Chapter 988 Lucky

Gong Liangyan looked at Huang He, who was very good at manipulating people, and was both funny and angry. This miser, who has never been short of his money, is actually reluctant to throw away things when he sees them. Who does this character look like?
The little boss was on patrol and didn't dare to leave his post without permission, but he didn't dare to disobey Huang He's orders. Prince Cheng's mansion was so popular that he could be strangled to death with a little finger, so the little boss had to send a soldier to help carry his things. I sincerely regret it take this trip.

The liberated Huang He was happy, patted the little boss on the shoulder and called you lucky, the little boss grinned, I hope you are really lucky.

Huang He didn't dare to go to the main entrance, but let Xiaobing help him to the foot door. When he was leaving, Huang He even touched a piece of gold from his bag and threw it to the other party. The happy soldier thanked him repeatedly. I don't know if the boss is lucky, but he is lucky. up.

Don't look at Huang He's greed for money, he is still very good at dealing with things, and he is quite generous when he should be generous. Next time he meets the city guards, there will probably be many people vying to help him do things.

Knocking on the little foot door, Huang He dragged his bundle and was about to enter, when his eyes went dark, and when he looked up, he saw Gong Liangyan staring at him with a dark face, Huang He knew he was finished.

Gong Liangyan stretched out her hand to pick up the burden, lost a word of horse gait for an hour, then strode towards the door to her yard, Huang He's eyes kept following the burden, it was not scary for a moment, what was scary was the burden or her own?
When Huang He asked this question, Gong Liangyan replied that it was confiscated, without even looking at Huang He. Huang He sat down on the threshold. .

Thinking of the story about his father that his brother had told him, Huang He felt that he also needed to sew a few more small pockets inside his clothes, so that he must put valuables in his pockets next time he encountered such a thing.

Suddenly Huang He slapped his head and remembered something, and immediately jumped up from the threshold and ran towards Du Xie's yard. He fed poison before he left, and the thing needs to be detoxified, so he has to earn a good fortune.

Qin Zixuan didn't catch up with the bustle of Yujing City. Qin Zixuan was watching the women's wrestling from the stands. This time it was Yang Xiaoli fighting Wu Sisi.

This person is not only venomous, but also very violent. He is not big, but he is strong. Wu Sisi, who is twice as big as Yang Xiaoli, was suppressed, and he was trying to fight, and he was about to lose.

Li Han pointed to Yang Xiaoli and said, "This person is good at wrestling, but her wrestling skills are not very good. She won the match with her hard work."

"Oh, is that so? I didn't see it." Qin Zixuan's eyes widened. Why didn't he see that the other party had used hard work?It seems that he is wrestling like everyone else, and he tried his best to open his eyes, but he still didn't find anything abnormal.

Li Han knew that Qin Zixuan's eyesight was poor, so he explained carefully, and asked Qin Zixuan to observe Yang Xiaoli's calf. Qin Zixuan looked carefully, but there were pants on her leg, but she couldn't see her calf.

Li Han wanted to laugh when he said this, is he bare-legged if he doesn't wear pants?That would be burned to death on the grill, and a sentence of moral corruption can take away a life.

Qin Zixuan looked at it carefully for a couple of times, and felt that there was nothing to watch, so he decided not to watch it. He had better watch women's wrestling. Li Han saw that Qin Zixuan was not interested, so he didn't continue this topic.

Soon, Yang Xiaoli threw Wu Sisi to the ground. The referee announced that Wu Sisi was defeated.

Seeing Yang Xiaoli's promotion, Liu Xian was so angry. This woman has been hated by Liu Xian. If it wasn't for the wrong time and place, Liu Xian really wanted to hit Yang Xiaoli with a black stick.

Yang Xiaoli turned a blind eye to Liu Xian's eyes, and retreated to the rest area to sit on a chair to rest. She should adjust her breath and prepare for the next competition. She is determined to win No.1.

Next is the match between Fu Xiaohua and Du Juan. Fu Xiaohua is about the same size as Liu Xian, but Fu Xiaohua is a little shorter than Liu Xian, and her opponent is a big guy.

Fu Xiaohua is not tall, she stands like a wax gourd, sits like a pumpkin, and silently tells the world that she is not easy to mess with!Qin Zixuan stared at Fu Xiaohua for a while and smiled, "Do you think he looks like Shi Gunan?"

Stone Rolling?Li Han thought of the threshing tool. It was round and heavy, and it had to be pulled by an ox to walk. Not a calf, but a big ox, even an old ox. Two oxen were not strong enough to pull it.

I have to say that the description of Xiao Xianggong is really similar. This Fu Xiaohua doesn't look like a good stubble, so it should be difficult to deal with. Of course, Du Juan is not easy to mess with, and I don't know who is stronger between the two.

Qin Zixuan didn't let Qin Zixuan think for too long, the stage announced the start of the match, Du Juan was so big that he had to bend over to catch Fu Xiaohua, but Fu Xiaohua fought with his back straight.

It stands to reason that Du Juan should have the upper hand, but unexpectedly, she saw Fu Xiaohua stretched out her left leg, shortened her body, and bumped her head into the opponent's stomach.

Du Juan's viscera were twisted together, and she was sweating in pain. The referee stepped forward and sentenced Fu Xiaohua to a foul. The attack was invalid. Fu Xiaohua grinned.

It took Du Juan a while to recover, and then dragged her wounded body to fight. Fu Xiaohua didn't foul this time, and she started to fight seriously, but Du Juan's body was failing, and she couldn't use all her strength.

Soon, Du Juan was defeated, she could only say that she was too kind and didn't think of any tricks, otherwise it might be Fu Xiaohua who ended up.At the end of the third round, Qin Zixuan looked at Fu Xiaohua and was convinced, this woman is too insidious.

In the fourth round, there was nothing outstanding. Wang Ying won. Wang Ying was in good shape, neither big nor short, fat and dark.

Li Han seized the opportunity to praise Qin Zixuan for a while, and praised Qin Zixuan for his good eyesight. It can be seen that Qin Zixuan is speechless, just like Wang Ying, he doesn't look like a wrestler. different.

In the fifth round, it was Liu Xian's turn to play, and his opponent was Liu Wen, who was a little fatter than Liu Xian, with oily skin on his arms, which made Qin Zixuan lose his temper, his hair was stuck to his head and he didn't even know how to wash it .

Qin Zixuan is extremely incomprehensible to the aesthetic point of view of this era. This group of people like to put oil on their hair, and the oil is shiny. lard.

Thinking about that scene, Qin Zixuan wanted to say that I hate lard!Liu Wen didn't know if he hadn't washed his hair for several months, or if he had put lard on his hair, it was so bright and dazzling.

Soon the two fought together, Liu Xian was full of anger, and used all his strength as soon as he came on the stage.

(End of this chapter)

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