Chapter 987
Huang He followed the middle-aged man to a courtyard. The courtyard was not big and quiet, and he lived in a remote place. As soon as Huang He entered the courtyard, he closed the gate. Huang He looked back and didn't care at all.

The middle-aged man squinted at Huang He, with a sinister smile on his face. He thought that King Cheng had given birth to a silly son. Huang He shook the pendant in his hand, and began to look at Sitong with his short legs, making disgusting sounds from time to time. .

"Is this where you live? It's so broken, it's not as clean as my hut!"

"You don't look like a poor man, why don't you even have a servant, do you usually do the work yourself?"

"Didn't you say there is still a little wife at home? Call her out and have a look."

"How old is your daughter? Is she beautiful? I don't look at her if she isn't pretty."

Huang He walked around and asked, the middle-aged man who looked like a bastard was in pain, he suspected again that this little brat was Qin Zixuan's seed, he was too a bastard, he didn't look like a son of a bitch.

Huang He didn't care what the other party thought, he came here because he was comfortable, he asked and sized up as he walked, this small courtyard was not big, and the front yard was quickly finished, Huang He still didn't see the middle-aged man's little wife. Did not see each other's baby girl.

"Brothers, come out to work. I brought Qin Zixuan's second son!" The middle-aged man's voice sounded, and then he saw the closed middle door open, and several men in black rushed out from inside. Male and female.

If you were covering your face, it would definitely look like an assassin. Huang He didn't panic when he saw the person coming, instead he widened his eyes and shouted: "Damn, I finally met a bad guy!"

The few people who said this were absolutely stunned. What does it mean to meet a bad guy at last? Could it be that he has been looking forward to meeting a bad guy?This kid is mentally ill.

Huang He put away Peiyu, his eyes darted around several people, and asked: "Do you still have accomplices? Why did you show up now? Do you know that I have been waiting for you for a long time! My father said that no one is rich without windfall, You bad guys are used to getting rich, so you must be rich, right?"

Saying this, Huang He's eyes shone brightly, filled with little stars, showing Qin Zixuan's money-lovers to the fullest. Of course, he was more courageous than Qin Zixuan, and this kid was never afraid.

"Boy, you don't know when you're about to die, you deserve it!" One of them cursed, staring at Huang He with hatred in his eyes, he will think that he has something to do with the Qin family today, and everyone surnamed Qin deserves to die.

Hehe, Huang He laughed twice, continued to clap his little hands and swipe around to look at these people, who knows who is unlucky, Huang He thinks it's not him.

"Look at my hand, do you know what it is?" Huang He stretched out his small hand and waved it in front of the middle-aged man.
The middle-aged man's answer made Huang He laugh even happier, and a man in black shouted, "No, that's three!"

Wow!Huang He sighed, the medicine given by his brother is really strong, it is really a must-have medicine for home travel!The Yellow River's admiration for Dahai has been elevated in situ, and even Dahai's hatred for beating him has been forgotten to the country of Ulala.

The middle-aged man blinked, and felt that the Yellow River in front of him seemed to have moved a few times, shook his head twice, and became even more dizzy!There were a few plops, and several men in black in the courtyard fell down one after another.

Hahaha..., Huang He put his hips on his hips and stretched out his stomach for a while, and after laughing, this guy actually bent down and stuffed a pill into these guys' mouths, and then kindly helped them into their stomachs.

Immediately afterwards, he searched these people, and buckled their jade, gemstones on their belts, emeralds, agates and other things one by one and put them into small pockets.

As for the banknotes on the several people, they also didn't let go of them, as long as they were valuable, the Yellow River didn't let go of any of them, because they couldn't fit in their pockets, and even took off the clothes of a man in black to put things in.

After tossing around a few unlucky people, they probed their brains and groped into the room lightly, squinting their eyes to see if there was anyone hiding inside, and then went into the room and started searching, even the mouse holes were not missed.

What disappoints Huang He is that these guys live in a dilapidated place, and the room is even more dilapidated, empty. Except for a few pieces of old, broken and legless furniture, there is nothing valuable. These guys put all their valuable things on the body.

After Huang He searched the front yard and the back yard, he searched inside and out, but he didn't find any valuables. As for the living people, he didn't even see a single one. It is estimated that these guys have all come out.

Huang He returned to the front yard with his mouth curled up, tied his small bundles and carried them on his shoulders, he staggered under the pressure, took off the bundles and put them on the ground to look carefully.

Do you want to throw away these swords?Huang He took a long breath, took it off to lighten the weight, and sighed again, feeling pain in his flesh, this is a high-quality sword, ordinary masters can't handle such a sword, it's a pity to lose it.

How about throwing away the flying claws used for climbing the wall?Huang He touched it a few times, but he still didn't want to part with it. This guy is more money-obsessed than Hai Hai, thinking that so many good things can be sold for a lot of money, and he can buy many interesting things, Huang He is reluctant to part with any of them.

Finally, Huang He gritted his teeth, threw it on his back again, dragged his small steps and walked out panting, Gong Liangyan, who was following, saw Huang He's appearance and wanted to jump out and beat him up.

This little bastard went out either to cause trouble or to cause trouble. He dared to follow him in today's situation. It was because these people thought he was young and careless, otherwise this kid would have to peel off his skin if he didn't die.

Grinding her teeth, Gong Liangyan quietly followed the Yellow River, watching the boy sitting on the ground exhausted against the wall and panting, but she was not willing to drop anything, not even the heavy black hammer .

Huang He rested for a while, then carried the heavy burden on his back, and continued to walk along the base of the wall. The small family was not tall, and it looked like a moving black burden from behind. A team of city guards found this moving burden from behind, and hurriedly rushed over.

The city guards rushed to Huang He and ordered Huang He to stop, then looked up and down Huang He, this kid looked familiar, where did he see him?
Huang He looked up and saw the city guards rolled their eyes with joy, threw the burden on the ground, and shouted: "That kid, carry it for me and send it to Prince Cheng's Mansion."

The little leader who was pointed by Huang He immediately felt his skin tighten, and stood at attention on the spot, remembering why he was so familiar, this is the model of a great general.

Chengwang Mansion, get it!The little boss knows who this is in front of him. The third son of Huang He, the famous little demon king of Chengwang Mansion, is quite famous in Yujing City. He leads a group of boys to peek at the big girl taking a bath, break the door of the little widow, and can do anything. come out.

When Huang He saw this team, it was like seeing a rescuer, and he was liberated from the coolie team!

(End of this chapter)

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