Chapter 1044
"Fuck! I'll kill you!" Ran Min was furious, took the soldiers in his hands and shouted: "Leave the head!"

"Only you are not worthy! Hahahahahaha!" Wu Yunzhao was as imposing as a rainbow, and was about to fight out when he saw Fang Tian's painted halberd coming out, and shouted: "He is mine!"

Wu Yunzhao took half a step back, his face was a little embarrassed, and he secretly said: "This guy is here!"

Within three breaths, I saw Lu Bu rushing up to the city wall, and took Fang Tian's painted halberd with one hand. The seven tiger generals behind him came to Lu Bu's body and protected him tightly. The two of them, with Fang Tian's painted halberd in their hands, stared at Ran Min with fierce eyes and said, "Ran Min! You will definitely die today!"

Ran Min looked at these warriors indifferently, protecting Wu Qi under his command, with the double-edged golden spear in his right hand!The golden halberd in his left hand said with a calm expression: "There are too many bold words, but they are empty words in the face of absolute strength!"

"Oh! I really want to see! What I, Lu Bu, said is empty words! It's strength!" Lu Bu was no longer as arrogant as usual, but unusually calm. Shouted: "Ran Min is dead!"

"Drink..." The scarlet aura on Lu Buzhou's body quickly condensed, and the red aura made everyone terrified. He suddenly held his halberd in both hands, strode forward, and charged forward, suddenly said: "Fight!"

"Ding, Lu Bu's heroic attribute activates, strength increases by 3, Fang Tian's painting halberd strength increases by 1! Basic strength is 106, current strength is 110"

"Ding, the second attribute of Lu Bu Wushuang is activated. When encountering an opponent that Lu Bu approves or is difficult to deal with, Lu Bu will activate this skill, and the personal force value will be increased by 10! The current force value is 120!"

The red smell surged like the sea, Ran Min took a step forward and shouted, "Xiong Kuohai! Yu Jinbiao! Mao Wenlong protects the general!"

"De Ling" the three tiger generals rushed from all directions and surrounded Wu Qi. Once the three arrived, Ran Min was like a fierce tiger coming out of the mountain, showing his sharp fangs.

"The prey in the cage is trying to show its ferocity, but you don't know that you are not far from death! Feel the fear of killing!" After Ran Min finished speaking, his legs were like rabbits, and he came to Lu Bu with a few breaths. The weapon in his hand burst out suddenly.

"Ding, the attribute of Ran Min's double guns is activated, the force value is increased by 4, the current force value is 110, the force value of the double-edged golden light spear is increased by 1, and the current force value is 111"

"Ding, when Ran Min's Heavenly King attribute is activated, in the face of dangerous situations, the force value will be increased by 5, the maximum activation is 3 times, and the current force value is 116"

"Kang Dang..." Under the blow, the veins on Ran Min's arms bulged, but Lu Bu struck quickly, and the two soldiers in Ran Min's hands were suppressed, and Ran Min's face turned cold immediately, who is he, he is the King of Wu Mourning, His legs suddenly took a stride, and he shouted: "Die!"

"Ding, when Ran Min's Heavenly King attribute is activated, in the face of dangerous situations, the force value will be increased by 5, the maximum activation is 3 times, and the current force value is 121"

"Ding, when Ran Min's Heavenly King attribute is activated, in the face of dangerous situations, the force value will be increased by 5, the maximum activation is 3 times, and the current force value is 126"

After ten years of skill in one move, Lu Bu's face was startled, he stepped back dozens of steps, his arms were numb, and he said with embarrassment: "Bastard!"

"Lü Bu keep the head!" Seeing that Lu Bu was invincible, the seven people rushed out, trying to crush Ran Min to death with one blow.

"Humbleness is an ant! I just tried to get my attention! Get out of here!" Ran Min's two soldiers were very handy, and they shot past with a cold light, killing Tianqi like blood.

"Go back to me!" Song Xian, who had a hulking back, didn't believe this evil, raised his spear with both hands, and pushed it up.

"Die!" Ran Min roared, and violently exerted all his strength with one arm. This seemingly ordinary move actually contained more than 200 catties of strength.

"Kang Dang!" Song Xian's tiger's mouth was shattered, his arms were weak, and the spear in his hand was violently thrown upwards for nearly three feet. He fell under the city wall and disappeared. Ran Min stabbed out with a halberd, and Song Xian With a flustered look and quick hands, he turned his head suddenly, screaming for danger in his heart, but he forgot about Ran Min's plan, hooked Song Xian's throat with his halberd ear, and cut Song Xian's throat with a click. Blood flowed down the cavity and throat, staining the scarf red.

Song Xian seemed to be out of breath, fell to the ground, unable to get up, Ran Min scolded disdainfully: "Looking for death!"

"Ran Min!" Lu Bu's eyes were red, and the scarlet blood around his body became more intense. He stared at Ran Min with red eyes, and said word by word: "I, Lu Bu, will never die with you!"

"Ding, now that Lu Bu has broken through his personal limit, his basic force value will be increased by 1, and the third attribute of Wushuang will be activated, which will increase his personal force value by 5 points. When the force value is lower than others, the force value will be increased by 2, and the maximum force value can be activated twice. The current Lu Bu's force value 2!"

"Fang Tian painted a halberd! Ghosts and gods are incomparable!" Lu Bu was furious, Fang Tian painted a halberd in his hand, waving it brightly, and gradually a blood tiger appeared in front of everyone's eyes, the scarlet blood tiger, went straight to Ran Min, It shocked everyone around.

Wu Qi watched from behind, his face gradually turned cold. There are quite a few generals in the Wu army. There is Wu Yunzhao in the front, and Sibu in the back. It's a pity that Li Cunxiao is in our army!Jia Fu!Yu Wencheng and other generals are here, otherwise how could they be so rampant! "

"Hahaha! Regrets are over! Wu Qi, I, Wu Yunzhao, will take your head today, take a shot from me, and go on the road!" Wu Yunzhao jumped out like a poisonous snake in the dark night, waving the magic weapon in his hand. The sharp weapon directly kills Wu Qi.

"Go away!" I saw a copper stick come out, and a purple-faced long-haired general came out. With just a light blow, he fought Wu Yunzhao evenly, even faintly above Wu Yunzhao.

"Where did the guy come from!" Wu Yunzhao accidentally took three steps on his hind legs, with a vigilant look on his face. Where did this hero come from? He is so difficult to deal with. It seems that he has to deal with it carefully and show his true skills!
Holding the copper stick in both hands, Xiong Kuohai snorted coldly: "Arrogant boy! You killed my Brother Xiao, and today you will leave it to him to pay for his life!"

After Xiong Kuohai finished speaking, he suddenly moved forward, playing with the copper stick in his hand vigorously, and suddenly slammed down the stick. Wu Yunzhao saw that the stick was resolute, and immediately turned back a step, not daring to stand up, only heard: "Boom!" one sound

It turned out that there was a dent the size of a human head under Wu Yunzhao's body, which made Wang Wu Yunzhao's scalp tingle. This guy is a bit difficult to deal with.

"Ding, the attribute of Xiongkuo Haitian King is activated, named Zimian Tianwang, affected by the attribute of Ran Minwu's mourning heavenly king, the force value is extra 1, the force value is increased by 4 during the battle, and the force value is 5 affected by Ran Min, which can be activated 3 times !"

(End of this chapter)

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