Second-hand little prince

Chapter 971 Ambush

Chapter 971 Ambush
King Hejian quickly ran out of the big tent to watch, and saw that Chen Zhong led the army out without warning, and wiped out the provocative team he sent out, only a few lucky ones fled back quickly.

Qin Zixuan held his chin and snickered. He saw the bewildered Hejian King through the binoculars. Hejian King certainly didn't expect the soldiers of Daqin to charge suddenly, and stopped making small troubles.

Fortunately, Chen Zhong wiped out the provocative team and did not continue to attack, but returned triumphantly. King Hejian was so angry that he had nowhere to explode. For his big plan, it was not good to rush up and fight Li Han now.

"Your Majesty, if you can't bear it for a little, you will make big plans. Please take the time to rest your anger." Sun Youdao was quite good at flattering, and he said "Emperor", as if the king of Hejian really proclaimed himself emperor, which made the king of Hejian feel much better.

A mere 3000 people are still within his tolerance range, so he can bear it for a while. King Hejian returned to the big tent with luck, staring in the direction of Zhangguan, thinking of his youngest son who was arrested, and he didn't know where he was now. Dead or alive.

After the war, calm was restored. Early the next morning, the king of Hejian sent 5 troops to fight for Zhangguan. Li Han brought 5 forbidden troops, and the remaining soldiers in Zhangguan only had [-]. People, and among the [-] people, [-] imperial troops were transferred away.

Fortunately, the [-] surrendered soldiers were enlightened, and some people were willing to take the blame and make meritorious service, and returned to the embrace of Daqin, which made it seem like there were still so many soldiers like Li Han.

The two sides set up battles outside Zhangguan City. Qin Zixuan sat on the city wall and watched the show. Li Han rushed to the front with his soldiers. The opening was still the same. Surrendering, Li Han sneered again and again.

If the two sides couldn't agree to go together, the only thing left was to fight, so Li Han led the army and rushed to the front line with big swords, followed by howling soldiers, one by one scrambling for military merit.

Huang Lang, who came to call the battle, saw that the situation was not right, shouldn't it be you who scolded me and I scolded you, and then argued the truth before starting the war?And according to the agreement, he was allowed to lose but not win.

It's hard for him to win against the gang of wolf cubs that Li Han brought. Huang Lang hesitated whether to make two moves with Li Han, so it seemed unreasonable to just turn around and run away.

So Huang Lang hesitated to raise his gun to fight Li Han, but he didn't expect that he failed to take his head off with one move, and only a blood-spitting corpse was still sitting firmly on the horse. He had received the order to pretend to be defeated. I don't need to remind the soldiers to turn around and run away, for fear that they will move their heads if they run too slowly.

Damn, the general is too cruel. General Huang was beheaded with one move. They are just soldiers, let alone their strength. It is embarrassing. If their shameful strength collides with the general, they are courting death.

A group of people only hated their parents for losing two legs. The originally planned escape formation was messed up, and a stampede happened. A soldier who surrendered with his head pouted and his buttocks pouted.

The king of Hejian got the news and pulled off his beard several times. It was a fake defeat, but he didn't expect it to be a real defeat. It hurts to think about it. There is an army of 50, and his rebellion is only [-]. Although he recruited many recruits along the way , the number of people did not exceed one million.

One hundred thousand people were wiped out at one time, plus the loss in the first confrontation with Li Han, nearly 20 horses were lost in just a few days, the firm heart of King Hejian once again showed hesitation, he really can succeed in the rebellion ?
Sun Youdao stepped forward to explain that it doesn't matter whether you lose or lose, the important thing is to lose, and the real loss will attract Li Han more, so let's play the fake show and sing the real thing.

What can the King of Hejian say?What else can I say besides fake plays?On the contrary, Master Wei, another counselor of Hejian King, came forward and suggested that he hoped that Hejian King could gather all the soldiers who were scattered all over the place and start a sea of ​​soldiers with Li Han.

Daqin's military resources are tight, and now Li Han doesn't have many soldiers, so he can use crowd tactics to surround Li Han, and then kill Li Han and Qin Zixuan at all costs, clearing the way for the great cause.

This idea also moved King Hejian's heart. Although he claims to have a million-strong army, he actually doesn't have that many troops, and there are still some recruits to help garrison the city, and to seize the city between the three gates, all these require troops.

Should we concentrate the scattered troops?King Hejian hesitated for a while, Sun Youdao saw Hejian King's hesitation, and immediately stepped forward to persuade him, this old boy had a plan in mind.

Balishan is such a good ambush location, as long as Li Han makes good use of it, he will die.

Mrs. Wei looked at the hesitant Hejian King and sighed in her heart. He was also optimistic about Bali Mountain, but Li Han had Qin Zixuan who was proficient in tactics. Could they see Qin Zixuan or not?What if the other party does not enter Bali Mountain?
If the other party knew the danger of Bali Mountain and wanted to break the ambush on Bali Mountain, then King Hejian would definitely be in great danger staying here, and whether he could escape would be a problem.

So Mrs. Wei persuaded King Hejian to leave this space. Since the battlefield was at Bali Mountain, they should retreat to the north of Bali Mountain. This was not only flexible, but also safe. If Bali Mountain missed, they could retreat to the north.

This idea is good, but it is not pleasing. Sun Youdao was not happy when he saw Master Wei bad-mouthing him, so he suggested that King Hejian should take down the guy who disturbed the morale of the army and punish him. Master Wei was so angry that he felt angry.

King Hejian didn't punish Master Wei, he still needed Master Wei to advise him, so King Hejian dismissed Master Wei and didn't take Master Wei's suggestion.

The first group of people who pretended to be defeated were really defeated. King Hejian retreated with his army, the hasty look seemed to be true, Qin Zixuan watched the other party's movements from a distance, and his stomach hurt from laughing.

Just when King Hejian retreated to Centipede Mountain, there was a sudden drumbeat on the mountain, and sharp arrows rained down from the sky, scaring King Hejian into fear. He didn't expect Li Han to lie in ambush here. How did they get around behind him? of?
This question does not need to burn your brain, because it is not a secret that Daqin established a navy. Since there is a navy that wants to go around to the rear, it is not impossible. King Hejian almost spit out a mouthful of old blood after thinking about it.

He was thinking of ambush the other party in Balishan, but he didn't expect the other party to ambush him first. At this time, King Hejian was more worried that the other party still had cards in his hand and would steal his lair. What if the other party really sent troops to After leaving the Northeast, what is left of his great cause?The king of Hejian panicked, and ordered the soldiers to rush, they must rush over, and escape to the other side of Bali Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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