Second-hand little prince

Chapter 991 Wonderful

Chapter 991 Wonderful
Patriarch Wang's heart ached from being bullied, but Qin Zixuan was the prince, he still didn't dare to do anything to Qin Zixuan, his heart was burning with anger and he had to smile along with him, who told him not to be the prince.

Fortunately, Qin Zixuan is not a man who is unreasonable and unforgiving. After the intermission, Qin Zixuan forgot about it, but Wang Ying returned to Wang's house with a stomachache, and once again doubted Qin Zixuan's eyes.

The lords sitting behind Qin Zixuan laughed so hard that their stomachs ached, and they felt sorry for Patriarch Wang for three seconds. They teased the lord in front of the general, not afraid that the general would hate them. Looking at the general's appearance, he seriously doubted that the general could see it.

Qin Zixuan didn't care what other people thought, but stared at the stage to watch the fun. In the first scene, Liu Xian faced Yang Xiaoli. These two were also enemies. They were extremely jealous when they met. That hatred rises to three levels.

Relying on her own strength, Liu Xian took the lead in attacking, but this time she used the wrong target, because Yang Xiaoli is a Lianjiazi, her strength in her hands is not weaker than Liu Xian's, the key is that she is still flexible.

Liu Xian attacked for a long time but it didn't work, she was about to bite Yang Xiaoli with her mouth, this move didn't work, everyone was on guard, her opponent was proofreading in front, they all saw it in their eyes and kept it in their hearts.

Liu Xian couldn't succeed with one blow, so he had to look for another move. The two of them jumped up and down on the competition stage, their faces covered with sweat.

Qin Zixuan had a great time watching it below, clapping his hands and applauding from time to time, the audience below also applauded, Liu Xian was anxious when he heard the cry, he opened his mouth to bite, failed, bit again, failed again.

Just as Liu Xian opened his mouth a few times, Yang Xiaoli seized the opportunity to stretch out her legs and trip Liu Xian to the ground, and then pressed her body to subdue Liu Xian, but Liu Xian became anxious and bit Yang Xiaoli's shoulder with her mouth open.

Yang Xiaoli grinned in pain, feeling that Liu Xian's teeth had been ground and they were sharper than a mouse's teeth, but Yang Xiaoli had a hard time since she was in pain, and she didn't let it out even though she was in pain, but continued to suppress it.

In a fit of rage, Yang Xiaoli pressed her arm on Liu Xian's neck, causing Liu Xian to roll her eyes and move her teeth away from Yang Xiaoli's body. Finally, Yang Xiaoli pressed Liu Xian to be honest, and the referee declared Yang Xiaoli the winner.

Only then did Yang Xiaoli move away from Liu Xian, looking at the bloody clothes, Yang Xiaoli sucked in a sneer, this Liu Xian is really ruthless, but fortunately she won, Yang Xiaoli stepped down.

Liu Xian got up from the stage and panted heavily, unexpectedly, the omnipotent attack would be ineffective on Yang Xiaoli's side, it was indeed his own nemesis, Liu Xian grunted and stared at Yang Xiaoli's back, hating her so much.

Originally, she wanted to take the first place and make a fool of King Cheng, but now it seems hopeless, her first place flew away like this, how can Liu Xian not hate it in her heart!
The next step is to rest for a stick of incense, and then Liu Xian and Fu Xiaohua will fight. Because of a bye, Liu Xian has to fight twice in a row. Know whether you are lucky or unlucky.

These two were very interesting, Qin Zixuan stared wide-eyed and waited for the show, not only Qin Zixuan, but also the audience, they all wanted to watch the show, it was fun to think about it.

The two first saluted in the direction of Qin Zixuan and Li Han, and then both sides saluted, and then they were ready to start the match. With the referee's sound, the match officially started.

The two grabbed each other, Fu Xiaohua wanted to butt her head as soon as she entered the stage, Liu Xian was on guard, but she was fat and her body was not flexible enough, so instead of hitting the internal organs, she hit the flesh beside her.

Liuxian's flesh trembled when he bumped into it, and the people off the court watched with joy. This is really funny. Everyone fell in love with wrestling, and they enjoyed watching it.

Liu Xian, who was bumped, lowered his head to bite Fu Xiaohua's ear, Fu Xiaohua tilted his head to avoid it, but he avoided his head but not his shoulder, and bit his shoulder.

So Fu Xiaohua grinned, and squatted down, Liu Xian was tall and fleshy, and couldn't squat down, so she had to let go, and saw Fu Xiaohua seized the opportunity to bump her head into Liu Xian's chest.

There were shouts from the audience, Qin Zixuan clapped his hands and shouted for rewards, the beating was so beautiful, Li Han tilted his head to look at the little Xianggong, this bad taste, is it really so good-looking?
The fight was fierce on the field, Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows, and shot straight ahead, startling the audience, Li Han even jumped up and blocked Qin Zixuan.

The rich people behind him were stunned. After getting along with each other these days, they thought that Prince Cheng was easy to talk to, but they didn't expect that he was also the master of murder. They didn't need to confirm the identity of the other party, just raised their hands and shot.

The soldiers stepped forward to take down the unlucky guy who got shot. Qin Zixuan raised his head and looked at him carefully. This guy was only in his early twenties, and he hadn't graduated from college before. He held a sword in his hand, so he knew who he was without asking. What are you doing here.

"Who is this person? Do you know him?" Qin Zixuan turned his head to look at the rich man behind him, and everyone looked at him carefully. After a while, some people recognized that this person was Qin Yi, the adoptive son of King Hejian.

The righteous son is actually a thug with high martial arts skills, but the name of the righteous son is nice, and it can also bring the relationship closer. At the critical moment, he is still the one who was abandoned. Flee, I didn't expect one to appear today.

Qin Zixuan blinked his eyes, waved his hands to let the two people on the ring continue, leaving Qin Yi there alone, he might as well try the prisoner after watching the show, anyway, it's not too late after he catches him.

Qin Yi stared at Qin Zixuan with hatred. If it wasn't for Qin Zixuan, he wouldn't have become a homeless dog. He was still eating and drinking with King Hejian. He originally wanted to take advantage of Qin Zixuan's careless assassination, but unfortunately he never found the opportunity.

Before Li Han was not there, Yang Shulin raised the security level to the first level, surrounded by three floors, three floors outside, no chance for long-distance or short-range attack, today with Li Han as company, those personal soldiers did not surround him, it is a chance .

It's a pity that Qin Zixuan sensed his killing intent just after he released his killing intent, and immediately shot him. Qin Zixuan has the privilege of killing anyone he thinks is dangerous, no need to explain.

If you have to explain that hitting a prince is a capital offense, this is a privileged society, where everyone is equal, and it is impossible for a prince to break the law and commit the same crime as the common people.

Fu Xiaohua and Liu Xian fought together again, one headbutted, the other opened his mouth to bite, the fight was wonderful, Qin Zixuan sat there and applauded from time to time.

In the end, it was Fu Xiaohua, the short wax gourd, who beat Liu Xian with better skills. This guy was still the same old way.

In the battle between the two girls, Fu Xiaohua's ruthlessness gained the upper hand, and the next match is between Fu Xiaohua and Yang Xiaoli.

(End of this chapter)

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