Chapter 969
When Qin Zixuan explained the whole plan, King Xian was dumbfounded. King Cheng is indeed a natural handsome talent. This person takes one step and sees three steps, but he has to plan things beyond five steps. If the plan is successfully completed this time, He Jian Even if the king does not die, he has to take off eight layers of skin.

Li Han walked around the sand table a few times, thought and thought and thought, and came up with a few small loopholes, and then everyone worked together to make the plan more perfect. After the plan was formulated, the army was mobilized immediately.

King Xian was a little restless, so he withdrew more than half of the army now, what if King Hejian rushed forward after getting the news?Although the plan is a good plan, it would be better if there were more soldiers.

Everyone knows this problem. The current problem is that the source of troops will not be solved for a while. The army is all on the field. Even if it is recruited now, it will take time, and time is life and a fighter.

Qin Zixuan rubbed his chin and thought for a while, then said, "Don't be afraid, we still have troops to surrender. Daqin's system has always been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and these people followed the Hejian King's rebellion because they were in a rush. They sent propaganda cadres into the arena. Start ideological education, try to get them to cooperate with us in fighting, and give them a chance to make meritorious deeds."

"It's the generals who really want to be the ministers of the dragon. These ordinary soldiers are nothing more than obeying orders. We really should give them a chance." Li Han agreed, the virtuous king was still a little worried, but thinking of the emperor's order, he opened and closed his mouth. Don't talk too much.

However, the propaganda cadres must carefully observe when carrying out ideological education, and not allow some people to fish in troubled waters and ruin the plan. The Xian Wang decided to start from a small place and try to improve this action as much as possible.

I have to admit that King Xian is really a very smart person. He knows what he is good at and what he is not good at, and he will not interfere in everything.

Then the army started to move, Li Han was promoted to the central army tent, and began to recruit troops and dispatch generals. Everyone should be responsible for which part of the plan. This must be stated in advance, and the plan cannot be corrupted by greed, otherwise the military will act according to the law.

Qin Zixuan sat by the side and looked at his daughter-in-law's majesty, with a smile on his lips. Li Han saw the smile on Qin Zixuan's face from the corner of his eyes, and his heart was agitated. She knew that the young man was different from other men, and that the young man would not be jealous of his wife. He is stronger than himself, but he admires strong women.

King Hejian retreated a hundred li, and after setting up his camp, a group of soldiers sat around in front of the Chinese army's big tent. There was a map in front of them, and they were also discussing how to fight this battle.
King Hejian is so busy now that he doesn't even have time to be sad. When Qin Zirui was arrested, he just asked a few times, and the matter was overturned. He has to be busy with his great cause, and Li Han is the biggest stumbling block on his way. It takes a good plan to break this stone.

Shangguan Cheng sat beside King Hejian, his eyes half-closed, he didn't know what he was thinking, his mouth was tightly closed and he didn't say a word, King Hejian didn't care, he was used to such Shangguan Cheng, a master has his own master arrogance.

"Your Majesty, I have a plan. I don't know if it should be said or not." Sun Youdao said suddenly, stroking his two goatees with one hand, and his triangular eyes flashed darkly from time to time.

Seeing that it was his wise man who spoke, King Hejian immediately handed over his hands to pay tribute to the virtuous, and respectfully asked Sun Youdao to give a lecture, and he would listen attentively. Faced with the humble attitude of King Hejian, Sun Youdao was very helpful.

Sun Youdao pointed to the map and said: "Your Majesty, I think we can retreat here after a feint attack, and then retreat here after making a short block."

Sun Youdao pointed to Bali Mountain, and then explained the terrain of Bali Mountain. This place is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The valley is not wide enough to walk two carriages. Li Han led his troops to chase here.

King Hejian was moved. If he could use the terrain of Bali Mountain to take down Li Han, it would be a great joy. As long as Li Han and Qin Zixuan died, who would he be afraid of?

Shangguan Cheng raised his eyelids slightly, and a look of approval flashed in his eyes. This is indeed a good plan, and the two defeats will definitely make Li Han relax his vigilance. It is not impossible to wipe out Li Han and the army he brought with him in one fell swoop.

The plan was finalized quickly, and the plans of both sides were carried out around Bali Mountain. Now it depends on who is more scheming to win the first opportunity, because both sides have plans, and the battle needs a certain amount of time to arrange the plan. In the next few days, neither side will A major conflict broke out.

Every time he calls out to fight, he also has reservations, unlike the previous storming of Zhangguan, where he tried his best to open a passage.Qin Zixuan stood on Zhangguan, looked at the generals who came to call for battle in the distance, and laughed at the corner of his mouth.

At the same time, he also had a certain understanding of the cruelty of King Hejian. Qin Zirui was caught until now, and the other party didn't say a word, and he didn't care whether he lived or died. Qin Zixuan thought about Qin Zirui who was still stiff, and was really not worth it for him. .

Back then they drank flowers and wine in Yujing City, looking for fun, and they were still able to chat with Qin Zirui, but they didn't expect to meet again on the battlefield, where they were enemies, and they could no longer drink and chat.

"What is Xianggong thinking?" Li Han came to Qin Zixuan's side and asked.

Qin Zixuan sighed, and mentioned that Qin Zirui had a pity face. Li Han also knew that his husband and Qin Zirui had a good relationship, so he thought about it for a while before he comforted him. Everyone has different pursuits, and we can't use one set of standards to measure everyone, and we can't judge everyone because of Friends who have had a few drinks are real friends.

Perhaps Qin Zirui has never regarded Xiao Xianggong as a friend. After all, if it is a real friend, it is impossible to say nothing. Qin Zirui has been scolding Qin Zixuan and Li Han since he was caught, what is the way of friends.

Qin Zixuan sighed, it was just for Qin Zirui's grievance, he supported King Hejian so much, but King Hejian didn't take Qin Zirui seriously, no matter how he thought about it, he felt uncomfortable.

Li Han accompanied Qin Zixuan to stare at the small fight not far away, and suddenly said: "The big battle may be in these two days."

"How did you find out?" Qin Zixuan's curiosity was aroused. He used to read novels when the lights went out and Feng Qi waited for warnings. Qin Zixuan has been in the army for so long, and he has never encountered such a strange thing.

Li Han pointed down and explained: "Look at the soldiers on the other side. Although each of them is very active, many of them are looking back. It is obvious that they are looking at the way back, which means that they will fight back in the next battle. Will fake defeat and retreat."

"Can you see this too?" Qin Zixuan stared at King Hejian's soldiers with wide eyes. It is true that many people looked back at the road, but how much money did they have to look back at the road and fake defeat?Do you want to act like a jerk?

Li Han is full of self-confidence. She has experienced countless battles, big and small, in her life. There are victories and defeats, real defeats and fake defeats. If she fakes a defeat, she will notify the soldiers. , You can't retreat at will, there is something to pay attention to here.

(End of this chapter)

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