Chapter 964 Death
Qin Zixuan played with Meng Cong, and happily went back to Prince Cheng's mansion, where he held a big banquet to celebrate, but Zhoushan old monster and others enjoyed their food and tasted the craftsmanship of Prince Cheng.

When Qin Zixuan was happy, the whole house felt better, even the cleaning servants followed suit, but Qin Zixuan didn't know that a huge battlefield had begun on the land of West Qin.

Qin Zisheng Xu Yizhongli, ready to return to the supremacy, lined up in Qingshuibo, the two armies confronted each other, a big battle was imminent, Qin Zisheng was wearing a golden armor and riding a white dragon horse, standing in front of the army, his eyes were directed at the soldiers of the Great Qin on the opposite side .

Cheng Qiu, Dai Chun, Mo Shan, Cheng Tao and other generals lined up majestically. Behind them was a row of young generals. These young generals were talents who came out of the Royal Military Academy, each wearing battle armor. Holding a knife and gun, fighting spirit is fierce.

On the other hand, on Qin Zisheng's side, the general's clothes are not bad, and the soldiers wear all kinds of brands. They are veritable miscellaneous troops, all of them are disheartened and have a low fighting spirit, with a look of lovelessness on their faces.

Dai Chun stepped forward and shouted loudly: "Surrender without killing, those who resist will die!"

Pfft, Qin Zisheng was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, the two sides hadn't fought yet, and Daqin hadn't gained the upper hand yet, he yelled these words, as if they were sure to win, Qin Zisheng expressed that he wanted to kill Dai Chun.

But after Dai Chun's voice, the Daqin soldiers shouted in unison: "Surrender without killing, those who resist will die!"

The sound was higher than the sound, and the waves covered the waves. Before the two armies started fighting, one side howled, and the other lowered its head and drooped its ears, thinking whether to surrender or not.

Qin Zisheng knew that time couldn't be delayed any longer, and the longer it was delayed, the worse it would be for him, so Qin Zisheng yelled "kill!"Qin Zisheng was also forced to take the lead in rushing towards Daqin's team. They were all blocked in the imperial city, and there was no way out if they didn't fight again.

Dai Chun waved his palm and was shot, shouted to kill!Afterwards, the three armies were beating, and there were shouts of killing everywhere. Qin Zisheng rushed to Dai Chun first, and he felt that the situation was not right when he was halfway through the rush.

He found that no one was chasing after him. Both the general and the soldiers were staring straight at Qin Zisheng, as if they were looking at the second idiot. Ning Anguo saw Qin Zisheng laughing, his stomach hurt, and he could finally get rid of this egomaniac. .

Qin Zisheng stopped there, Dai Chun was so happy to see it, he shouted to kill!So all the generals rushed to Qin Zisheng, scared Qin Zisheng pulled up his horse and fled, but it was a good thing if he didn't escape, his back was exposed after he fled, and several sharp arrows shot straight to Qin Zisheng's back heart.

Qin Zisheng is good at his hands, but he is not proficient in tactics, and he doesn't know what to pay attention to when fleeing. He ran away in a straight line, and when he heard the wind behind him, he bowed his head and dodged an arrow. A few arrows came.

I don't know whose luck is so good, an arrow shot through the back of Qin Zisheng's heart, and a few small arrows were shot on the horse, the horse was stunned, Qin Zisheng's body was thrown on the battlefield, like a rag thrown there .

The army brought by Qin Zisheng directly threw away the weapons in their hands, and they surrendered. They heard that Daqin's system was good, so they said they didn't want to fight anymore, and they should go home and farm.

Dai Chun arranged for the soldiers to receive the surrendered soldiers, and then met Ning Anguo in the commander's tent. Ning Anguo was very excited and felt like returning to the organization. perish.

It only existed for five years from the founding of the country to its demise, and the scenery has never been better. In the end, it turned into a cold corpse and was thrown into an ice coffin. Qin Zisheng's corpse had to be transported back to Yujing for trial.

With Qin Zisheng's death, Daqin took over the territory of Dachu and Daqi in an all-round way. Except for Leishenya, other places were taken over by Daqin. The news was sent back to Yujing, and the whole country celebrated.

Meng Cong was dumbfounded when he heard the news. They cooperated with the Shangguan family of West Qin to assassinate Qin Zixuan. Now that West Qin is destroyed, how can they unite?
Meng Cong suddenly felt like retreating, and Yun Zheng became anxious when he found out what Meng Cong was thinking, and when Meng Cong was pestering Xuan'er who was shopping in the street, Yun Zheng seemed to yell the wrong thing, and yelled out The word emperor.

Xuan'er's eyes widened when she heard this, she knew exactly what the emperor meant, this title was a taboo, could it be that the group of people in front of her were rebels, that's why Prince Cheng wanted to destroy them?

After all, Xuan'er was a trained person, she was only shocked for a moment, she didn't turn her head or even look at Meng Cong, as if she didn't hear her, she continued to walk around her street, and continued to pretend that Meng Cong didn't exist.

Meng Cong was still a little complacent at first, but he is the emperor, the lord of a country, and the little girl in front of him should be moved, but he didn't expect that she didn't hear it, so he was embarrassed to let Yun Zheng continue to shout a few times, and he was so depressed. .

Yun Zheng didn't pay attention to Meng Cong, and looked around. He knew that there must be Daqin's spies around here. Now he blocked this point, let the other party know Meng Cong's identity, and then wanted to kill Meng Cong.

The idea was good. The news that Meng Cong was the king of Yunmeng Kingdom quickly spread to the palace, and then to Qin Zixuan. Qin Zixuan was so disappointed that he was not the teacher of the state!
Because the other party is not his big enemy, Qin Zixuan lost interest in playing with Meng Cong and his party, so let Xuan'er trouble them. As for whether to keep them, Qin Zixuan said that this is not important.

In a small country with a population of 30, let them make waves and make waves. Qin Zixuan really didn't regard Yunmeng Country as an opponent, they are not worthy!

Not only Qin Zixuan had this idea, even the emperor had the same idea. A small country with a population of 30 was really out of his sight, and a large army could easily destroy it when it passed by.

Meng Cong followed Xuan'er for a long time, but he still couldn't get into Xuan'er's eyes. He returned to the Yuelai Inn and was unhappy. Now the people who connected him couldn't meet him. They didn't have enough manpower to assassinate Qin Zixuan. At present, there are two ways. Walk.

One is to retreat, and the other is to go forward bravely, let them assassinate Qin Zixuan. After weighing it up, Meng Cong felt that they were not his opponents. If Qin Zixuan was really so easy to kill, he would not have survived to this day.

Meng Cong wanted to retire, but Yun Zheng was not very happy. He still wanted to save Meng Cong's life. Yun Zheng knew that if he didn't kill Meng Cong outside, it would be difficult to start when he returned to Yunmeng Country.
The Meng family has controlled Yunmeng Kingdom for a long time and has great prestige. If they can't find a suitable reason, even if Meng Cong is dead, there is still Meng Cong's son, and there is still nothing to do with Yun Zheng. He has to plan well.

Meng Cong sent someone to snatch Xuan'er, unexpectedly the city guards were so tight that he squatted outside all night but couldn't find a chance, Meng Cong was so anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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