Second-hand little prince

Chapter 967 Fierce Battle

Chapter 967 Fierce Battle

In the early morning of the next day, Qin Zixuan and Li Han led [-] imperial troops out of Yujing City and went straight to Zhangguan, which was the last pass to stop Hejian King.

The army rushed to Zhangguan for three days. There was a fierce battle there, and the two sides fought fiercely for Zhangguan.

The guard of Zhangguan is called Chen Zhong, who used to be a general under Li Han's command. Later, when Li Han handed over the military power of Youhunguan, Chen Zhong was transferred to guard Zhangguan. It was Zhangguan that stopped. Chen Zhong led his subordinates to fight to the death, and only then did he win the opportunity.

Seeing the general's handsome flag appear, Chen Zhong couldn't help but burst into tears. He almost never saw the general again. He only served one person in his life, and that person was the general Li Han. .

Li Han led the soldiers to take over the line of defense without saying a word, and the Dragon Slaying Saber in his hand showed the glint of the cold sword. With a long cry of lightning, he went straight to the Hejian King. Teacher save me.

Shangguancheng heard the call and fought Li Han without saying a word. In Shangguancheng's eyes, Li Han was just a secular general. With him as a master, he would definitely be able to catch him and destroy the morale of the soldiers of Daqin.

But I don't think, Li Han is not an ordinary general, she has already entered the master realm, facing Shangguan Cheng Li Han is not afraid at all, the two hit horses, the sword in Shangguan Cheng's hand collided with Li Han's knife.

The swordsman was light, and after colliding with the broadsword, he was thrown flying by Li Han. Li Han wanted to cut off his head again, but Lightning had already run out of the battle circle, so he had to circle his horse back to fight, but Shangguan Cheng hit his horse and ran away.

One missed move, Shangguan Chengcheng knew that he had underestimated Li Han, and since he had lost the weapon in his hand, he naturally did not dare to fight any more, so he could only flee back to the team.

Seeing Shangguan Cheng running away, Li Han was about to chase after him, and Qin Zixuan's cry came from his ears.

"Daughter-in-law, don't chase after poor bandits, take down the King of Hejian!" Qin Zixuan was riding on Taxue's back, with Gong Liangjie and Wei Xiaoheng horses on the left and right to protect each other. Protected by a master, solved Li Han's worries.

King Hejian turned black when he heard Qin Zixuan's cry, and scolded Qin Zixuan for being a villain.

Qin Zirui was fighting with Tang Shifei, when he heard Qin Zixuan's cry, he glanced at Qin Zixuan and cursed shamelessly, Tang Shifei seized the opportunity of this distraction, and shot him to the ground.

Tang Shifei's soldiers stepped forward to tie Qin Zirui away without saying a word, but Li Han had already given up on Shangguancheng and rushed to King Hejian, Qin Zixuan waved his hands and shouted for support.

Halfway through the escape, Shangguancheng realized that something was wrong, and Li Han would have paid it off if he didn't chase him. If King Hejian was captured by Li Han, then their subordinates of Shangguan's family would be useless.

It's not easy for them to get some good luck for the country, but it took a lot of money to get it. Shangguan Cheng screamed and pulled his horse towards the King of Hejian. At the same time, several horses rushed towards the river at the same time. king.

Qin Zixuan glanced around for a week, and asked the Xian Wang next to him, "Fourth Master, are those people the subordinates of King Hejian?"

Xian Wang squinted his eyes and observed carefully, then shook his head and said: "These people are not soldiers in the army, they are probably Shangguan's dogs."

Pfft, Qin Zixuan was delighted. I didn't expect the sages to swear when they swear. It seems that the sages will swear when they are in a hurry. The situation is good. After the unification of the three kingdoms, the army can rest and prepare to attack outside the Great Wall. Unexpectedly, the king of Hejian was born. No one is happy to see it.

Although King Xian is not the emperor, his surname is Qin. If he can assist the emperor to take down the Great Qin Empire, not to mention his life's glory, even future generations will be blessed.

The glory of the princes and grandchildren is enough to make them worry-free for several generations. The virtuous king has no ambition of rebellion, so he is quite upset to see the king of Hejian. They are all the Great Qin royal family. The world is so big, why can't everyone unite to build a Great Qin Empire?

King Hejian has everyone under his command. When the virtuous king came, he had done his homework. The virtuous king was not Qin Zixuan. He was very serious about his work, and he didn't look like a general in the army after observing his riding skills, so he came to a conclusion.

Qin Zixuan immediately reminded Li Han to pay attention to Shangguan Cheng and the others, so as not to make people feel cold. After hearing this, Li Han immediately mentioned Baibai vigilantly. Qin Zixuan took a sniper rifle from Lin Xi and wanted to mount a sneak attack.

Seeing Qin Zixuan's action, Yang Shulin immediately ran over to help Qin Zixuan hold the butt of the gun and lighten the burden for Taxue. This action did not make Taxue appreciate him.

Qin Zixuan looked at Yang Shulin who was satisfied with his nose and wanted to laugh, Yang Shulin's face was dark and helpless, the prince's horse was so arrogant, Qin Zixuan aimed his gun at one of them, and when the trigger was pulled, one of them fell down.

Qin Zixuan clenched his fists in celebration, and he didn't know how strong the opponent was. No matter how he died, Li Han had already rushed in front of the Hejian King, and the scared Hejian King ran away. He didn't dare to fight Li Han .

Li Han hangs his knife and takes off his bow and arrow to shoot the King of Hejian, but unfortunately, he has a good idea. Before Li Han can take out the arrow, Shangguan Cheng has already rushed forward, so Li Han has to hang up his bow and take the knife to face Shangguan Cheng.

Behind Li Han followed her personal guards, Bai Jing, Liu Yi, Wang Rui, and Wang Rui followed closely behind. Seeing Li Han and Shangguan Cheng fighting together, Bai Jing took out her pistol and shot at the other rushing people. Soldiers.

The battlefield was divided into pieces, and the advantage of King Hejian's army quickly disappeared. The name of the famous tree, Li Han's big flag was raised there, fluttering in the wind, and many people felt timid looking at the big flag. In addition, King Hejian retreated, Qin Zirui was captured, and his morale was defeated again and again.

Seeing that it was impossible to take Zhangguan by force again, the king of Hejian had no choice but to withdraw his troops. He had better retreat a hundred li and set up camp.

These forbidden soldiers are like wolves and tigers. They didn't come to the battlefield to die, but to grab credit. They don't care how many people there are in the opponent. To be promoted.

Thinking about the fact that I will change my shotgun to a higher level in the near future, and my murderousness will increase. When I hear Hejian King Mingjin, someone kills and scolds Hejian King for being stingy, and I haven't done much work yet.

Qin Zixuan sat on the horse and watched Zhile. This is the most lethal soldier he has ever seen, even more ferocious than at Qinglongguan. It is probably stimulated by not being able to fight in this period of time. After all, many veterans who go out to fight have been promoted to several ranks Yes, if you are lucky, you will become a general. This is really incomparable. The more you compare, the more sad you are. They want to fight.

(End of this chapter)

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