Chapter 1070
Hou Yi breathed heavily and was about to leave. Just as he was getting on his horse, there was a violent shaking sound from behind. Hou Yi looked back quickly and saw Du Hui urging the horse up with the big ax in his hand. A cavalryman followed closely behind.

Du Hui looked embarrassed, and shouted: "Houyi don't leave! Keep the head!"

Hou Yi's face turned cold, he clamped the horse's belly and urged the horse to go, grabbed four cold arrows in his hand with one hand, echoed away, looked at the scattered soldiers, Chi Duhui was the first to bear the brunt, and suddenly drew his bow, He shouted: "Go!"

"Swish, swish, swish!" Shooting four arrows in a row, Du Hui had suffered from Hou Yi's loss, and immediately crouched on the horse, but Hou Yi's original intention was not to shoot him, but the soldiers behind him, each with one arrow at a time. Not many, all four of Du Hui's personal guards were dead! "

The crowd chased for at least half an hour. Du Hui didn't notice it at first, but he realized it when he was the only one left by his side. Hou Yi stopped running now, stopped his horse, and watched heavily. Du Hui's face gradually turned cold, Hou Yi stared at Du Hui, and asked, "You and I have no grievances! Why do we have to push each other so hard!"

Du Hui snorted coldly: "The dead don't need to ask so many questions, come die!"

Hou Yi was furious. Since you don't want to die, you can't blame him. Hou Yi took off the sunset arrow on his back, mixed the three cold arrows in the quiver, and aimed it at Du Hui.

Du Hui didn't expect Houyi's counterattack to be so big, he quickly dodged and twisted, trying to avoid Houyi's sunset arrow, Du Hui practiced for this blow for a long time, picked up the shield with one hand, and blocked it in front of you.

"Kang Dang!" The arrow of the setting sun pierced through the shield. The shield made of fine steel was like a chicken and a dog in front of the arrow. The arrow pierced through Du Hui's arm. The arrow of the setting sun was just a cover, and the remaining three All the arrows hit Du Hui's lower abdomen. Du Hui held the big ax in his hand and looked at Hou Yi with an embarrassed expression. Clutching his severed hand, he wailed.

Hou Yi came behind Du Hui on a horse, with a blank expression on his face, and was about to finish this guy, but he didn't have a sharp blade in his hand, so Hou Yi could only look at Du Hui's big axe. Axe, looking at the yelling Du Hui, calmly said: "You are looking for death yourself! No wonder I!"

"Bastard...I'll kill you!", Du Hui didn't know where the courage came from, and suddenly pulled out the cold arrow in his lower abdomen, and pierced Hou Yi's back.

"Yeah!" Hou Yi's calf was in pain, and only then did he see Du Hui's desperate blow, and there was an extra wound on his calf.

"Die like this! It's too cheap for you!" Hou Yi threw away the pain in his calf, and chopped down with the big ax in his hand, only to hear "Crack! Boom!"

Du Hui's other hand was cut off. Hou Yi limped to Du Hui's back, untied his Zhentian Bow, and strangled Du Hui's neck with the bowstring.

Du Hui couldn't resist at this moment, his legs straightened up, his face turned from red to white, and then from white to purple. Houyi clenched his teeth, his face was gloomy, the veins in his hands bulged, and his whole arm began to tremble. After thirty breaths, Du Hui It was completely silent.

Hou Yi also heaved a sigh of relief, lying on the ground, looking at Du Hui's body, clutching his calf, and looking around, fearing that there might be enemy generals, he hurriedly limped towards the front, and behind him There are only the last three Sunset Arrows left.

"Hou Yi is going away, Lai Huer is here!" The old future Huer came riding on a horse, and was about to kill Hou Yi. When Hou Yi saw his face pale with shock, he limped towards the river, and finally In desperation, he threw himself into the river, not knowing whether to live or die.

Even if Hou Yi died, he would have made money. These four sunset arrows killed all famous generals in the world. The first arrow killed Wei Ji, the second shot Xing Tian, ​​and the third arrow killed Nan Jiyun. !The fourth arrow is the unlucky Du Hui.

"Ding, Nan Jiyun! Du Hui died at the hands of Hou Yi, and Yang Yanshun died at the hands of Chi You. Nan Jiyun's force value reached 99, Du Hui's force value was 101, and Yang Yanshun's force value was 95. 16 people are needed to break the table, plus Qing Avoid bursting the table and need to burst out 24 talents!"

"Nan Jiyun! Du Hui is dead!" Han Yi's face was embarrassing, and Yang Yanshun, this time he lost three generals in a row, can Han Yi not feel bad, the most important moment, this time there will be 24 people on the table , General!Wen Chen!Beauty!It's all uncertain, this time I played big!

"Ding, may I ask the host if you want to wait for the explosive list!"

"No need! Let's talk about it after the war is over!" Han Yi made a decisive decision. Now that the watch is exploding, his head is about to explode!

"Ding, okay!"

The two generals of the Qi State have already fled, and the rest is only Tian Ji, a big fish, and he must not be far away.

Han Yi looked serious, and Pang Wanchun, who was behind him, looked at Han Yi's frowning expression, and asked with a puzzled expression, "Why is your lord so frowning? Now our army has won a great victory!"

"Hahahaha! I think the king is missing the ladies in the palace!" Guo Jia said with a smile, and the general behind heard it, and his heart raised his throat. He was the only one who dared to say this. .

"Fengxiao! After this battle is over, I'm afraid that we won't be able to fight any big battles for two years. I don't know what you think!" Han Yi looked a little worried, and the process of unifying the world would slow down a lot.

"Your Majesty! After this battle is over, Your Majesty can hold an alliance of princes in Luoyang. Firstly, to clarify the positions of all countries, secondly, Your Majesty can also establish authority, but the overlord must be handed over to Zhao Guo. On the contrary, we can draw our attention to Zhao Guo, and we can rest easy, after all, Qin Guo is eyeing the position of hegemony, so he will definitely not let Zhao Yong sit too securely!" Guo Jia stroked his beard with a serious face road.

"Then what do you think about the relationship between our country and Wei State? Should we continue to unite or break up!" Han Yi stroked his beard and said seriously.

"Your Majesty! We have made close and far-reaching attacks. Now the big northern countries that can be easily annexed have all been taken down. It is better than Qi and Lu dying in the hands of the King. This war was initiated by the State of Wei. The King can push the boat along the way and gain the upper hand to attack Wei. country, other countries don’t dare to say anything!” Guo Jia said with a smile, stroking his beard.

Han Yi was silent for a while, and after a while he came to his senses, and immediately said: "Just do as you want, there are at least three small countries to support you alone! It will definitely help Zhao Yong ascend the throne, and whoever loves this hot potato will take care of it." Yes, Gu should develop his strength with peace of mind!"

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger, this sentence is not a joke.

(End of this chapter)

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