Second-hand little prince

Chapter 985 Can You Be Small?

Chapter 985 Can You Be Small?
The top ten list appeared, and Liu Xian ranked first, followed by Yang Xiaoli, Fu Xiaohua, Huang Linlin and others. Today's competition is officially over, and the audience is reluctant to leave. They have also opened their eyes these days. There are so many beautiful ladies and sisters, but it's a pity that they were all eliminated.

Those young ladies can spend money to pass the test at the beginning, but they can't do it later. The attraction of 1000 taels of silver is too great, and those who are capable are reluctant to give up.

Coupled with Qin Zixuan's lack of interest in beautiful women, and he didn't mean to mess with women, the rich people thought about it and thought that Prince Cheng was afraid of his wife, so the general led the army to sit at the border, and they didn't dare to go too far. turn off.

Qin Zixuan didn't care what other people thought, as long as he had fun by himself, he hadn't seen women's wrestling for a long time, this time in Hejian Mansion, he had enough fun, and he had his own performance in the ring.

The only shortcoming is that these women don't wear the three-point style, which is not enjoyable enough. This makes Qin Zixuan feel very sorry. Of course, he is not a very excessive person. He knows the importance of honor to women in this era, so he didn't make this request.

Otherwise, it would be against Qin Zixuan's status. He made this request, and those women had to follow suit. Now the people in the Northeast have no idea, and they are worried that the royal family will settle accounts after autumn, so they will naturally please King Cheng.

Qin Zixuan and Li Han also got up to leave, and the rich people got up again to see them off, their attitudes were very obedient, and they didn't dare to breathe, they were afraid, the general was not angry, and the murderous aura on his body made them terrified.

Back in the prefecture, Qin Zixuan pulled Li Han to tell the jokes he had seen in the past few days. Li Han listened cheerfully. If he wasn't on official business, he really wanted to be by Xianggong's side all the time.

"Sir, the affairs here are almost settled. We can go back home when the emperor sends generals to guard the border. Are you happy?" Li Han asked suddenly, reaching out to touch Qin Zixuan's pink face, his eyes gleaming.

Qin Zixuan slapped off Li Han's paws, and in turn pressed Li Han under him, let him tease him, this is the dignity of a man, Li Han was secretly happy, she had no objection to who was up and who was down, as long as the husband liked it good.

Anyway, the above is good, and the bottom is also wonderful. Li Han's smile is getting bigger and bigger, and the room is full of spring.

Dahai and Gu Yueru raided the casinos all the way, and the two who won couldn't carry the money and had to go to the brothel to play. Don't underestimate Dahai, he is especially good at playing, even better at beating people with money than Qin Zixuan.

The master and apprentice played happily, and in the end Zhao Qingfeng found them and gave Gu Yueru a lesson, and then honestly took Dahai to practice, and took Dahai to challenge the masters of all parties, Dahai snorted and was not happy.

My family knows my own affairs, and now my cheap master is not my opponent. Dahai thinks that challenging others is an adult bullying a child, but it is a pity that he still has to obey his master's order.

Because there is a master watching from above, Zhao Qingfeng attaches great importance to Dahai, and is worried that Gu Yueru will misbehave and miss Dahai's martial arts practice. During this period of time, he will be with the two of them, the casino can't be played, the brothel can't go shopping, life is hard.

On the contrary, Qin Zixuan's life was still unrestrained. The old man didn't get up until the third day of the morning, and he was full of laziness. Li Han hugged Qin Zixuan, dressed him, combed his hair, and helped Qin Zixuan wash up by the way. The service is so good. .

Apart from not being able to clean up his face, Li Han became more and more proficient in serving Qin Zixuan. Qin Zixuan stretched himself and sat at the table to have breakfast with Li Han.

After it was over, Qin Zixuan dragged Li Han to sit by the window. The general was so busy these days that he didn't have time to clean up his face. Qin Zixuan began to help Li Han trim his eyebrows and lips. Today Li Han had no business, so he accompanied Qin Zixuan to watch the game.

Li Han blinked his eyes wide, looked at the handsome young man in front of him, couldn't help stealing the scent, put a red lip mark on Qin Zixuan's face, and then smiled with satisfaction.

Qin Zixuan had no choice but to do whatever he wanted, lawless, Qin Zixuan kept filling his lips while chanting, Li Han was happy to listen to the young man's chanting, it sounded very good, like music.

When Li Han and Qin Zixuan went out, today's general was different from yesterday's, he was radiant and lucky, and at a glance, he knew that the husband and wife had a harmonious relationship, and there were many fights yesterday.

Bai Jing came over and looked at Li Han squintingly, her face was full of ridicule, but unfortunately, when she met a cheeky general, he was not afraid of ridicule at all, so she put her backhand on Bai Jing's shoulder and the two left, discussing the issue while walking.

Wang Rui followed behind with furrowed brows, worried that the general would spoil his wife, but unfortunately he couldn't beat the general, and the daughter-in-law followed the general's lead, Wang Rui felt bitter.

Qin Zixuan laughed a few times, which attracted the general's attention. He turned to look at the young man. What does this laughter mean?

Qin Zixuan finished hanging his throat, then cleared his throat and said, "Sister Bai, little brother Wang just told me that he wants to take a concubine, have you not served little brother Wang well as a daughter-in-law?"

Pfft, Wang Rui knelt down, don't you have to turn your back on slanderers?He is right in front of you, when did you say you want to take a concubine?When did you say that!Wang Rui watched Bai Jing walk over with her fists clenched, her legs felt weak.

"Daughter-in-law, you have to believe me. I really never said that. You know the prince's petty temper. He's messing with me again!"

Qin Zixuan wowed and laughed a few more times, leaving the two of them alone, he just fanned the flames, let Wang Rui do the job of putting out the fire, just to add a little fun to the couple.

Li Han happily followed, and gave Wang Rui a stick of fragrance in his heart. That guy is just too stingy, and he has objections to anyone who talks more to Bai Jing, which is a lack of education.

A group of people came to the square, and the ring was already surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside. After Qin Zixuan and his group entered the stage, they were greeted with cheers like a tsunami. As soon as the prince arrived, the competition was about to begin.

The wealthy people also came forward to greet him, their attitudes were very upright, it could not be seen that they had ever planned on Qin Zixuan's backyard with women, and they did not dare to let the general know about this idea.

Du Tong stepped forward to ask for instructions, can we start?Qin Zixuan waved his hand, of course we can start, Lin Xi squeezed out from the crowd of women, looked at Qin Zixuan with a wry smile, the prince just teased him yesterday, unexpectedly today will usher in good luck.

Qin Zixuan looked at Lin Xi's distressed state with a smile, and said something to go back and have a good chat with Zi'er, the scenery at the border is so beautiful, Lin Xi's legs were weak when he heard that, the prince is following him.

Fortunately, Qin Zixuan's attention was quickly attracted by another matter. As expected of a giant, Liu Xian actually asked Qin Zixuan in front of everyone, if she won the first place, could she be a junior to Prince Cheng?
(End of this chapter)

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