Chapter 1027
Three days later, Gongsun Yan stood on the city wall, watching Wei Jun's dinner room with less and less smoke and dust. Compared with the sky full of smoke and dust in the past, it was almost not a star and a half. Standing behind Gongsun Yan, Zhong Hui pressed the sword in his arms, with excitement in his eyes He said joyfully, "General! The Wei army's fireworks are getting rarer and scarcer. This Pang Juan must have secretly mobilized his troops and horses. The barracks have not been changed. It must have disturbed our army's sight! If the general leads a soldier and horse out now, it will definitely be severely damaged. Pang Juan!"

Gongsun Yan glanced at the excited Zhong Hui, and praised: "As expected of General Han Xin's disciple, this observation alone makes me appreciate it!"

"Haha! The general praised it in seconds!" Zhong Hui, with a look of pride in his heart, quickly calmed down his inner joy, and quickly said: "General Gongsun! Give me 3 horses! I will definitely turn him upside down!"

Gongsun Yan smiled lightly, patted Zhong Hui on the shoulder, and said with emotion: "It's good for young people to be eager to make contributions, but they must learn to be steady and steady!"

"But the general! This...!" Zhong Hui wanted to refute, but when he heard the second half of Gongsun Yan's sentence, he suddenly woke up. The second half of Zhong Hui's sentence woke him up. As if thinking of something, he pressed the sword in his hand, staring like a wolf, staring at every corner of Wei Jun, trying to see what's going on inside, but he couldn't get the answer, and his eyes seemed even more confused. .

"General! Yiyang has not received any battle reports. All the places are safe and sound. All the generals have ordered to guard against death! Another two days ago, a secret report came from Yiyang!" The soldiers held the bamboo slips in their hands and handed them to Gongsun Yan. inside.

Gongsun Yan took the bamboo slip with one hand, and slowly opened it. His serious face began to stretch, and even the corners of his mouth could not be closed from ear to ear. A pair of tiger eyes stared at the bamboo slip, and threw it aside for a long time. , laughed loudly and said, "Good! Good! Pang Juan will definitely lose in this battle!"

"What happened to the general! Why are you so excited!" Zhong Hui beside him was curious, not knowing why Gongsun Yan was so excited.

Gongsun Yan stood with his hands behind his back, looked down, and then said: "Yang Ye! The two generals Huo Qubing have led [-] tiger and leopard cavalry to Yiyang. At this moment, Yiyang has enough soldiers and horses. No matter how powerful Pang Juan is, It's impossible to escape, and with the food and grass in Pang Juan's hands, I'm afraid he won't be able to last for half a month.

Zhong Hui looked at the battle report up and down, and the smile in the corner of his eyes became more and more intense. He looked at Gongsun Yan and said, "Congratulations, General! You are about to achieve immortality!"

Gongsun Yan stood with his hands behind his back!There was a smug look in his eyes, but he still maintained his inner peace, and said with a slight smile: "Call all the generals under your command to discuss!"

"Design!" Zhong Hui was extremely excited when he heard this, and stepped straight down while holding the sword in his arms.

The sky was getting dark and gloomy, Gongsun Yan looked at the big tent of the Wei army under the city, the endless lights, and muttered to himself: "Since you led me out of the city, I will show you!"

The lights in the big tent are bright red, Wei Qing!Meng Zhan!Shibao!Han Jian!Violent kite!Han Chen!Xue Rengui!Guo Ziyi!Deng Ai!Zhong Hui waited for a group of civil and military personnel to gather here, looking at Gongsun Yan who hurriedly summoned them, his face was a little puzzled, but everyone maintained their proper posture.

Standing behind the chopping board, Gongsun Yan looked into his eyes. Seeing their more or less expectant look, he said in a low voice, "Generals! The time of life and death has come, and the decisive battle is tonight. I don't know if you generals have confidence! "

"General! The enemy's soldiers are much stronger than ours! Besides, our soldiers will not have the advantage immediately. Under such circumstances, it may not be conducive to combat!" Wei Qing looked worried while holding the sword in his arms. There are no generals here, so if you rush into troops at this time, you may be asking for trouble.

Gongsun Yan handed the bamboo slips in his hand to Wei Qing, and said with a bit of embarrassment: "Wei army's food and grass can only last half a month, and our purpose this time is these food and grass. I will personally lead the army to confront the Wei army's Wei soldiers. Moreover, this general needs a fierce general to lead [-] elite soldiers to burn the food and grass of the Wei army. As long as the fire breaks out, the Wei army without food and grass will not be able to last for a few days, and the arrogant tiger will eventually be just a cat!"

"This..." All the generals looked at each other in blank dismay. They always felt that this was not very safe, but Gongsun Yan said this again, indicating that there would definitely be opportunities for flaws in this battle.

"The national treasury is tight, and besides, the king is being suppressed by Yan! Qi and Qi are suppressed in Jiagu. We can only solve the danger of the king by fighting quickly!" Gongsun Yan seemed to be earnest. It will be Han Yi, and their previous contributions will eventually be in vain.

"In this case! I am willing to encircle and suppress the enemy's food and grass!" Xue Rengui clasped his fists, the armor on his body was rattling, the battle armor was like the wind, a pair of tiger eyes looked at Gongsun Yan, and the cloak behind him was automatic without wind.

Han Chen glanced at Xue Rengui, fearing that something might happen to him, he immediately stepped forward and said, "The last general is also willing to help General Xue Rengui!"

"I'm willing too!" Seeing that Han Chen had jumped out, Guo Ziyi pretended to be nonchalant, but he couldn't justify it. He immediately took a step forward and said with a serious expression.

The three tiger generals stepped forward, and Gongsun Yan expressed his satisfaction with Xue Rengui, who is like a god of arrows, and Han Chen's military rank is higher than that of Guo Ziyi and Xue Rengui. Moreover, with Han Chen's record of defeating Wei Shu with thousands of troops, no one is more suitable for this task. that's it!
Gongsun Yan hesitated for a while, then looked at the three of them and said, "This is a very important matter! The three of you each select a thousand elites from the headquarters, have enough food and wine, and set off to fight tonight.

"The last general has an order!" The three of them took the order and returned to their original positions. Tonight is destined to be another sleepless night, but no one knows what will happen next!But this bloody duel has only just begun.

"Bao Yuan, this Quwo city is of great importance. I will give you 3 horses. Be sure to defend the city! Never lose it!" Gongsun Yan's face is serious, and the city cannot be lost. Even if their entire army is wiped out, as long as Bao Yuan sticks to it For half a month, Pang Juan was sure to die, and the city was more important than anything else at this moment.

"I will understand at the end!"

"Listen to me, everyone! No one is allowed to come back until dawn. Anyone who dares to return to the city before dawn will be punished as a deserter!" Gongsun Yan said, and brought it to the case. The previous order was thrown to Bao Yuan, and they had enough time in this battle. The next morning, what appeared on this land would be a river of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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