Second-hand little prince

Chapter 992 Triple Penalty

Chapter 992 Triple Penalty

During the break, Qin Zixuan took the time to interrogate Qin Yi, asking why Qin Yi assassinated himself. This question does not need to be asked. Does the assassination need a reason?Qin Zixuan's heart hurts at Qin Yi's reply.

Of course, it also angered Li Han, so he stepped on Qin Yi's ten fingers without asking any questions.

"Whatever Xianggong wants to ask, keep asking. If he dares not answer, I will crush all the bones in his body."

These gloomy and cold words frightened the rich people behind them to lose their voices. They really have a new understanding of the cruelty of the god of death. It is so cruel that the bones of the whole body are trampled to pieces!Li Han clenched his fists and let out a murderous look, the general's majesty was undoubtedly displayed.

Qin Zixuan was used to it. It was not the first time that Li Han stepped on someone like this. Of course, he should step on or step on him. Who would make this guy hate him?

Qin Yi gulped down his saliva in fright, he wanted to be a bachelor, but the pain from his limbs made Qin Yi feel guilty, he didn't know what to do, he didn't know if Li Han had finished talking.

"Are there any other accomplices? Why did it take so long to do it? Are you stupid to choose to do it when my eldest daughter-in-law is around?" Qin Zixuan really didn't understand what Qin Yi was thinking, but he chose to do it in front of Li Han.

Qin Zixuan didn't want to talk about how protective his daughter-in-law was, but as long as it touched his own affairs, the eldest daughter-in-law would definitely take the most serious attitude. If the general was serious, it would be bloody.

Qin Yi first shook his head and said that he had no accomplices. If he had accomplices, would he choose to do it alone?He's not a fool. As for why it took so long to do it, of course he didn't find a chance before.

Qin Zixuan used to be accompanied when he traveled, but today is different. The general is full of confidence, and the soldiers around him withdraw. This made Qin Yi see an opportunity, but he did not expect this opportunity to be a fatal one.

Qin Yi said that he had no accomplices, but Qin Zixuan didn't believe it, so Li Han stepped forward and stomped on the bones of his feet. Qin Yi really cried this time, so he didn't ask any more questions, he took the initiative to confess.

He really didn't have any accomplices, but he knew where those people had gone. They had escaped beyond the Great Wall and joined the Qiang people. Li Han blocked it.

Now when you go to the border, you are rushing up with your head up. Once caught, the whole family will be executed. The means of dealing with traitors are still extremely ruthless, not only in Daqin, but also in other countries.

Qin Yi wanted to run and jump, but seeing Qin Zixuan being so good at playing, he felt jealous, so he mixed in the crowd to look for an opportunity, but after searching for a few days, he couldn't find it.

In addition to those who fled outside the Great Wall, some of them fled into the mountains. These people are all direct descendants. If you are loyal, you don’t have to doubt that they are all loyal to the Hejian King. The others who are not loyal have already surrendered.

Qin Zixuan asked Qin Yi why he didn't flee to the deep mountains. This Qin Yi had something to say, he couldn't bear the pain, and Qin Yi asked himself that he was good at martial arts, and there was a way to escape, which was true, but he wanted to die.

These days, there is a price to be paid for being a hero. Qin Yi did not become a hero, but became a bear. In front of everyone, he identified the rich people here, and he also confessed who contributed money to support King Hejian and how much money he supported.

This makes the rich people behind Qin Zixuan look bad, do you want to be so foolish?King Hejian is their immediate boss. Do they dare not support King Hejian's rebellion?If you don't support it, will you still have your life sitting here?
Fortunately, those sitting here have all supported the funds, but there are differences in the amount of support. In line with the principle that the law does not blame the public, they feel that they should be able to get through it safely.

Li Han lowered his head and played with his fingers. How to deal with this group of people is indeed a bit difficult. If we just let them go, where will the royal dignity be?If you don't let go of what they said before, surrendering and not killing will become empty talk.

After all, this group of people is also part of the people who actively cooperated with the surrender, otherwise they wouldn't be able to sit here and play with the husband, and those who resolutely resisted would have long since become dead souls.

Qin Yi's cooperation posed a difficult problem. Seeing Li Han frown, Qin Zixuan immediately stepped forward to find out what happened, and he needed to frown like that. Li Han who asked this question smiled wryly. She was worried about Da Qin.

Qin Zixuan was overjoyed when Li Han expressed his thoughts. So it was for this matter. Qin Zixuan turned his head to look at the rich man kneeling on the ground, rolled his eyes, and whispered, "We need money to repair the border."

Li Han nodded. There is no mistake that repairing the border does require money, but does it have anything to do with this issue?Qin Zixuan hooked his fingers, Li Han put his ear on it, and got the instructions.

So Li Han said that if he supported Hejian King, he would be exonerated by paying a fine three times as much. When he said this, some of the rich people breathed a sigh of relief, and some looked gray.

Because the funds they support are different, if they pay three times the penalty, their family property will be wiped out. Thinking about it, it is a bitter tear, and the accumulation of a few bags of people will be gone!

Qin Zixuan didn't care what they thought. After the break, Qin Zixuan sat up straight and watched the game. He didn't care what those rich people thought. Anyway, it wasn't his own money, and he could help Uncle Huang save a lot of money.

Qin Yi lay there dumbfounded, so the trial is over?Are you being too willful? You put national affairs first, and you can't compare to a game.

Fu Xiaohua and Yang Xiaoli took the stage, and soon got into a ball. Qin Zixuan watched the performance with his chin resting on his face, with a charming smile on his face, making Liu Xianmiao, who was on the opposite stage, become a fan girl, wishing he could throw himself into Qin Zixuan's arms right now.

Li Han gave Liu Xian a sideways look, and snorted, this one is also a no-brainer, doesn't he need to look in the mirror?When it comes to the mirror, Li Han hooked his lips, and Xiao Xianggong finally succeeded in researching the glass.

Of course, the success of this research is not due to Qin Zixuan's personal research. This guy knows his own level, so he just tells the method and let his servants do it. The speed slowed down.

Fu Xiaohua continued to headbutt her, but Yang Xiaoli wasn't fooled, the fight between the two of them was wonderful, Qin Zixuan clapped her hands from time to time, it is estimated that this kind of game will spread across the country soon.

In the end, Fu Xiaohua bumped into the air, and Yang Xiaoli seized the opportunity to throw her down. Yang Xiaoli became the biggest winner of this competition. Seeing that the competition was officially over, Qin Zixuan immediately handed out the bounty without delay.

This kid is rich, not short of money, and will not do that kind of default thing. When the real money was served, the audience cheered, and some people even asked loudly if there is a second world?They expressed their desire to participate.

(End of this chapter)

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