Warring States Call

Chapter 1030 Fumbling

Chapter 1030 Fumbling
"Give it to me!" The big knife in Mu Ying's hand opened and closed, and cut down the soldier who fell to the ground. The blade cut the throat of the soldier in front of him, and blood spurted out like a column, splashing Mu Ying's face. , Mu Ying looked calm, wiped the blood on her cheeks, stared at the endless stream of Wei Zu, and slightly raised the corner of her mouth: "37!"

"Damn it! I can't finish killing! I have no strength!" Jiang Wei pierced the soldier in front of him with a shot, and charged forward on his horse, shaking the blood on his arm, and cursed: "Fuck you!" , No. 20 eight!"

Holding the waist knife in her hand, Mu Ying looked at the brazier on the side, and suddenly knocked it forward, and the burning soldiers slammed on the ground, yelling that it was hot, and Mu Ying was able to breathe, and sighed: "Damn it! I'm exhausted!" You can’t do it, Old Jiang! There are only a few of them!”

"Go, go!" Jiang Wei waved the spear in his hand like a dragon, signaling to Muying not to interrupt. Just after he finished speaking, he felt the sound of an arrow coming from his ear, and the long arrow directly hit the soldier in front of him with his bow and arrow, needless to say Apart from Xue Rengui, they really can't think of anyone who can have such archery skills.

"Old Xue's arrow skills are...!" When Jiang Wei turned his head to look over, he was stunned. He looked at the young man with his bow in front of him, and said dumbfounded: "Yanxia...you!"

Yan Xia suddenly shot two more arrows across Jiang Wei's face, knocking them over, and said with a serious face: "Be more careful!
Although Yan Xia's archery is not as good as Xue Rengui's, but after asking Xue Rengui for advice these few days, his archery has improved rapidly.

Han Chen lightly picked up the spear in his hand, and said with an ugly face, "Quick! Set fire!"

"Set it on fire!" Li Jing greeted the soldiers behind him. Before coming, he specially told him to prepare more kindling materials. When these soldiers heard that it was necessary to prevent fire, they opened it suddenly and opened their hands, only to hear the oil burning.

Xue Rengui took off the weapon in his hand, took off the bow and arrow behind his back with one hand, took off three cold arrows with one hand, squinted his left eye, and shot three arrows in a row without missing a shot.

As the saying goes, hands are hard to beat with four legs, Han Chen rode on a horse, and said with a embarrassed expression, "Yun Tianbiao, grab a tongue!"

"Leave it to me!" Yun Tianbiao held a machete in his futon-sized hand, dancing vigorously, looked at the soldier in front of him, swung his weapon away, grabbed it suddenly, and lifted him with one hand. Pulled over, shouted: "Come here!"

"Ah!...Ah...Help!" The soldier who was pulled over was a young soldier, who was terrified by Yun Tianbiao, and when he came to his senses, there was already an extra blade by his side.

Yun Tianbiao said viciously: "Boy! You'd better be more honest, otherwise the knife in my hand has no eyes!"

Yun Tianbiao Zhang's nature is fierce and vicious. In a battle between the two armies, you will die or you will live. At this moment, his life is all under his control, and he immediately said with a panicked expression: "Okay...Okay!"

Yun Tianbiao immediately picked up this coward, and for the sake of safety, he searched this guy specifically to see if there were any dangerous items.

Han Chen returned to the formation, panting heavily, looking at Yun Tianbiao's tongue, regardless of 21, he acted vigorously, pulled out the bronze sword in his arms, and kicked it to the ground, causing the soldier to grin his teeth in pain , Han Chen pressed the bronze sword in his hand to his throat, and said coldly, "Where is the granary!"

"I! I don't know!" Then the soldier turned pale with fright.

"I don't know!" When Han Chen heard this, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he slashed down with his sword, piercing through the soldier's arm, and said grimly, "I'll ask you one last time! Where are you?"

"Ah!" The soldier felt a pain in his right arm, and felt that he was in a daze. Looking at his pierced hand, tears flowed from the pain, and said desolately: "I really don't know, this food has been taken by you. If it is burned, we will only have this food!"

"Hoo!" Han Chen pulled out the bronze sword in his arms, put it back in the scabbard, looked at Yun Tianbiao and said, "Order to retreat! Knock this kid out!"

"The general understands!" Yun Tianbiao raised the knife and hit the soldier's throat with the palm of the knife, throwing him into the crowd. At least this guy escaped.

Han Chen got on his horse and stretched. All the bones in his body were crackling. Han Chen pulled up the rope and said calmly, "Retreat!"


"Withdraw!" Upon hearing the word withdraw, everyone was relieved, and Wei Jun quickly fetched water, trying to extinguish the raging flames.

It was a dark night, and Han Chen rode on a war horse, looked at Li Jing and said, "Did you see clearly! The army horses there have not been mobilized!"

Li Jing lay on the tree, jumped down after a while, clapped his hands and said with a serious face: "Chinese army!"

"Chinese army!" Han Chen muttered to himself.

"Not bad for the Chinese army! This Pang Juan is really cautious. The former army is fighting against our army. If the food and grass are attacked by surprise, they can go to support instead. This is very bad for us to burn food." Li Jing seemed calm, obviously this matter As expected, he looked at Han Chen who was frowning, and said with a chuckle, "Do you still remember how Yu Jin won the land of Zhou?

"I really don't know that!" Han Chen got off his horse and leaned against a tree with a worried expression on his face.

"Let the brothers wear Wei Jun's armor and tie a piece of white cloth around their necks, so that we can confuse the public!" Li Jing sneered.

Holding the battle gun in his hand, Han Yi sighed and said, "The black light is blind, where can I find armor and clothes!"

"Don't worry, when I was retreating, I found thousands of Wei army armors. God helped me!" Jiang Wei rode a horse and dragged a few brand new armors.

"Quick! Tell the brothers to get ready! Don't kill your family by mistake, and rush into the north gate later!" After Han Chen finished speaking, he took off his armor and quickly put it on.

The soldiers on both sides fought, shouting and killing. Gongsun Yan held the sword in his arms and kept calm, but the soldiers around him were constantly being defeated. Even he couldn't stand it, and his face was a little worried: "Han Chen What's going on!"

"General! Wei Wuzu is too fierce! Brothers can't hold on anymore!" Zhong Hui's face was messed up, and he swallowed.

"Tell the brothers to hold on!" Gongsun Yan was expressionless, but he was quite entangled in his heart. He still didn't know whether this war was right or wrong.

"General! The bullets are almost running out, and they will be gone after a dozen blows!" Zhong Hui said in a low voice.

"Wait! Wait until Han Chen burns the food and grass. If not, then we will fight until dawn! There is no room for negotiation on this matter!" Gongsun Yan was resolute.

(End of this chapter)

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