Second-hand little prince

Chapter 968 Making a Plan

Chapter 968 Making a Plan
Li Han led the forbidden army all the way to hide and kill, and he had to fight for more than ten miles before retreating. Shangguancheng led a few people to protect Hejian King and retreated the fastest. They didn't expect Li Han to be so fierce. The army kills the enemy.

Li Han returned with high-profile soldiers, with a smile on his face. After the soldiers cleaned up the battlefield statistics, they killed [-] in this battle, and [-] surrendered. The surrendered troops were [-] more than the forbidden troops brought by Li Han.

King Hejian's army went smoothly all the way, but he didn't expect to lose his general just after meeting Li Han, and even took his youngest son in, King Hejian was so angry.

No matter how angry King Hejian is, Qin Zixuan is relieved, he can keep Yujing safe by guarding Zhangguan, and they can kill all directions as soon as they gain a firm foothold.

Back in Zhangguan, Chen Zhong brought the disabled general to Li Han to plead guilty. Li Han helped Chen Zhong up.

Not only did Li Han not punish him for his crime, but he also asked for credit for this matter. This matter must be credited, and the Xian Wang also agreed with him. Chen Zhong had no faults and only credit for this battle today. He saw the danger of the battle with his own eyes.

As long as Chen Zhong hesitated a little bit, he would not be able to hold this level. If he guessed correctly, he was determined to fight to the death. Now seeing Chen Zhong taking the initiative to plead guilty, King Xian was so moved.

Qin Zixuan sat there not doing anything, but lowered his head to calculate, wondering how much manpower the Shangguan family invested this time. Since dealing with the Shangguan family, they have killed nearly 200 Shangguan family masters.

If there is no miscalculation, one of the saint masters also died. Based on Gu Yueru's estimation, even if the Shangguan family has a big family and a great career, there are many masters and saint masters. Now there are really not many masters left.

Of course, there are still a lot of super-class warriors and low-level warriors, and those have little impact on the army. If a few more masters are killed this time, will the Shangguan family be so painful that they will cry?
Qin Zixuan thought of a good thing and smiled, then looked at Chen Zhong, and asked if Chen Zhong had met the master of Shangguan's family to make a move. Chen Zhong shook his head, saying that he hadn't, but Gong Liangjie who was next to him spoke.

It's not without reason that Chen Zhong didn't meet him, but there was a reason too. The masters of the Shangguan family had arrived on the battlefield, and they also secretly attacked at the previous pass, but when they arrived at Zhangguan, the masters of the four major families also arrived.

If the masters of the Shangguan family dare to attack secretly, then the masters of the four major families will not sit idly by and will definitely fight the Shangguan family.

The cooperation between the four major families and Daqin doesn't mean nothing, at least when the masters of the Shangguan family appear, they will also show up to help Daqin protect the high-level generals.

It was only then that Chen Zhong realized that it was not because of his own strength, but because he was secretly protected by a master. He quickly thanked Gong Liangjie.

Qin Zixuan asked Gong Liangjie if he knew how many masters the opponent had?Gong Liangjie shook his head. He accompanied Qin Zixuan to the battlefield just now. If he wants to know the news, he needs to go out and contact the secret master.

Then what are you waiting for? Qin Zixuan asked Gong Liangjie to contact him quickly. He wanted to calculate the strength of both sides, and then make adjustments on the current battlefield. He couldn't lose any more generals on his side. They were all treasures.

Li Han and Chen Zhong inquired about the news of Hejian King's side. They came in a hurry, many of the news were sent by spies on the road, and some of them hadn't had time to look at it carefully. This would be the time for someone to explain.

Chen Zhong is also not polite. Chen Zhong is very comfortable in front of the general, much more comfortable than in front of Xian Wang and Qin Zixuan. Xian Wang doesn't care about the things on the battlefield, but he helps Li Han with some chores, which is what the military adviser has to do. The trivial work belongs to King Xian.

King Xian went to work with his subordinates. Qin Zixuan sat in front of the map to study the map. King Hejian would be hundreds of miles away as soon as he retreated. Qin Zixuan was worried that they would ambush the army, so he had to guard against it.

Qin Zixuan was accompanied by a message from Du Tong. This person was a living map, and there was nothing he didn't know about the surrounding terrain. He explained where Qin Zixuan clicked, which saved Qin Zixuan a lot of trouble.

"This is Bali Mountain. There is only one valley in and out. The valley is eight miles long, so it is named Bali Mountain. The mountain is extremely steep, and it is not easy to go up and down." Du Tong saw Qin Zixuan's hand move to Bali Mountain, and immediately said this. Segment words.

Qin Zixuan's hand didn't move there, there was only one passage, that is to say, if his army marched northward, it could only pass through here, if the King of Hejian was not stupid, he would definitely lay an ambush here.

"It's not easy to go up the mountain, so you can go up the mountain?" Qin Zixuan asked.

Du Tong nodded, pointed to the map and said: "There are currently two roads up the mountain, but the road down the mountain is not on the other side of Bali Mountain, but in the valley of Bali Mountain, so even if we go over the mountain, we can't avoid it." Section of road."

Du Tong pointed at the last section of the road, which was about half a mile long, and this half a mile was a dead end, and if he couldn't break through the army, he would still be ambushed here.

Qin Zixuan took a deep breath, stared at the map without saying a word, the other side of the mountain was a steep cliff, if the King of Hejian lay in ambush here, they could only go up the mountain from the valley.

Fighting a battle for the top of the hill?Qin Zixuan thought for a while and shook his head. The battle to grab the mountain was said to be easy to fight, but the loss was too great, so he brought [-] forbidden soldiers, and each of them must be used wisely, and innocent sacrifices cannot be made.

Qin Zixuan's eyes looked at the map for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he saw the blue ocean, and asked, "If I take a detour from the sea, can I get around it?"

Du Tong thought for a moment, then nodded, saying yes, but the river beach there is a bit shallow, not suitable for large ships, and it may not be easy for the army to land.

This problem can't be difficult for the navy. Qin Zixuan has thought about this problem back then. Warships are equipped with the same amount of small boats, and they can go ashore in small boats, as long as they can go around.

When it comes to ambush, Qin Zixuan laughed happily, it is not sure who is in ambush, Qin Zixuan sent people to call Li Han and Xian Wang, at this time to formulate a strategy, Xian Wang still has to listen.

The virtuous king who was working in the army quickly returned to the command tent with his own soldiers, and handed over the work at hand to his subordinates. In short, the soldiers here must settle down well, so as not to chill the hearts of the soldiers.

Li Han was talking with Chen Zhong and other generals, when he heard Qin Zixuan's greeting, he immediately led a few people into the tent, and saw Qin Zixuan lying on the sand table writing and drawing, Li Han became curious and ran over to check .

Du Tong saluted and retreated to the side. The officials here are all older than him, so he should be an invisible person. Qin Zixuan hooked his fingers, and everyone gathered around the sand table. Qin Zixuan pointed to the sand table and began to explain his battle plan.

(End of this chapter)

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