Chapter 1031
"Drink! Break!" Thousands of Wei soldiers charged suddenly, like a titan beast, crashing into the first line of defense laid by Gongsun Yan. Under the leadership of Wei Qing, the defeated soldiers gathered their soldiers and horses, and began to walk backwards Retreating, the one covered in blood armor was dripping with blood, the man became a blood man, and the horse became a blood horse.

"Report to the general! General Wei Qing's former army can no longer hold on, general...!" Meng Zhan came to Gongsun Yan on a horse, with blood on his black armor, a resolute face, and many green cheeks. Grow some beards, Humu looked at Gongsunyan, gasping for breath, with a look of determination in his eyes.

Gongsun Yan still maintained a calm face, looked at Meng Zhan, rubbed his wet hands tightly a few times, and said with a serious face: "Meng Zhan, you dare to charge!"

Meng Zhan became agitated when he heard this, clasped his fists together and said, "General, please order! The point of the sword is invincible!"

"Very good! Go and replace Wei Qing! Gather the remnants! Stabilize the situation in front of me! Be sure to hold on!" Gongsun Yan said embarrassingly.

"The last general takes the order!" Meng Zhan received the general's order, got on his horse, held two guns in his hands, stared at the battlefield ahead, and lightly steered the horse's belly: "Drink!"

"Let's go!" The predecessors moved together, like a pack of wolves, heading straight for the battlefield.

"Let me come! Although this Wei soldier is fierce, he is confident that the soldiers and horses in his hands will not lose to him!" Standing behind Gongsun Yan is a middle-aged man, wearing a Shu armor and a white cloak behind his back. There is a pattern of a tiger pattern on it, wearing a silver-white helmet, with a concave mustache, holding the bronze sword in his arms, his face is flat, and even his eyes don't have much brilliance .

Gongsun Yan glanced at the general beside him, and sighed with his hands drooping on the arrow handle: "It's not time for the general to show up, just wait patiently!"

"In that case! Then I'll just wait!" After the man finished speaking, he rode his horse back to his original position, only to see that all the soldiers behind him were well-dressed and their armor was bright. This is like the battlefield of the Shura field, there is no tension or fear, and the battle flags under his command are buzzing with two words written on it... Bai Er.

The white-eared soldiers are Liu Bei's personal guards, and their military equipment is the best in the Shu army. In order not to affect his combat power, Han Yi's military equipment transformation is too expensive. Still using the original armor.

As for why the white-eared soldiers were sent here, firstly, Gongsun Yan's subordinates really didn't have any useful generals, and secondly, the comparison between the white-eared soldiers and several prestigious troops such as the trap camp was not bad, but they were different from each other. Not convinced by anyone, in order to calm everyone's mood, Han Yi could only take it apart.

"Drive!" Meng Zhan took the lead, and the first thing he saw was Wei Qing who was fighting fiercely with Zhang Gou'er. He immediately urged his horse up, holding two guns in his hands, and they shone fiercely under the moonlight.

"Ha!" The tiger roared, and the two guns in Meng Zhan's hands arrived as promised, directly killing Zhang Gou'er's throat.

Zhang Gou'er's expression froze and he quickly swung the waist knife in his hand to resist it. Wei Qing was also out of breath at the moment, and had a chance to catch his breath. He looked at Meng Zhan who was rushing: "Thank you!"

Meng Zhan's eyes were like lightning, and a pair of astral eyes looked at Zhang Gou'er. With a spear in one hand and Zhang Gou'er, he couldn't stand in a stalemate. Taking advantage of the time he was fighting with Zhang Gou'er, Meng Zhan hurriedly said: "General Wei Qing, return the soldiers and horses to the cage!" Stabilize the situation!"

"Okay!" Wei Qing wasn't too tired, but he was exhausted. Zhang Gou'er became angry when he heard that, and shouted, "Where did you come from! Didn't this general exist?"

"Ding, Zhang Gouer activates in anger, reduces Meng Zhan's force value by 5 points, increases personal force value by 1, adds 1 to the force value of Black Tiger Golden Sword, increases 106 to the force value of Drunk Red Throat, and the current force value is [-]!"

Insult is a blatant insult, Zhang Gou'er is not angry, he is about to end Meng Zhan with the big knife in his hand, his strength is much stronger than before.

"Kang Dang!" Under the knife, although Meng Zhan blocked it, the spear made a cicada sound, which made his palm hurt, and he almost let go, with a slightly angry face, he said: "Looking for death!"

"Ding, Meng Zhan Lucun's attributes are activated, what is owed must be repaid, and what is killed must be tasted. The attribute force value will be increased by 3, and it can be activated twice. Faced with a force value above 2, the attribute force value will be increased by 100, and the force value will be 1. Add 110 to the force value of your own, add 2 to the attribute force value with a force value of 120, and add an additional 3 to the attribute force value with a force value of 130"

"Ding, the current force value of Zhang Gouer is 106, and the force value of Meng Zhan will be increased by 1, the base force value is 97, the force value will be increased by 4, and the current force value is 101!"

"Kang Dang! Under one blow, the two were evenly matched, but Meng Zhan was pressed and beaten by Zhang Gouer. Meng Zhan only felt the burning pain in his palm, and thought to himself: Where did this general come from? Never heard of it.

But after all the fights, there was no room for regret, Meng Zhan held his breath, and fought with Zhang Gou'er, and it was impossible to tell the winner in a short time.

Naturally, Pang Juan could see clearly on the high platform. There was a good opportunity just now, and he drove straight in, but disappeared because of Meng Zhan's joining. This made Pang Juan feel anxious, and hurriedly said: "Send the order! !"

As soon as Wei Wuzu changed the original method of battle formation, he opened the original square formation, slowly fan-shaped, and suddenly rampaged, even Wei Qing was surprised, compared with the original fierce Wei Wuzu, now these people are simply Do not die.

"Report to the general! There are [-] soldiers from the west and the east to attack our left and right flanks. The brothers can hardly hold on!"

Gongsun Yan looked up at the lights in the distance, and calmly said: "Since you pay such attention, I will accompany you to the end!"

"Pass my order! Starting from this general, whoever retreats will be decisive, and the white-eared soldiers will be the vanguard, Zhong Hui! Deng Ai, you two lead troops to resist, stabilize the battle ahead, and do not take half a step back no matter what!" Gongsun Yan said with a cold expression.

Gongsun Yan suddenly pulled out the sword in his arms, his gray beard fluttered in the wind, and he trembled while holding the sword. All the veterans who were over half a hundred years old were like this. Those warriors who had experienced many battles, which one didn't look like a wolf? Tiger, go forward bravely.

"Crack!" The sound of the bronze sword and the bones being chopped was intertwined, and blood spurted out along the flesh and blood, splashing Gongsun Yan's face. Seeing the merits in front of them, some soldiers rushed to kill, hoping to grab this precious head, but They didn't even notice the white-eared soldiers on the side, they were almost invisible, and they would die if touched.

"Boy! This war is up to you, don't let me down!"

(End of this chapter)

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