Warring States Call

Chapter 1028 The Death of Wei Wu

Chapter 1028 The Death of Wei Wu

in the dark

Gongsun Yan rode a war horse, and all the soldiers under his command lit torches, and they lined up on the land in rows. Dozens of square formations lined up one by one, approaching the big tent of the Wei army in a mighty manner.

Another cavalryman, like a hungry wolf watching, looked around, showing his ferocious fangs.

"Tatata...!" The whole earth shook, and there was a deafening sound outside the camp.

"General! The enemy's killing fire is coming!" Cao Bao looked a little flustered, holding the sword in his arms, and dozens of soldiers followed behind him, his eyes were a little focused.

Pang Juan picked up the wine on the table and drank it all in one gulp. With a vague smile in his eyes, he snorted coldly, "What are you panicking about! He Gongsun Yan is here! It's just what I want!"

"Gongsun Yan is attacking from the front, not a surprise attack!" A trace of embarrassment flashed in Cao Bao's eyes. For some reason, he vaguely felt cold sweat protruding from his back, as if he had a bad premonition.

"It's not a surprise attack!" Pang Juan was stunned for a moment, then stood up for a while, picked up the Wei Wu sword on the sword stand, and said with a serious face: "Pass the order! Let Zhang Gou'er lead a hundred thousand Wei soldiers to charge head-on! Let Gongsun Yan see it!" See, what is real hell!"

"Decree!" Cao Bao took the general order, stared at the front with tiger eyes, and walked straight away.

On the battlefield, Gongsun Yan pulled out the sword in his arms, and suddenly shouted: "Where is the Dingbei Army...!"

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" Tens of thousands of people yelled in unison, the weapons were hunting in the breeze, and the whole ground shook when the footsteps came, and the armor made a tinkling sound every time it took a step.

As soon as Pang Juan stepped out of the tent, he heard the deafening voice, his brows were furrowed involuntarily, and he shouted, "Quick! Get ready for a big battle!"


Zhang Gouer rode his war horse under his crotch, with a big knife in his hand, and listened to the shouts from the enemy, his heart was dark. In this case, he must not let the opponent overwhelm his momentum. Warriors! Where are you!"

"Go forward! Wei Wu's brave soldiers!" The voice of 10 people resounded throughout the sky, and the soldiers and horses on both sides faced each other. The thickness of the defense is very strong. It takes at least three or four swords to break through when it is cut by the bronze sword. .

Gongsun Yan's eyes became cold, looking at Zhong Hui and Deng Ai behind him, he snorted coldly: "Get ready for the catapult!"

"Promise!" Zhong Hui and the two agreed, and then they went down to the next one. The fifteen siege vehicles had already been filled with fire bombs, and they almost caught fire.

Zhang Gou'er was riding a war horse, and the Wei soldiers behind him followed up in rows, with murderous looks in his eyes, Zhang Gou'er held the long knife in his hand, pointed forward, and shouted: "Kill!"

"Ha! Kill!" Tens of thousands of Wei soldiers picked up the weapons in their hands and charged to the ground.

"Ignition!" Zhong Hui calculated the distance and shouted suddenly.

"Huhu... Huhu..." Tens of thousands of fires suddenly ignited, and the fireballs burned vigorously. Dozens of fireballs of different sizes suddenly appeared in the dark sky.

"Vote!" Zhong Hui shouted.

"Hey!" Tens of thousands of people cut off the rope suddenly, and the loose catapult was thrown out directly, and the blazing flames hung in the air and slammed into the land.

The soldiers of Wei who were charging all went forward bravely. Seeing the fire approaching, they speeded up, but it hurt the soldiers behind them, and they could only hear: "Boom!"

There was a loud noise, and the opposite side of the smash was torn apart. The soldiers lying on the ground suddenly slapped the flames on their bodies, rolled on the ground, and let out ghostly screams. The soldiers behind stepped on it as if they didn't see it. Filling the vacancies in the formation, the continuous stream, and directly trampling the soldiers under their feet to death, in their view, the mission is the first, and these are nothing.

Zhang Gou'er took the lead. Hearing the continuous screams behind him, he quickly looked back and looked at the emotionless Wei Wuzu, feeling a chill in his heart. It's amazing.

Zhong Hui's expression changed, he looked at Wei Wuzu who seemed nothing had happened, and shouted at the soldiers beside him, "Keep playing! Don't stop!"


"As expected of Wei State's divine weapon for defending the country! It's underestimated! Defense!" Gongsun Yan was apprehensive in his eyes, still wet the hilt of his sword with his palm, his face looked extremely embarrassed, the torch shone on his cheeks, yellow and red There is mostly fine sweat on the skin, and there is even sweat flowing.

"Defense!" Wei Qing personally arranged the line, a row of shieldmen, a row of pikemen, and shieldmen behind the pikemen. The entire front army was arranged like this.

Standing in the middle army, Shi Bao raised his hand high and shouted: "Archers prepare!"

"Huo Huo... Huo Huo!" Thousands of people pulled up their bows and arrows, with at least two arrow feathers mixed in their hands, and some as many as three.

"Let go!" Shi Bao said suddenly.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" There was a sound of locusts passing through the sky, and thousands of centurions in the army of Wei shouted in unison: "Shield defense!"

"Get up!" Tens of thousands of Wei soldiers reacted, raised the shields in their hands high, and blocked them in front of themselves.

"Ding Ding Dang Dang...!" Under Wei Wuzu's defense, there was a Ding Ding Dang sound in the air, obviously no harm was done.

"Charge!" Wei Qing was riding a horse, holding a spear in his hand, and the first thing he saw was Zhang Gou'er, and he rushed forward, and the soldiers behind him maintained their formation, fighting bloody battles with Wei Wuzu.

Pang Juan came in a hurry, stood on the arrow rest, looked at the soldiers who were mixed together, couldn't tell north from south for a while, and asked with a puzzled expression: "Gongsun Yan, what on earth are you trying to do!"

"General! Let's build again! Gongsun Yan is probably trying to plan our food!" Standing behind Pang Juan, a middle-aged man seven and a half feet tall and wearing Tang Linjia said with a serious expression.

"Liangcao" Pang Juan stroked his beard, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and snorted coldly: "Today I will let Gongsun Yan come and go, Jin Bi, you personally lead 3 people to pretend to be the Han army and attack Quwo. Let the big wild tiger ambush himself and protect the food and grass, "

"Decree!" After Jin Bi got the order, he withdrew. Pang Juan secretly calculated that Gongsun Yan only had 15 people, Yiyang lost 14, and his troops were only 1, so the defense of the city must have 13 troops. , That's [-], and Dayehu has only [-] troops in the headquarters, Pang Juan gave Jin Bi [-], and he can mobilize only [-] troops now, which is more than enough to deal with Gongsun Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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