly left Prince Cheng's mansion. Qin Zixuan watched Xuan'er leave, rubbed his chin with a smirk on his face, Li Han sincerely sympathized with Yun Zheng, why did he provoke the young man? Woolen cloth?

Yun Zheng and Meng Cong were tired from walking, so they came to Xijixuan to eat. Did Xijixuan call Yujing when they came to Yujing without eating a meal?Now Xijixuan has become one of the landmark buildings of Yujing.

Every foodie who comes to Yujing will go to Weijixuan to have a meal. If you can’t eat the hard dishes inside, you can eat a bowl of ice. Anyway, the price of a bowl of ice is still affordable.

Yun Zheng accompanied Meng Cong into Weijixuan, Xiao Er immediately walked forward cheerfully to lead the way, and quoted the price by the way, whether to go to the private room or to sit in the lobby is optional, as long as you know your wallet.

Meng Cong's face twitched a few times after hearing Xiao Er's quotation, and he sighed in his heart that he would really make money, a private room would cost an extra 100 taels of private room fee, why didn't he grab it?

There is no need to answer this question. It is more profitable than robbing, and there is no risk. Even with Meng Cong's identity, he would not sit in the lobby, scold Qin Zixuan for being dark, but walk towards the private room, while the money in the purse We are also moving to Weijixuan.

Xiaoer cheerfully sent people into Hanmei Pavilion, then took out the order menu and began to sing the names of the dishes. Meng Cong waved his hand and told Xiaoer to stop and asked him to serve all of them. I have to say it up front.

"Hehe, my lord, we spend 880 taels of silver on Weijixuan's dishes, do you think we need to order?"

Meng Cong's eyes widened after hearing this, a meal in a restaurant almost cost [-] taels of silver!
(End of this chapter)

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