Chapter 1020
"Ding, the host has consumed 1800 summoning points! The remaining summoning points are 956, and then consume 100 summoning points to summon Wen Tianxiang!" When the system said this, it seemed to be exhausted, as if it had lost electricity.

"Ding, a special reminder, there are a lot of people in the cloud platform, and they are uneven. In order to ensure the true combat power of the cloud platform, if someone dies in battle, their star attributes will be taken back, or inherited to other generals around them! "

Han Yi's ears were also confused, and his hands were a little sore. After all, there were eighteen people, but when he heard the words of the system, he was a little confused, half happy and half worried: "This is good! But what if the enemy generals Take it, then I am not crying!"

"Ding, the host doesn't have to worry, this skill can only be given to his own people, if no one inherits it, he will take it back into the system!"

"That's good!" Han Yi breathed a sigh of relief, after all, there is still hope.

"Ding, Wen Tianxiang: Armed Forces 87 Commander 95 Intelligence 99 Politics 98 Except Wenqu, Ling Yi has a special attribute of integrity, loyal to the country and will never rebel unless died. When fighting against the grassland, the commander + 2 intelligence + 1! The implanted identity is Yue Fei's subordinate The civil servant! Responsible for guarding the food and grass!"

"Phew!" Han Yi let out a sigh of relief, the nineteen people finally came out, and the seven-star attributes were finally put together! "

"Ding, the host still has 856 call points left. The system needs to rest for the next three days. Please don't disturb the host!" After speaking, the system seemed to be short-circuited, and the whole person fell into a dormant state.

Han Yi rubbed his hands slightly. Now that there are wars in various places, and he mobilizes generals without authorization, he is afraid that some danger will happen.

"The number of people mobilized by Yuntai is relatively large, and they are all generals who have just been born with no record. Han Xin is already watching from the south, and it is time to promote Feng Yi!" Han Yi stroked his beard, with eyes full of With a trace of seriousness, after this battle is over, Han Yi will start awarding heroes!Start the war of destroying the country!
"Dianwei!" Han Yi called directly to the outside.

"The last general is here!" Dian Wei pushed open the door and walked forward quickly.

"A letter of divorce, called Feng Yi Beishan, who will be reused alone. In addition, all the wars in the south will be handed over to Han Xin and Wu Qi!" Although Han Yi knew that it was a taboo for military strategists to change generals, Wu Qi and Han Xin were the two of them. Who, one flooded the [-] troops of the Chu State, they were devastated in the First World War, made one person burn the [-] troops of the Qin State, and made Bai Qi smash his halberd into the sand, sweep the ground wisely, and lose his arms and bodies. No one else can compare.

"No!" Dian Wei didn't ask any further questions, and was about to go down to give orders, when Han Yi hurriedly said, "Wait!"

"My lord, what orders do you have?" Dian Wei said hastily.

Han Yi also seemed to be scratching his head. He couldn't have obtained the names of these people for no reason, but how should he say it?After a short pause, Han Yi hurriedly said: "This king has been entrusted by the previous kings. There are a few talented people under Feng Yi's command, who can help Gu solve this crisis! Go and help Gu to confirm. If there are such people, call them Let's go north together!"

"The previous kings entrusted their dreams!" Dian Wei muttered in his mouth. The ancients were superstitious. This kind of thing would rather be believed or not. Coupled with his loyalty to Han Yi, he quickly listened and said: "Since the ancient king entrusted his dreams, help the king It is really a great fortune for our country to relieve the crisis!"

As soon as Han Yi saw that Dian Wei had no doubts, he immediately felt a big rock in his heart, looked at the miscellaneous people in his memory, and hurriedly said: "Gai Yan! Geng Chun! Ma Cheng! Chen Jun! Bo Jun! Cen Peng! Jian Tan! Ren Light! Wanxiu!"

more stupid!What a name!Dian Wei murmured in his heart, he had never heard such a strange name before, it was a bit weird, but he didn't know that this person was Geng Chun

"That's right! In addition, Liu Zhi was also transferred to Gu's command. I heard that he also has an older brother named Liu Long! He is also outstanding. Now that Cao Mo died in battle, Gu is in the midst of employing people, so call him over!" Han Yi stroked his beard, and handed the copied white cloth to Dianwei.

"The general understands!" Dian Wei responded and withdrew.

Han Yi leaned on the wall and let out a sigh of relief. He finally got it done. Fortunately, Wu Han and Deng Yu's subordinates were gathered together in advance, otherwise such a transfer would be troublesome.

As for the seven stars, they are really divided. Cheng Yaojin is under his command, Luo Cheng is under Cao Cao's order, and because Meng Zhan has a deep hatred with Wang Yanzhang, he is afraid that he will fight with Wang Yanzhang and ignore the fight. Transferred to Gongsun Yan's command, let him practice his temperament. If Xing Tian hadn't been there last time, he would have confessed his life!

Di Qing is Zhuge Liang's apprentice, and he hasn't graduated yet!Zhaohu went south again to fight Xue Ju with Chen Qingzhi. To be honest, Zhaohu's greedy wolf attribute is really a bit perverted. If he swallowed Han Yi's Manqiang, he might not even be his opponent. Of course, this is not the case. It's possible, but if something unexpected happens and Xiang Yu's overlord attribute is swallowed up, no one in the world will be his opponent, but this is not realistic. As for the remaining two, one Yang Zaixing and the other Wen Tianxiang, they are all in Yue Fei's subordinates, Han Yi is also planning to transfer them to Yue Fei's command. After all, Yue Fei's loyalty, Han Yi is more at ease. The seven-star people will not only be able to show their strength, but Han Yi will also be able to sleep.

As for the large number of people on this cloud platform!The range of skills is group-oriented, and there is Jia Fu in the battle!Cho period!Geng Yan!Gai Yan, Wu Han is in command!Deng Yu!Feng Yi!This is almost a tank-type team, the strongest of all combinations. Han Yi wants to firmly control him, and of course there are seven kills. The seven people here, relying on Han Yi's deduction of them, are all force People with a value of more than a hundred are too lethal, and non-violent generals are not allowed to enter. It is safer to control such explosive force in one's own hands.

"Liu Yu! Liu Yu! Should I still thank you, or should I kill you? But I still have to thank you for getting rid of the troubles of Gu's confidant!" Han Yi folded his hands on his chest, closed his eyes and meditated, muttering in his heart I said to myself, Cao Mo's reputation in the army is too great, his character is low, his ability is not good, and he always clamors in front of himself, saying that he is a famous general in the world, and this war should be led by him, and then why do he think about it? ...I think back then.

If it is really handed over to him, Han Yi may see thousands of corpses in his nightmares. He is unruly and has a special status in the Lu army. Kill him, he will live to the end. Of course, in order to appease those people in the Lu Kingdom, he can only be allowed to enter the Heroic Soul Pagoda. Don't even think about entering Yanyuan. Everyone everywhere wants to enter the Taimiao to be enshrined by descendants!So far, there are only a handful of people, and he, Cao Mo, is not enough for this qualification.

(End of this chapter)

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