Warring States Call

Chapter 1043 He's Mine

Chapter 1043 He's Mine
Wu Qi's face was calm, and he said for a while: "This matter is not urgent! This Xu Da is also a general, I can't wait to add casualties, that Xiang Yu hates me to the bone, and now is a great opportunity, he will definitely not let it go!"

When Ran Min heard this, he could only back away with anger, staring at Wu Jun, who was turbulent like a tide, like a colony of ants in front of the majestic bank of the city, his heart itched unbearably, but Wu Qi's majesty, Ran Min could only listen to orders.

"Come on!" Wu Yunzhao held the Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand and the shield, and rushed forward, and within a short time, the soldiers under the Wu Jun City stood against the rain of arrows and raised the ladder on the edge of the city wall .

Only a "boom" was heard, and dozens of strong and strong men put the ladders in their hands high on the city wall. The height of the top of the ladder from the city wall was only about one meter. Three breaths can climb the city wall and tear the opening.

"What are you doing in a daze! Go up the ladder!" Wu Yunzhao yelled, and inserted the Zhangba Snake Spear into his waist with one hand, pulled out the bronze sword in his arms, and bit it in his mouth, a pair of tiger eyes fixed Staring at the city wall above, he opened his big feet, like a gecko half-sensitively, and climbed up the ladder.

Wu Yunzhao gave a tiger roar, and the soldiers under his command immediately reacted, not to be outdone, and one or two followed closely behind. At this time, there was only a man with a Fangtian painted halberd in his hand, a hulking back, a face like white jade, wearing a red yoke on his head, and shouted: " Get out of the way for me! Ha!"

Who could this person be if he wasn't Lu Bu? Looking up at Ran Min above, Lu Bu couldn't help being furious. Seeing Wu Yunzhao waving the Zhangba Snake Spear first and starting to climb, he thought to himself that the danger would be less, and he could guarantee safety and It can climb quickly, and immediately take the lead in rushing up,

Behind Lv Bu followed several fierce military generals, each of them not to mention the strong backs, but they all had their own characteristics. If Li Mi must recognize these people here, they are not the eight strong generals under Lu Bu's command... or the seven strong generals... Who? They all had shields on their heads and various weapons in their hands. They surrounded Lu Bu, clustered under the ladder, and followed Lu Bu to climb up one after another. It can be said that they are like a rainbow.

Xu Da looked at the imposing Lv Bu from the city wall, and was puzzled in his heart. Although this Lv Bu was brave and unparalleled, he was greedy for life and afraid of death. Why did this guy who rained swords and arrows dare to be so abnormal? This made Xu Da puzzled. He explained, but he didn't have time to think about it. Since this guy is willing to contribute, he naturally didn't want to say anything, so he said immediately: "Li Wenzhong!" "

"The young general is here!" Hearing a crisp voice, he saw a 16-year-old laughing general, holding a flower gun in his hand, riding a black horse, seven feet and nine feet long, with a face like white jade, and a pair of tiger eyes. Looking at Xu Da with a god, he is a quiet white wolf in front of the war, but when the wind blows, he is a lion with fur.There is quite a feeling of being as still as a mountain and as moving as a thunder.

"You personally lead 3 people to attack the west city of Wancheng head-on. You must attack by force. Even if there are heavy casualties, you must take it down!" Xu Da's words are beyond doubt, and he took off the command flag in his hand and handed it to Li Wenzhong.

"The last general will personally attack the city!" Li Wenzhong received the general's order, rode on a horse, led 5000 troops from his headquarters, and ordered another 5000 troops to transfer to the battlefield.

Xu Da's mobilization of soldiers and horses naturally couldn't escape Wu Qi's eyes, and he immediately said: "Quick! The west city is mobilizing 5000 people to defend the city wall immediately, and tell Cao Hong to guard against me!"

"The end will be ordered!"

"Xiao Jian! Criminal law! Where is it!" Wu Qi gritted his teeth, his eyes were bloodshot, this war has been fought for so many months, Wu Qi didn't even get a good night's sleep, his eyes were naturally like this.

"The last general is here..." Two generals stood up. Compared with the former Pian Pian gentleman, they have become middle-aged people, with dark skin and beards growing on their chins, and they look mature and dignified.

"The two of you guard the city wall, make sure they don't break through, and set up a defense line by the way!" Wu Qi held the sword in his arms, his eyes kept calm.

"Decree!" The two of them got the general order, they did not dare to neglect, and began to set up a defensive line! "

"Ahem...!" Wu Qi covered his lips, coughed a few times, looked to the east, and cursed angrily: "You fucking Han Xin! Why don't you come here!"

"Quick! Thunder Stone! Throw the log down!" Xiao Jian greeted the soldiers under his command while pressing the sword in his bosom.

Criminal Law was also not to be outdone, and hastily greeted loudly: "Strong crossbowmen, slingers, aim all your firepower at those who come up the ladder, don't let anyone go, my eyes are wide open!"

"Ha! Brothers, work harder!" Under the orders of Xiao Jian and the Criminal Law, several soldiers who were hiding behind the female wall to guard against the arrows in the ground suddenly got up, and one of them lifted the stone in the corner of the wall and lowered it high. Throwing away, some unlucky soldiers were not in a hurry to dodge, and they were smashed into meatloaf by a stone.

However, this did not frighten the soldiers underground. Instead, they became more brave one by one, charging straight up, shouting: "Kill!"

"Ho ho!" There was only a roar of a tiger, and Wu Yunzhao shot out, stabbing the soldier who was holding a stone high behind the parapet, and killed him with a single shot, then grabbed the edge of the city suddenly, turned over, Falling into the city, he yelled: "Brothers! Kill me! Wu Qi is right in front, killing Wu Qi will promote you to the third rank, and you will be named Marquis and General!"

"Ho Ho! Kill! Kill Wu Qi! Kill Wu Qi!"

"The rats dare to be rampant, eat my sword. When Xiao Jian heard it, he was furious. He pulled out the bronze sword in his arms, and after a few jumps, he came to Wu Yunzhao. He slammed down with the sword and shouted. One cry: "Death! "

"Where did you come from! An dare to ask for death! Get up!" Wu Yunzhao saw that the man was full of anger, and the surrounding dangers were lurking, and he could not be neglected. Go out and kill Xiao Jian straight away! "

"Kacha!" A crisp sound emerged from Xiao Jian's armor. Xiao Jian's lower abdomen was hit by the Zhangba Snake Spear. Wu Yunzhao made a decisive decision, picked up Xiao Jian with one shot, and threw him down the city wall. His body was smashed to pieces. Wu Yunzhao Immediately shouted: "Native chicken tile dog, dare to be so arrogant! Wu Qi next year, today is your memorial day!"

"Pimp! You...!" Xiao Jian died!Wu Qi stared like a bell, his face was cold.

"Fuck! I'll kill you!" Ran Min was furious, took the soldiers in his hands and shouted: "Leave the head!"

"Only you are not worthy! Hahahahahaha!" Wu Yunzhao was as imposing as a rainbow, and was about to fight out when he saw Fang Tian's painted halberd coming out, and shouted: "He is mine!"

(End of this chapter)

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