Chapter 970
After listening to Li Han's introduction, Qin Zixuan was really convinced. This silly girl is also capable. She is bold, careful and skilled in martial arts. It is really unreasonable for her not to succeed.

Since the opponent wanted to fake defeat, it was certain that the opponent was digging a hole. Qin Zixuan squeezed his chin and recalled the map of this area. After thinking about it, the hole the opponent wanted to dig was probably Bali Mountain.

What a coincidence, both sides regarded it as a golden position for an ambush, but they didn't know who was better, so Qin Zixuan raised his small eyebrows a few times, and Qin Zixuan silently smirked.

Li Han looked at the smirking young man, and laughed too. Now that he knows the opponent's target, the battle will be easy. Now it depends on how the two sides choose the ambush point. If the choice is low, it will definitely become a target.

The battle outside the city was still a leisurely fight, and after finishing the fight, he returned to his base camp. There was not even a spark in the fight. Qin Zixuan turned around and went back to the commander's tent. After thinking about it, he went to visit Qin Zirui, unable to figure out why that kid insisted on rebelling.

Qin Zixuan walked to the prison where Qin Zirui was held, and before he got close, he heard Qin Zirui's scolding.

With a light cough, Qin Zixuan came to the prison door with square steps, and his eyes fell on Qin Zirui, who was yelling at him. At this moment, Qin Zirui looked miserable, his armor had been stripped off, his hair was messy, and his clothes were still stained. bloodstains.

Seeing Qin Zixuan's arrival, Qin Zirui rushed up. If it wasn't for Qin Zixuan, how could he be distracted? Qin Zirui asked himself that he wouldn't be caught. Qin Zixuan was responsible for everything today.

The soldiers carried the case to the door of the prison, and then set up the chairs. Qin Zixuan and Li Han both sat down. These two were very free and came to find Qin Zirui to pass the time.

"Qin Zirui, are you stupid? Do you know? Ever since you were caught until now, your good father hasn't mentioned you once. Are you really favored? Or are you always a good guy?" The existence of nothing, even if this world is taken by Hejian King, you will not have your share?"

Qin Zixuan sat down on his buttocks, and he had no good words in his mouth. This question hurts people, Qin Zirui's eyes turned red all of a sudden, he didn't believe Qin Zixuan's nonsense, he believed that his father was trying to save him, he was his father's favorite little boy son.

"Qin Zixuan, shut up, I won't allow you to slander my father." Qin Zirui yelled, staring at Qin Zixuan bitterly, gnashing his teeth for a while.

Qin Zixuan shook his head and laughed, raised his glass and touched Li Han, and then said: "You are really poor, you don't even know you've been abandoned, how can there be such stupid people in the world?"

"The most indispensable thing in this world is self-righteous fools." Li Han echoed, then Xuan turned to Qin Zirui, with a sneer on his face, and said coldly: "It is said that King Hejian loves his youngest son the most, but I don't think so. "

"Shut up!" Qin Zirui was about to go mad, he couldn't believe that his father didn't think about him, he must be thinking about how to save himself.

Li Han smirked a few times, and continued: "Qin Zirui stop deceiving yourself and others, you should understand in your heart that there are several older brothers above you, and although you are the youngest, you are not the most favored one, otherwise, I wouldn't let you represent him." Father enters Beijing."

Qin Zixuan picked his nose and blinked his eyes. Could it be that King Hejian had thought of rebelling long ago?Why was it never discovered?He is also too good at hiding, and he actually made preparations early, talent.

Li Han looked at the red-eyed Qin Zirui and continued to hit him. Qin Zixuan who was hit was about to collapse, because Li Han knew where the stabbing hurt the most, and Qin Zirui's heart went cold when he stabbed it.

Qin Zixuan saw how powerful his wife was, so he also joined the battle group, but the boy went crazy and said, "Xiao Ruizi, you should surrender. As long as you cooperate and confess, I can save your life."

As soon as he said this, Qin Zirui suddenly woke up from the shock. He is the son of King Hejian, and he knows best whether he will be favored or not.

It must be better than the current treatment. Qin Zirui reacted and continued to yell. Qin Zixuan was so angry that he wanted to slap him. The above words came from the heart, rebellion would kill his head, this little Ruizi is so stupid.

Li Han took the whip from Yang Shulin, opened the cell door and walked in. He lashed at Qin Zirui a few times, each whip brought up a cloud of blood, and the most ruthless whip directly broke three of Qin Zirui's ribs. Qin Zirui was in pain. Lose vocals.

"Xiao Mian, do you really think we dare not beat you? If it weren't for the friendship between you and the young man, I would have killed you long ago!" Li Han stared at Qin Zirui and put down his harsh words, "If you dare to insult the lord, just say hello!" Whip, whip to see blood."

The head of the prison shrank his head and responded, the general is still ruthless, the whip sees blood, wouldn't it be fatal if he scolded ten or eight sentences!
"Hey, shame on you, right? I wanted to give you a hand, but now you're trying to kill yourself and I didn't do it. Let's just pretend we didn't know each other. Anyway, you don't really regard me as a friend!"

After Qin Zixuan finished speaking, he shrugged his shoulders, his friendship with Qin Zirui was drawn out here, and he was treated like a donkey with good intentions, Qin Zixuan was not a saint, so naturally he would no longer lean his face forward and be scolded by others.

Qin Zirui breathed in pain, stared at Qin Zixuan bitterly, wanted to say something soft, but couldn't bear face, so he could only stay in a stalemate. Qin Zirui wanted to continue in a stalemate, but Qin Zixuan quit, flung his sleeves and walked away.

Qin Zirui was pulled down from the position of friend in his heart, since the other party didn't appreciate him, he wouldn't go any further, life or death is up to the emperor, as for the successful rebellion of King Hejian, Qin Zixuan never thought about it.

Whoever dares to snatch the throne of Prince Taiping from him, Qin Zixuan dares to do it!The same is true for Hejian King, no one can ruin his position anyway.

After leaving the prison, Qin Zixuan sighed and said: "The poor man must have something to hate, he is trying to die."

"Why should my husband care about other people? The left and right are just familiar strangers. Let's dig a hole." Li Han came up to help Qin Zixuan find something to do, so he couldn't be immersed in the bad mood Qin Zirui brought.

Qin Zixuan nodded, he likes digging holes, this time it must be a big one, since they are going to lose, let them become real losers, as much as they can stay along the way, it is best to beat Hejian King Disabled.

The two returned to the handsome tent, sat on the sand table and deduced, and after deliberating the details again, they went back to rest. The next day was still a small fight. After seeing Qin Zixuan and Li Han relaxed, go back and report to King Hejian.

King Hejian stroked his beard and meditated from time to time. This Li Han was a little too restless. Just as he was thinking about it, he heard the loud drumming outside.
(End of this chapter)

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