Warring States Call

Chapter 1018 Emergency Documents

Chapter 1018 Emergency Documents

The battle between Pang Juan and Gongsun Yan was originally nothing, but as soon as the news came out, the soldiers leading the troops on both sides immediately knew what they should do.

Outside Yiyang City, in the woods, the soldiers and horses guarding here are only old, weak, sick, disabled and five thousand elite left by Pang Juan. The other soldiers were taken to the battlefield by him.

"General! Find out! There are tens of thousands of wounded soldiers here, and [-] elite soldiers. It is only a matter of time before this city is taken!" There is also a leaf on it.

Cao Ren looked at the setting sun, picked up the water bottle in his hand, drank the water in it, and sighed in his heart: This damn sun has finally set.

"Old Duan!" Cao Ren greeted Duan Gui behind him.

"What's the matter!" Duan Gui took a large piece of dried meat and ate it. It's better to have some meat these days than anything else.

Cao Ren dug the soil with his fingers, then said, "Do you know the location of this city!"

"I know! The defenses in this city are all set up by me myself!" Duan Gui looked at Cao Ren in puzzlement, not knowing what he was going to do.

"That's it! You take 500 people and dig a tunnel at the corner of the city. Take advantage of the dead of night to dig the passage. After dawn, I will lead the soldiers to attack the city. You lead the soldiers to fight out of the cave, and don't leave any behind!" Cao Ren's eyes exuded a hint of viciousness.

"Kill them all! Is this possible!" A trace of doubt flashed in Duan Gui's eyes. This is not the Cao Ren he knew, he is not a murderer.

"Nothing will happen! We only have 2 horses in our hands. If these [-] elites and these old, weak, sick and disabled stay here, we will definitely not be able to defend the city. We must stop it! We will suffer chaos! We must not be merciful" Panting heavily, Cao Ren snatched the jerky from Duan Gui's hand and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Okay!" Duan Gui held the weapon in his hand, turned around, looked at the brothers behind him, and said calmly, "All come with me!"

"Quack quack!" At sunset, dusk covered most of the sky. The soldiers under the city wall leaned on the city wall, wiped the sweat from their faces, and said with a smile, "It's really hot today!"

"Yeah! The shift is about to change, you and I will go down, take a shower, and have a good night's sleep. It would be even better if there is a happy and beautiful girl at night!" Haha said.

"Go, go! There is not even an old sow in this city, who do you want to hug! Damn it! I really can't control the guys below, run to the grove to solve it by myself, don't disgust me!" Then The soldier looked serious and held the sword in his hand. Just at this time, a soldier came to change the guard, and he was also laid off. Looking at the visitor, he smiled and said, "Old Wei! What are you going to eat tonight? Is there any good wine?" Meat!"

"Go, go! It's good that you didn't gnaw the bark, what else do you want to do! Eat dirt!" The old Wei kicked his ass directly, and the man bent over and dodged when he saw it In the past, with a smile on his face, he said: "Okay, okay! You are amazing, you are amazing! I'm going down to eat!"

"Tick tock!...Tick tock...tick tock!" At this moment, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and it began to rain slowly. Looking at the gradually wet ground, Wei spit out a mouthful of old phlegm and said: "His mother Yes! Finally it’s raining, I’ve been so hot these past few years!”

North of Yiyang
"Pfft! Damn it! Is this cloud sick? Wherever the old man goes, he will go down!" Yang Ye, wearing heavy armor, dismounted from his horse, found a lush tree, sat under it, and put his He took off his shoes and poured them on the ground, and the thick rainwater slipped out of his shoes. Yang Ye touched the cloak behind him, twisted his hands, and the rainwater fell like a waterfall, wet the ground.

Seeing that the water had dried up, Yang Ye sighed, wiped the dust off his cheeks with his cloak, and said with embarrassment: "The rain is really heavy, I don't know what happened to the generals!"

"Hey! This is so fucking evil! Wherever we go, the rain will follow. Don't want to stop after seeing the situation within three days!" The head of a burly man pressed the waist knife in his arms, and the tiger's eyes were dead. Staring at the front, he touched the rain on his cheeks, looked at the horse behind him, and said with embarrassment: "General! This horse is going to be soaked like this, I'm afraid it won't be able to bear it anymore, the fodder is wet these days!"

Yang Ye glanced back at the war horse, sighed helplessly, looked at the dense forest, and then said: "Cut down some trees, build a simple tent, and it will be enough for today! Siege the city tomorrow!"

"This...promise!" Hearing this, the big man pressed the treasured sword in his arms, looked at the generals on both sides, and greeted: "Brothers, don't be idle, help me, take care of your horses, and start attacking tomorrow!" City! Rest well and get ready!"

"Promise!" When the soldiers on both sides heard this, those with knives and those with swords began to chop the small branches around them first, and put them on top.

The rain kept falling, and there was nothing anyone could do about it, but this night was destined not to be too quiet. The soil under the city corner began to soften, which was very convenient for them to dig up. Duan Gui braved the rain and looked at the guards on the city wall. Army, he deliberately found a relatively flat terrain, and looking at the underground stones, it was a little less than the surrounding area, which greatly reduced their time. The only fly in the ointment was that the foundation of the city wall was relatively thick. It took until midnight to dig through the foundation of the city wall.

Duan Gui looked at the soil piled up on the ground, and hurriedly said: "This soil can't be piled up like this, or else tomorrow morning, they will become suspicious and remove them!"

"No!" The soldiers on both sides didn't dare to neglect, they took the shovels and baskets, and dragged the soil into the forest within half a while.

This night is destined not to be too comfortable, but the old, weak, sick and disabled on the city wall will not think so. They hide in the house one by one, watching the heavy rain, eating and drinking water to enjoy themselves. There is a saying How to say it, born in sorrow and died in peace, is talking about the current situation.

In the dark night, Han Yi stood with his hands behind his back. Counting the time, he has been fighting for half a year, and the consumption of the national treasury is also very large. Lu Su has already written eight emergency documents. All the power of the country was put into Hangu Pass, shutting the six countries out, and Han Yi was blooming everywhere. If he wanted to get out of the predicament before him, there was only the last way. After a short pause, Han Yi said seriously: "System! I want to spend 300 summoning points to summon three generals!"

(End of this chapter)

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