Chapter 965
Qin Zixuan came out of Chengwang Mansion and came to Weijixuan. Thief Saint was very happy when he saw this master suddenly appearing. The most happy thing was that Dahai came. This is his great apprentice. Thief Saint was very happy.

Dahai happily squinted his big eyes and walked to Pirate Saint, and asked in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "What's interesting recently?"

Hearing this question stealing sacred music, there are many interesting places in Yujing City. He pointed to each place, and every place made Dahai's heart beat. This kid often sneaks out of the Chengwang Mansion recently, and slips back before everyone finds out. , are almost playing wild.

Qin Zixuan didn't know that the sea was skinnier than the Yellow River, and he thought that the eldest son had grown up and knew that he loved him as a father, he was obedient and sensible, but he didn't know that all of this was just an appearance.

A group of people sat in private room No. [-], Thief Saint poured water for several people, Qin Zixuan asked if there was any news about Fairy Baihua, who didn't know which faction that guy belonged to yet.

Thief Saint couldn't give an answer to this question, his lightness kung fu is pretty good, that's relatively speaking, when he met a master Pirate Saint, he stopped cooking, and he really didn't find any trace of Baihua Fairy.

Qin Zixuan was surprised, who the hell is that Baihua Fairy, who is beautiful and still a fortune teller, actually went to Baihualou to catch herself, the problem is that when she arrived, she just spit out blood with her fingers and it was over. What is this called?

If it wasn't for Gong Liangyan's face, Qin Zixuan wanted to take him down at the time, but looking at Gong Liangyan's protective appearance, he thought they knew each other, but he didn't expect it to be so!
On the other hand, Meng Cong's bandit sage knew a little bit about it, and told Qin Zixuan that Yunzheng had no good intentions, that he wanted to borrow a knife to kill someone, Qin Zixuan picked his nose, he already knew that the grand master was not a good thing.

"My lord, the Xuan'er you are looking for is really talented. You are worthy of the baby you paid a lot of money for. He is so good at making things." The bandit saint thought that Meng Cong and his party were disgraced in the past few days, and was suddenly overjoyed.

Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows, he really didn't pay attention to this, left and right were just a trick to tease people, and he didn't expect to toss people to death, but Xuan'er is a talent, so good at playing.

He actually took advantage of Yun Zheng's ability to read minds to play with the two men. Now the two are fighting openly and secretly. In front of Yun Zheng, what Xuan'er thinks is for Mr. Yun, so I will commit myself to others. After all, he is the emperor. If the other party is unhappy and kills Mr. Yun, it will be miserable.

This kind of dedication moved Yun Zheng so much that he couldn't tell the difference, and then he pretended to please Meng Cong. Since they let themselves know that Meng Cong was the emperor, Xuan'er took this as an entry point. All the men thought that Xuan'er was interested in him.

As for leaving Yujing, Xuan'er is reluctant, this is the place where he grew up, and there is a vast land, rich resources, food, drink and entertainment, what is there in Yunmeng country?

The big forest where you can't see the bottom is full of ferocious beasts, how can you live as a weak woman? Xuan'er thought in front of Yun Zheng that she couldn't bear Yun Zheng, and didn't want to leave her familiar environment. In short, one word is worry.

A woman's wordless sorrow is the most distressing, the kind that doesn't say it in front of you, but just silently thinks in her mind, if it's another man, she won't find out about this secret, but Yun Zheng can read minds, it's so distressing.

Xuan'er's current position directly catches up with the position of the national teacher in Yun Zheng's heart. The national teacher belongs to the beauty that does not eat the fireworks of the world, but Xuan'er is like a human spirit, a spirit that can be caught.

People from the Shangguan family never showed up. Except for Qin Zixuan who asked people to draw a few joint signals, no one contacted Meng Cong and his party. It is estimated that this group of people did not catch the attention of the Shangguan family, and the alliance was just talking casually.

Qin Zixuan listened to Thief Saint's narration, and touched his chin from time to time. Two men competed for a woman. Now that Daqin does not move Meng Cong, it is estimated that Yun Zheng will not be able to resist. After all, why is the woman he likes willing to share with others? And so it is.

After thinking about it, Meng Cong decided to return in vain. It is unrealistic for them to assassinate Qin Zixuan. This is Yujing, not Yunmeng.Meng Cong decided to have a showdown with Xuan'er and let Xuan'er go back to Yunmeng with him.

Seeing Meng Cong's thoughts, Yun Zheng wanted to take Xuan'er away, but not in this way. Since Meng Cong came out, he couldn't go back.

If Da Qin doesn't do it, he can only do it himself. Yun Zheng made up his mind and left the Yuelai Inn. He came to the Blood Demon and set out a task to buy poison. After buying the poison, he quietly returned to the Yuelai Inn.

Meng Cong didn't know what Yun Zheng was doing. He was still thinking about leaving. It was not his style to leave like this. Meng Cong wanted to create an incident of Meng Cong's visit here, but he hadn't figured out what to do yet.

I planned to have a discussion with Yun Zheng, but I didn't want Yun Zheng to invite Meng Cong to drink. After a drink, there was no one left except for Yun Zhengyu's confidant, and then Yun Zheng left with his confidant, and he was going to find Xuan'er and The national teacher left Daqin with the two of them.

When they arrived at Xuan'er's residence, no one was found, so Qin Zixuan's people took Xuan'er away first. Now that Yun Zheng had already started, Qin Zixuan felt that there was no need for Xuan'er to continue to deal with Yun Zheng.

Unable to find his sweetheart, Yun Zheng was very annoyed, he was unfamiliar with the place, so he couldn't think of any other way but to wait, as for sending people around to inquire, that's fine, the Daqin government is looking around to catch the murderer.

The murderer was none other than Yun Zheng. Yun Zheng only came to look for Xuan'er, and the notice had already been posted on the four gates. The portraits of Yun Zheng and his entourage appeared at the city gate.

Yun Zheng was about to die of anger when he got the news. Why didn't he realize that Da Qin moved so fast before? How long did it take from the time he killed someone to the time he left? The notices appeared, so it was better to spread the word.

Qin Zixuan was sitting in Weijixuan, watching the people coming and going downstairs, holding a glass of wine and sighing, as the monarch of a country, it is better not to go out to take risks, if something goes wrong, he will die.

Yun Zheng wanted to throw the pot at Da Qin, but he didn't want Da Qin to move faster than him. Yun Zheng hadn't moved yet, and what Da Qin had announced was known all over the world. Someone left in a hurry at the gate of Yujing City. They had to report back when the emperor died.

The national teacher was still adjusting his breath, but was found by Meng Cong's hidden guards, Qu Zhi's face changed drastically, Yunmeng's luck was exhausted!What's going on here, before coming out, Yunmengguo still had a little bit of luck, why did he run out of luck after walking around for a while?
Could it be that Yunmeng's luck was taken away by someone?Who snatched it?The national teacher's eyes widened and he counted, his face became very ugly. He didn't expect that there are experts in this world who used special means to steal Yunmeng's luck.

The national teacher did not dare to stay in Yujing any longer, and she had to go back to explain Meng Cong's death, and she had to return to Yunmeng as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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