Second-hand little prince

Chapter 962 Make a move

Chapter 962 Make a move
After a long conversation, Ning Anguo finally understood what had happened. At the same time, he was secretly vigilant. The members of the Shangguan family could not give up so easily. Did they give up on Qin Zisheng? Woolen cloth?

Ning Anguo felt that this was big news, and it had to be sent back to Daqin as quickly as possible. This was an excellent opportunity for him to be rewarded for his meritorious service. Ning Anguo confessed to Qin Zisheng that he was willing to be a front foot to protect Qin Zisheng from rebuilding his hegemony. .

Having an ally made Qin Zisheng very happy, and his flustered heart calmed down a lot. After Ning Anguo left, Qin Zisheng wondered who else was available, but after much deliberation, he didn't think of anyone else, which made Qin Zisheng very desperate.

He has always believed that a big fist is a big reason. As a result, in this world where fists are paramount, Qin Zisheng found that his fist was not big, not even comparable to a Cheng Wangfu, and the panic in his heart can be imagined.

Ning Anguo returned to the prefecture, and immediately sent away the latest news through a secret channel. At the same time, he also secretly checked the movements of the Shangguan family. Unfortunately, the place where the Shangguan family lived was empty, and they really left as soon as they said they wanted to. .

Without the escort of powerful warriors in the land of Western Qin, the army moved faster. At the same time, in the Great Qin Palace, the emperor received the latest news from Ning An.

After reading the news, the emperor left the palace secretly. There are some matters that the emperor needs to consult with Gu Yueru, the living ancestor. Whether the Shangguan family's move is retreating, or there are other conspiracy, this needs to be carefully studied.

Qin Zixuan met the emperor in the secret room of Prince Cheng's mansion, accompanied by Gu Yueru, Gong Liangyan and others. After hearing the introduction of the emperor, they all frowned, apparently they did not expect that the Shangguan family would suddenly play this game.

Giving up on Qin Zisheng means giving up fighting for the world?If this is the case, the Shangguan family should show favor to Da Qin, but the current situation is that the other party has not shown favor, nor has he expressed anything, and the plan to assassinate Qin Zixuan is still being implemented, there must be something wrong here.

Qin Zixuan shook his head and sat there thinking, this Shangguan family is really interesting, such a good situation is ruined, if they give up, they will give up, if they give up fighting for the world, Qin Zixuan doesn't think it looks like it.

Suddenly, Qin Zixuan asked: "Niu, is there a dispute about the surname Qin in this world?"

The emperor looked up at Gong Liangyan, then at Qin Zixuan, Qin Zixuan was the only one who dared to talk to Gong Liangyan like that, this kid has no time for seriousness.

Gong Liangyan looked at the emperor, then at Qin Zixuan, and said calmly: "They will rob Daqin's luck when they fight for the world, but other countries can't rob it, unless they have the help of an expert."

"Hey, there is really a theory of luck!" Qin Zixuan answered, rolling his eyes and continuing to think about his thoughts, wondering if the Shangguan family would find another Qin to come out to grab the world.

If they find another surnamed Qin, who will they find?Qin Zixuan scratched his head. He was not a conspirator, and he couldn't see who would betray Daqin. It seemed that he really didn't have the life to be the emperor. These schemes would not work.

But the emperor didn't say a word after hearing this, thinking secretly in his heart, it seems that the spies should monitor the children of the Qin family who are guarding all directions. As for whether the Shangguan family will contact Qin Zixuan, the emperor thinks that is impossible.

Even if the people from Shangguan's family can look down on Qin Zixuan, it's useless. This kid has no ambitions in the world. This kid is too lazy. Being the emperor is hard work. Even if the throne falls on his head, he can tilt his head and kick the throne away. .

Qin Zixuan was playing with the bone fan in his hand, with a smirk on the corner of his mouth, he suddenly said: "If we blow up the Shangguan family's lair, will they go crazy?"

"Yes!" Gong Liangyan answered a word with certainty, overturning the old lair of the Shangguan family, how dare he think, why is he not afraid of being shot to death by the holy master of the Shangguan family?

At this time, Gong Liangyan didn't know that one of the saint masters of the Shangguan family had been bombarded to death. Otherwise, Gong Liangyan would not have been so calm. Even the saint masters could be killed. There is nothing Cheng Wangfu can't do.

Qin Zixuan and others continued to discuss the general situation of the world, most of them were listened to by the emperor, and occasionally Gu Yueru and others would express their opinions, mostly on a level that the emperor did not know.

Qin Zixuan stroked his chin and said, "Do you think that on the other side of the Yanhuang Continent, there are people who discuss the general situation of the world like us, and the people there also have masters who can draw a knife to cut off the water!"

"It's hard to say, maybe there is or isn't." Feng Wuqinglan answered, and Gong Liangyan counted with her fingers. After counting for a while, she nodded, indicating that such a person might really appear.

The emperor rubbed his head. If they were all masters of the five major families, then some battles would be fought, and they would be very exciting. Of course, since the world should be unified by Da Qin, he would have to fight for everything. Win a prosperous age for future generations.

After talking for a long time, they finally concluded that the Shangguan family may have found a new target. Qin Zisheng's abandonment was a foregone conclusion.

Not to mention Qin Zisheng's youth and vigor, he has not yet received the training of the prince, and he has always believed in the concept of fist supremacy, even if the Shangguan family is defeated in this world, he will not be able to sit still.

After clearing up the doubts in his heart, the emperor left Prince Cheng's mansion and quietly returned to the palace to continue working as a coolie. Now the emperor has abstained from sex and is determined to be the founder of the country.

After sending the emperor away, Qin Zixuan walked around the courtyard, and then walked around again, rubbed his chin and thought for a while, thinking that he could find something to do, what was he looking for?

Those fellows from Yunmengguo are probably looking for King Hulun's people, should we make a few joint signals to tease them?Qin Zixuan stomped his feet and called Yang Shulin to let him do things like this.

Yang Shulin went happily, the prince really couldn't be idle, he would be dishonest if he didn't find something to do, Yang Shulin arranged for people to paint two connector signals in the city, and if he didn't paint it, he painted it on the outer wall of the public toilet.

The smell there, Yang Shulin said, can't be described in words. Anyway, the smell is very sour, and the prince will definitely not use it. The toilets of the prince are all automatic flushing, and there is no smell at all.

Early the next morning, Meng Cong walked out of the room, stretched his waist, thought of the little lady he met yesterday, and had a dream all night. Meng Cong really wanted to send someone to kidnap Xuan'er right now.

Yun Zheng came out of the room, glanced at Meng Cong, his eyes flashed murderous, he really couldn't figure it out, was the Great Qin Emperor made of mud?They haven't done anything yet, don't they know that Meng Cong is the emperor?

Yun Zheng wanted to play a game of borrowing a knife to kill, and went back to rob the country, but Daqin didn't make any moves.

(End of this chapter)

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