Chapter 984

How did Qin Zixuan know that those young ladies did not participate in the competition for prize money, and their ulterior motives were not in drinking, but in being beautiful and delicious. Their goal was Qin Zixuan, but they didn't dare to blatantly hook up, so they had to make their appearance in this way.

Everyone knows the great general's prestige, they are worried that they are too bold to cause great changes in the family, and Qin Zixuan provided them with a stage, so they naturally came to compete.

Unexpectedly, these two were unlucky, and they actually got a piece. It would be wonderful if two people who can't wrestle meet, and they don't know where to put their hands.

Qin Zixuan held his cup and took a sip of tea, and happily sat on the high stage to watch the show. He had a good view here, he could see everything clearly, and he didn't even miss the opponent's small movements.

The local rich people who accompanied them blushed, thinking that their own family would also send them to participate, should they find an opportunity to train them first, it would be too embarrassing to go on stage, they said they couldn't afford this embarrassment.

Qin Zixuan is a bad guy, he also thought of this possibility, and turned his eyes around on purpose, everyone's expression changed, and he became more determined to teach second and third hands, and he must not let the prince see through.

As a result, the young ladies who were waiting to go on the field were busy, and even if they didn't light their guns before the battle, they would lose their light. Then they found their opponents and promised a lot of money to make them let them go.

Qin Zixuan's side is very lively, Li Han's side is not bad, the border has not been able to fight for many years, Hejian King is not so devoted to the defense of the border, and instead spends a lot of money on military training. A good lineage, but the border gate has been in disrepair for many years.

The only reason he spent a lot of money to get along well was because he met Li Han. Compared with the forbidden army brought out by Li Han, it was nothing. It can be described as a big dog.

After inspecting the border, Li Han was very angry. She is a general who led troops to fight. Just here, that is, the Qiang people were afraid of being beaten. They never dared to violate the border. If their wildness had not retreated, the border would have long been a mess. .

No way, Li Han had no choice but to write an urgent memorial and send it to Yujing. It needs to be repaired here, even if it is freezing cold, otherwise what defense will the other party have when the weather warms up?
If you want to repair, you need money. Li Han wrote the memorial to ask the emperor to send people to send money to repair the border. At the same time, the virtuous king was not idle. After following Li Han's inspection tour, he was really speechless. If you don't do business, you will think about it all day long.

The Qiang people suffered a great loss when they invaded Daqin for the first time after many years. It was not they who invaded on their own initiative, but King Hejian who pitted them. Naturally, they couldn't bear this tone, and immediately wrote a letter to King Hulun when they returned to their clan.

If a child loses a fight, they have to go to their parents. King Hulun is their patriarch. It doesn't matter how they fight with other tribes outside the Great Wall. It doesn't matter if they lose a fight with the Central Plains. They have to go to King Hulun to uphold justice.

King Hulun, who had just won Wu Kingdom and was celebrating, had his nose twisted when he received the news. He hadn't freed up his hands to clean up Daqin, but they couldn't help but jumped out to show it.

King Hulun looked at the weather and knew that going to war now would not be conducive to marching, so he wrote a letter to the Qiang people, telling them to prepare for the battle first, and keep an eye on the border of Daqin. When his army returns, it will be the day of the decisive battle with Daqin.

This decision gave time for border repairs, and the emperor was also so angry that his stomach hurt after receiving Li Han's memorial. It can be seen from this incident how much he trusts King Hejian.

After handing over the border gate to Hejian King to guard it, no one was sent to inspect it. Isn't this a great trust?Thinking about the rebellion of the King of Hejian, I feel as uncomfortable as if I had eaten a stool.

Qin Zixuan didn't care about his business, he sat on the high platform and watched beautiful women wrestling every day, with great interest, while Li Han and Xian Wang were busy with their heels every day, so he was at ease.

"My lord, this girl is not bad, she has great strength in her hands." Lin Xi looked at the comment with a smile on the ring, Qin Zixuan jokingly carried her back to make Lin Xi a puppet, Lin Xi shrunk his neck, forget it, he sincerely I dare not accept it.

Zi'er is not the same as she used to be when she was unmarried. She is a tiger. Those who follow Princess Cheng are all strong women. Lin Xi is deeply influenced by Qin Zixuan and respects women, so the status of strong women is particularly stable.

Qin Zixuan looked at the stage with a smile. Lin Xi helped Qin Zixuan pour a glass of water. The wealthy people sitting behind Qin Zixuan listened with their ears open. People, being able to get on the line is also a big thick leg.

Some people have already started to think about their concubine daughters. If they can be sent to Lin Xi's side, their family's status will rise in a straight line. The prince in front of him is too serious. So many women are not in his eyes, and the rich are very sad.

The competition in the arena has reached [-] to [-]. After today's competition, the competition will be completed tomorrow morning, and the winner can finally be announced.

Liu Xian, the giant, took the lead to enter the top ten. She was sitting on the player bench and staring at Qin Zixuan. Xian is very depressed.

Touching her plate face, the palm of her hand felt smooth and tender, Liu Xian felt that she was a fairy descended to earth, and Prince Cheng's eyes are not good, so he couldn't find her beauty.

There was a commotion outside the city, Li Han rode his horse into the arena, saw Qin Zixuan's lips smiling, and finally got over the matter at the border, and couldn't help but come to watch the game with the young man.

Seeing the arrival of the great general, the crowd surged again, they got up to pay respects one after another, Li Han waved his hand, casually came to sit beside Qin Zixuan, and asked if it looked good?Anyone interested?

Qin Zixuan replied, "Guess what, Li Han is very happy to give it to someone who doesn't like it, how can these vulgar things compare with him, it's the difference between cloud and mud, Li Han is very shameless when he is led astray by Qin Zixuan.

Lin Xi stared at her toes, and she did not deny or deny the general's words. Whatever the general said was right, who would let someone be a general?

Qin Zixuan hooked his hands, and Li Han immediately leaned forward. Qin Zixuan quietly pointed in Liu Xian's direction, and said in a low voice, "There is a top-notch person with a particularly high vision, who actually fell in love with me!"

Li Han glanced at it, almost spit it out, it really is the best, ask who is that?Qin Zixuan responded with a Big Mac, and she hasn't lost a game so far. Her opponents have all been hugged and thrown. The smart ones admit defeat directly, and the stupid ones just get eight petals on their buttocks.

Are you a trainer?Li Han raised his eyebrows and asked himself. After a closer look, he didn't think it was the same. Maybe he was born with great strength. Li Han took a few more glances at Liu Xian, but he couldn't see the flowers. He decided to focus on observing tomorrow. By your side.

(End of this chapter)

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