Chapter 977
Early the next morning, Qin Zixuan's soldiers scolded again, and the words of scolding were updated again. This time, in addition to scolding, they also persuaded you to surrender. That is, if you surrender, you can pay the crime and make meritorious service. .

To put it simply, I don't have to hold you accountable for the rebellion, you can also make meritorious deeds, and we will reward you, come on, baby, surrender!
Sitting on Taxue's back, Qin Zixuan listened to the voices of the soldiers on his side, and looked at the morale of the soldiers in the city. Qin Zixuan felt that there was no need to fight this battle, as the morale of the other side was too low.

In Sanyang Pass, King Hejian begged to see Shangguancheng, and asked Shangguancheng to deal with Qin Zixuan and Li Han. Shangguancheng's mouth twitched when he heard this request. If Qin Zixuan was really so easy to kill, he would have been killed long ago.

It's a pity that the plan to assassinate Qin Zixuan by the Yunmeng Kingdom alliance with Beyond the Great Wall was shelved. Otherwise, it might be possible for the masters of the three factions to hold back the members of the four major families and kill Qin Zixuan.

Alas, Shangguan Cheng sighed. At that time, Qin Zisheng was hopeless, so the Shangguan family decided to change his favor, and then gave up that plan. Now it seems that the decision at that time was really wrong.

No matter how useless Qin Zisheng is, he has formally proclaimed himself emperor and founded the country for five years. Regardless of whether it is good or bad, he will also destroy the existence of Daqi Dachu, but what is the name of this person in front of him?

Some people call him prince, he should!Some people call him emperor, he should!Hehe, Shangguancheng looked at Hejian King and sneered, and suddenly found that this Hejian King was not as powerful as they imagined.

King Hejian was confused by the laughter, wondering what the other party was laughing at?What's so funny about myself?Looking down at his clothes, there is no problem, everything is normal.

"National teacher, Qin Zixuan's matter must be resolved, otherwise this battle will not be able to be fought. That man is a famous wise man who is good at arranging troops. He also wrote a book of Sun Tzu's Art of War and 36 Strategies. This man really A military genius."

King Hejian didn't find out his joke, and started to talk about Qin Zixuan's danger. Shangguancheng heard it in his ears and in his mind. He also knew that Qin Zixuan must die, but how to kill him?
I have ten masters here, and ten masters on the other side, not counting the people around Qin Zixuan who protect him. If all the masters are concentrated to attack Qin Zixuan, is there any chance?
Shangguan Cheng closed his eyes and meditated for a long time. Shangguan Cheng seemed to have made up his mind and said, "Forget it, in the battle of Sanyangguan, our national teacher will fight with all his strength and vow to kill Qin Zixuan."

"May I ask the national teacher what is the best strategy?" King Hejian asked.

This problem stumped Shangguan Cheng, he had no good plan, he just wanted to gather all the masters to attack Qin Zixuan, and throw Li Han aside, he didn't believe that Qin Zixuan couldn't be killed by several people making moves at the same time.

Shangguancheng snorted pretentiously, closed his eyes and stopped talking, Hejian King made a fool of himself, saw Shangguancheng closed his eyes, so he had to leave the room, he should go back to discuss the matter of the war.

Qin Zixuan didn't know that he was being watched, and read with relish in a little yellow book that he found in his hand. Qin Zixuan didn't like this kind of book before, but now he can read it with relish. This taste drop it.

Lin Xi walked in from the outside and asked Qin Zixuan what to eat. Qin Zixuan put down the little yellow book in his hand, what to eat is a big problem, the problem is what to eat now?
Lin Xi told Qin Zixuan that Qin Feng had sent a boat of fish laborers, and there was a lot of seafood mixed in, and we have seafood to eat.Qin Zixuan's expression brightened when he heard the seafood, and he immediately regained his energy. He wanted to cook seafood.

"By the way, where's my fourth master?" Qin Zixuan took two steps, why is Xian Wang a civil servant so busy that he can't see anyone.

"The virtuous prince is inspecting the captives, and the ideological education work over there is proceeding rapidly. The virtuous prince is worried that some people will be dishonest, so he has been supervising the work of the propaganda officers."

Lin Xi honestly reported that Prince Xian is a careful person. He is worried about these people's fake surrenders and keeps a close eye on them, unlike the prince and the general, who arrange the affairs there after they are assigned to the propaganda officer and then leave them alone.

Oh, Qin Zixuan snorted, and wanted to invite the fourth master to drink, but now it seems that there is no need, and I don't know what Li Han is doing, but there is no one in sight, Lin Xi told Qin Zixuan that the general is patrolling the camp.

This word makes Qin Zixuan jump, why don't you call him when he is patrolling the camp now, patrolling the camp is a majestic job, riding on a tall horse, turning around, when encountering soldiers pat each other on the shoulder, there is a hard work on the road , the other party can be grateful for a lifetime.

Everyone would say that the general patted me on the shoulder, the prince told me about hard work, wow haha, Qin Zixuan can laugh out loud just thinking about it, people in this era are so easy to fool.

Qin Zixuan walked out of the tent and looked around at the soldiers on duty. He didn't see Bai Jing and Wang Rui. They probably went to patrol the camp. Qin Zixuan rubbed his nose and looked in the direction of Sanyang Pass, with a smirk on his face.

Tomorrow noon is the time to do it, and I don't know if the manpower I have arranged is in place. Tomorrow, hehe, the dogs of Shangguan's family, wait for the master to kill you.

Qin Zixuan felt even happier when he thought of good things. He accepted the secret decree, and the matter had to be handled beautifully. King Hejian could escape, but Shangguan Cheng and others could not escape and had to be captured.

Qin Zixuan came to the cook camp, looked at the cooks who were busy, and stuffed a cucumber into their mouths. The cooks were used to the prince turning around from time to time, and it was normal to see Qin Zixuan eating, and they all came forward to salute.

Qin Zixuan squatted down on a wooden pier, watched the cooks at work, ate a cucumber, and then started work. He came to get seafood, and he wanted to take away the food he made himself.

The cook battalion commander was very cooperative, he would give Qin Zixuan whatever he wanted, as long as Qin Zixuan didn't criticize him, they knew very well that this was the general's darling, the baby was tight.

Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows suddenly, and looked at a corner where there were all rubbish piled up, but he sensed danger from it, could someone be hiding in it?

Hehe, Qin Zixuan suddenly smirked, beckoned to Yang Shulin, whispered a few words in his ear, Yang Shulin took the order, returned without saying a word, made a gesture, and saw the guns in the hands of the personal guards fired.

The target was the pile of rubbish, the sound of puff puff was heard in everyone's ears, and soon there was a scream from inside, Qin Zixuan raised the corner of his mouth in admiration for his intuition.

As long as the other party shows a little bit of murderous intent, Qin Zixuan will be able to sense it, which Li Han can't compare to.There is actually someone hiding in the trash dump right under their noses. It would be dereliction of duty to spread the word. If something happens to the prince, can they still keep their heads?

(End of this chapter)

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