Chapter 976
Qin Zixuan and Li Han stood in front of the sand table and deduced the action plan. Since the emperor wanted to destroy the Shangguan family, these people would definitely be wiped out.

The Xian Wang arranged the trivial matters, found Qin Zixuan and Li Han, and found that the two had already made a plan of action. It seemed that they planned to destroy each other in one fell swoop, which made the Xian Wang feel relieved. Although these two bastards are still very reliable in their work.

Early the next morning, the army left Linyang Pass and went straight to Sanyang Pass. King Hejian dragged his wounded body and was studying strategy. Whether to fight or go became the focus of disputes. Some wanted to return to the base camp, while others wanted a decisive battle.

Those who proposed to return to the base camp belonged to the conservatives. They believed that the Northeast is the territory of King Hejian. As long as they returned to the Northeast, they would not have to worry about having no source of troops.

The ones who hoped for a decisive battle at Sanyang Pass were the adventurous faction and the arrogant faction. They had already inquired clearly, and Li Han set off with [-] forbidden troops, even including Zhangguan's soldiers, it was only tens of thousands.

They still have an army of 30, and they can recruit troops from the rear. Why give up the Sanyang Pass in front of them?You must know that this level is not easy to fight. Even if the guard was killed at that time, the soldiers below also killed more than 2 of their soldiers.

King Hejian was also aware of this, it was a pity to give up, and at the same time deeply regretted it. At that time, he saw Li Han leading the troops to fight out, how could he know how many people she brought with him.

Moreover, those fresh troops are like rolling killer weapons, blood red everywhere they pass, and his subordinates will die when they meet with other soldiers. Coupled with Li Han's fierce reputation, the killing god is not called for nothing.

That guy took the lead and went straight to him. King Hejian would wake up when he dreamed of the scene at that time. Even a well-informed person, King Hejian would be frightened like this. The soldiers below can be imagined.

The king of Hejian opened his mouth, wanting to ask Mr. Wei to express his opinion. Then he remembered that Mr. Wei was already dead. I'm also angry, I don't want to mention this person at all.

"Father, let's figure out how many people Li Han has under his command now? Let's make the next decision."

Qin Zixiao interrupted Hejian King's contemplation with his words, and seeing Hejian King looking at him, Qin Zixiao continued: "Although he doesn't want to admit it, there must be many soldiers who surrendered, and those people will probably become Li Han's generals. "

Hearing what Qin Zixiao said, the scene was quiet. They didn't know how many soldiers had surrendered. The spies were weak and they couldn't find any news about Li Han's camp. Of course, there must be soldiers who surrendered, so don't worry about it.

"It's hard to estimate this number. You must know that some soldiers are newly recruited. They are originally the people of the Great Qin Dynasty. In addition, the other side has been shouting to surrender and not to kill. It is estimated that there are not a few soldiers who surrendered." Huang Min said, thinking Jiangbing felt uneasy.

In the past, there were only 30 forbidden troops, and their lords were defeated. If you add surrendered soldiers, how many soldiers does Li Han have now?Are their [-] horses really their opponents?

This idea flashed through the minds of many people. Everyone felt that this was a big problem. It seemed that if they didn’t understand this problem thoroughly, all their discussions would be empty words.

The sadness in King Hejian's heart is even stronger. If you are a good prince, you must rebel. If you rebel, you can rebel. At any rate, you can last for a few years, but the current situation is that you can't even survive for a few months.

It has only been more than a month since the start of the army, and only 30 of his million-strong army are left. If there is another fight, can the 30 be preserved?
"My lord, I don't know what the national teacher thinks about this matter? Can they take action to solve Li Han and Qin Zixuan?" Huang Min changed his mind and turned his idea to the national teacher.

That guy was quite arrogant, and he always claimed to be invincible. Since he was invincible, he would come out and kill Li Han and Qin Zixuan. As long as these two die, what else is there to fear?

Huang Min was dissatisfied in his heart, and he dared not say it. He knew that the national teacher was very powerful, and he had many assistants. Blinking, it's cruel.

King Hejian snorted, did he pretend that he hadn't mentioned this opinion?He mentioned that the problem is that people can't kill Li Han and Qin Zixuan, and he can't help it. King Hejian didn't expect that the protection force around Li Han and Qin Zixuan is so strong.

"Report! My lord, the general led his troops to the front of Sanyang Pass, and he is beating and cursing." The spies immediately reported, knelt on one leg and trembling, terribly frightened.

King Hejian jumped up from his chair in fright, why so fast?It took so long for those cities to go around. Didn't the soldiers defending the cities resist?Take it there?
Qin Zixuan accompanied Li Han to the outside of Sanyang Pass. Hundreds of soldiers who were good at scolding had formed a group to scold. Hejian King scolded his subordinates, and his subordinates scolded those soldiers.

Just ask these soldiers where did Daqin feel sorry for them?From ancient times to the present, which dynasty has the system of Daqin better?Let me put it out, the emperor has worked hard for the country and the people, how many good systems he has formulated, and how many families have been happy, why is he still not satisfied?

Just ask Hejian King what he promised them?Prosperity or Preciousness?Can the King of Hejian really do it?If he, the king of Hejian, loved the people like his own son, he would definitely not launch a war. War is the accumulation of military exploits with life, and the glory that is exchanged for life. Who has the opportunity to enjoy this kind of glory? .
Qin Zixuan came up with these words. You have to scold people to the essence. You can't leave nothing behind after scolding. That's boring. You have to scold to a new level.

While scolding, let the other party reflect, is this war really right?Is it right to follow Hejian King all the way to Hei?The king of Hejian can become the emperor in rebellion, but what can these little soldiers do?One by one can only be cannon fodder.

Daqin soldiers are martyrs after death, what is after their death?Will Hejian King still remember them?What happens to the family when they die?After these questions were ticked off, the people in Sanyang Pass were moved.

King Hejian was so angry. I didn't expect Qin Zixuan's scolding formation to be offensive. It was too hateful. He immediately organized people to fight back. But after the scolding soldiers sent by King Hejian arrived, Qin Zixuan had already led the troops back. Battalion, they don't call formation today.

Back at the camp, Qin Zixuan had people slaughter pigs and sheep to celebrate. The scent spread for more than a dozen miles, and drifted directly into Sanyang Pass with the breeze. When he smelled it, he could tell how good the soldiers of Daqin outside the pass were. Fragrant.

King Hejian was worried about affecting the morale of the army, so he also asked people to kill pigs and sheep. Let's eat together.

(End of this chapter)

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