Chapter 961
Although Meng Cong is the king of a country, there are only 30 people in Yunmeng Kingdom, and he can eat [-] taels of silver for a meal. Meng Cong really can't afford it, and he is ashamed.

Xiao Er didn't laugh at them either, there were too many people who couldn't afford it, Xiao Er reported the name of the dish again, and at the same time took out the menu with the name and price of the dish written on it, and ordered what he wanted to eat.

There are hot dishes and cold dishes, wine and drinks, as long as you can afford it, you can eat whatever you want.Meng Cong picked up the menu and looked it over in a hurry, his old face was steaming.

This time the big head didn't make it, it was a joke, luckily the second child was not Qin Zixuan, if Qin Zixuan was here, he would have put his arms around his hips and laughed out loud.

That’s why Meng Cong’s meat was cut, and the whole meal was full of meat pain. Fortunately, the dishes were delicious, otherwise he would have lost a lot of money. more fascinated.

This is the life of a human being. The land is vast and the resources are abundant. Everything you eat, drink, and play is more advanced than Yunmengguo. Even the women look better than the women in Yunmengguo. It really corresponds to the saying that the moon in foreign countries is rounder. Meng Cong has this mentality.

After the meal, Meng Cong watched his subordinates pay the bill with a face full of pain. The dishes on the table were clean, even cleaner than the dog's. The waiter who came up to clean up the dishes was shocked. To such a clean guest.

If it wasn't for Weijixuan's relatively high hygiene requirements, Xiao Er really wanted to pack up the dishes and stack them, so as to save time and not have to wash them, it was too clean.

After eating and drinking enough, a group of people went out of Weijixuan with their stomachs full. Whether it was Meng Cong or Yun Zheng, they ate up to their necks. If a gust of wind blew their hats off, they would probably have to kick their hats away.

A group of people walked for a while, and saw a girl with a beautiful figure passing by, full of warmth and thoughts, and wanted to look at the front when she saw the beautiful back.

Before they catch up with their bellies outstretched, a few more dancing girls came out of the store, each with their buttocks twisted, and the twisted Meng Cong and Yun Zheng were full of evil fire.

Yun Zheng was very good at pondering people's hearts, and suddenly took out a silver coin from his sleeve and threw it on the ground, shouting who dropped the coin, so the few Man Miao figures in front all turned their heads.

vomit!Yun Zheng opened his mouth and made a retching sound. Meng Cong wanted to poke his eyes blind. It was really a murder from the back. Seeing the back view, he was fascinated, and turned his head to scare off thousands of troops.

Qin Zixuan is wearing a cowboy hat and squatting by the window happily. This plot is borrowed from Zhou Xingchi's masterpiece Tang Bohu Spotting Autumn Fragrance.

Everything went according to the plot, several ugly girls frightened Meng Cong and his party away, the silver ingot was also claimed by passers-by, and several women performing back killing did not leave the stage, but kept looking at Yun Zheng and Meng Cong.

Knowing that Yun Zheng can read minds, these women disgusted Yun Zheng fiercely. All they thought about was how to drag Yun Zheng away to torture and play a few games, and Yun Zheng grinned angrily.

At this critical moment, Xuan'er came on stage. She carried Xiao Hualan and walked lightly in front of Meng Cong and his party.

Accompanied by a few ugly girls, Xuan'er, who was already beautiful, was directly upgraded to a fairy. Meng Cong stared at Xuan'er, and Xuan'er stared at Yun Zheng. Seeing Yun Zheng's pity, he even gave him a water bag.

She shyly called out, please, young master, then turned around and left with a blessing, leaving behind a long and wonderful figure, the little buttocks twisting Meng Cong who swayed three times was enraged all over.

After rinsing his mouth, Yun Zheng held the water bag in a daze. If he hadn't mistakenly read that the girl on the opposite side had a good impression of him, this greatly satisfied Yun Zheng's vanity. But when he turned his head and saw Meng Cong, Yun Zheng's heart rose. Get angry.

Meng Cong didn't care what Yun Zheng was thinking, but quickly chased after him. The way of striking up a conversation was very old-fashioned, just asking for directions. A group of people lived in Yuelai Inn, Meng Cong stopped Xuan'er's way, and took out money to ask Xuan'er lead the way.

Xuan'er stared at Yinzi with anger flashing in his eyes, but what he was thinking in his heart was what a rude man, really rude, when everyone loves Yinzi, this is trying to insult someone with Yinzi, and contempt for Meng Cong for a while.

Yun Zheng followed up and saw Xuan'er's mental activities, and felt very happy in his heart. He didn't throw money at people, but cleaned up his appearance, went forward to salute and say hello, and then asked the way politely.

I only said that my party came to Yujing to play, and I was unfamiliar with the place and couldn't find the way back to the inn, so I was willing to ask the girl for help.What Xu said was very pleasing, Xuan'er said a few polite words after hearing it, and praised in his heart, it is still this handsome young man who can speak politely.

You can't find the north and the south, and you can't find the north and the south, and you are determined to win Xuan'er. This woman obviously has affection for her. Looking at Meng Cong's performance as Meng Lang, Yun Zheng belittled Meng Cong again.

Xuan'er is easy to talk, he is polite to Yun Zheng, and ignores Meng Cong's love, Xuan'er is very good at playing with people's hearts, men are low bones, the more you push yourself up, the more he looks down on you, the more you are The more anxious he is to ignore it.

Of course, this is also rewarding. In the face of Yun Zheng who can read minds, Xuan'er dare not use this method. He can only boast from the beginning to the end, comparing Yun Zheng to Meng Cong everywhere, and it seems that Yun Zheng is better than Meng Cong everywhere. Satisfy the psychology of cloud competition from another angle.

Seeing Xuan'er rushing towards the Yuelai Inn with a few people, Qin Zixuan happily went downstairs and left. The beauty trick has already been delivered, and it is usually others who use the beauty trick on him. Qin Zixuan used the beauty trick for the first time. It feels good, no wonder so many people choose beauty tricks.

Qin Zixuan didn't worry about the development of things later on, even if Xuan'er's mission failed, it wouldn't affect the overall situation, he'd better go home to accompany the child, he didn't know when he would have the chance to go to sea, so he had to play a few games with the child before going out to sea.

In the West Qin Imperial Palace, Qin Zisheng had an angry expression on his face and smashed everything around him. He couldn't believe that the people from the Shangguan family had actually withdrawn from his side. Is this to give up on him?
Why?Why?What did he do wrong?He has been serving them like a grandson all this time, and they leave as soon as they say, without even saying hello, so what else can I rely on?
After smashing the things in the house, Qin Zisheng sat back on the chair and panted. He knew that the Shangguan family could not count on him now, and from now on he had to count on himself.

Who else can I use?After thinking about it, Qin Zisheng felt that Ning Anguo was the only reliable person, but he had been by his side to advise and advise him since before he became the emperor, he was a capable person, and he had to be drawn into his camp.

Soon after Ning Anguo received the imperial decree, he ran all the way to the palace to meet Qin Zisheng. Qin Zisheng did not talk to Ning Anguo in a domineering manner this time, but took a heart-to-heart approach.

(End of this chapter)

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