Warring States Call

Chapter 1071 Said General Feng Yi

Chapter 1071 Said General Feng Yi
"Drive...drive...drive... hurry! Run!" Several hurried voices came out. What should I do, I can only keep running forward.

"General Tian! Don't run away. This general has been waiting here for a long time!" As soon as the words fell, a middle-aged general in heavy armor came out. He had a goatee and a jade-like crown. With a calm face, the generals behind him jumped out at this moment and formed a defensive formation.

"Who will come!" Tian Ji saw that the opponent's lineup was only more than 5000 people, and with [-] soldiers under his command, he could definitely break through the defense. When the time comes, the sky will be high, and he will be safe.

"Hahahaha! Another period of time will come, Tian Ji will get off his horse and be bound soon." Another soldier and horse came out from the retreat behind Tian Ji, almost completely blocking Tian Ji's retreat.

At this moment, the cold sweat on Tian Ji's head ran across his resolute cheeks, and fell on the horse's hair. He stared at the two men and horses in front and back with an embarrassed expression, not knowing whether to fight or flee.

"You don't want to run away. Our ambushes have already ambushed the front and back here. You two should come out and make a show. Don't let General Tian have unrealistic fantasies!" The middle-aged leader The general was smiling, and he couldn't see how excited he was, but a little indifferent. Now he is doing his best to reduce casualties. Troubled times are not what he wants to see.

"Hahaha! Now that General Feng Yi has said it all! You boy, Wang Ba, are not coming out yet!" A tall, burly man with a loud voice was riding a black horse, holding a saber in his hand, and wearing a black dragon armor. The dormant tiger laughed loudly, and the soldiers behind him lined up one by one to block Tian Ji's way.

"Hahahahaha! General Feng took the lead this time, I really admire it!" Wang Ba was also unusually hearty, riding his horse and urging him up, looking at the besieged Tian Ji with a smile.

With the joint efforts of the four, an encirclement circle was formed, making it impossible for Tian Ji to escape.

Holding the sword, Tian Ji looked embarrassed, and rode around on the horse without listening, and found that he had no way out, which made Tian Ji despair.

Damn it!What to do!Can't get out!Could it be me, Tian Ji!Is the famous general of the state of Qi about to die here today?No!No!I am not reconciled!I still want to compete with Tian Dan...... No!

Tian Dan's eyes were red, and he felt that this second was so long, and his brain was working quickly, but the conclusion he reached was still uncertain whether he could break out of the encirclement.

Holding the sword in his arms, Feng Yi didn't remember to go out to kill the enemy, and said loudly: "General Tian! You can be regarded as a generation of famous generals in Qi, even if you don't think about yourself, you will fight us to the death , also think about the group of soldiers behind you. They also have family members. If you lose this battle, don’t make fearless sacrifices. I can promise that only you put down your weapons, otherwise I won’t be open Kill ring!"

"I...I want to go home!" I don't know which soldier made the first call, and the word spread!It was rumored that the soldiers who originally planned to resist desperately, now saw that there was hope of survival, one by one began to hesitate again.

Tian Ji's complexion changed drastically, and the eyes staring at Feng Yi also looked strange.

This guy is really ruthless!The morale of the army is shaken, and today I will definitely lose. How can I face the people of the country!The more Tian Ji thought about it, the tears in the corners of his eyes couldn't stop flowing out.

"Hahahaha! General Feng is Gao Yi, but in our country of Qi, there are only men who died in battle, and there are no slaves who kneel alive!" Tian Ji also had no choice but to call out to see if he could restore the morale of the army. My heart is at war.

"General Feng Yi! What's the point of talking to them, why don't you just kill them?" Ma Wu looked disdainful, taking the lives of these people very lightly.

Feng Yi quickly waved his hand, lest this guy ruin the situation he created, he immediately shouted: "General Tian, ​​you have become a sinner of Qi through the ages. Do something!"

"Sinner through the ages! Qi State...!" Tian Ji's expression changed when he heard these two words, he could suddenly think of the scene when he returned to the capital. , but also dare not go out, there must be rotten eggs in front of the house every day and night, and with Jiang Xiaobai's character, he will definitely kill him to darken the hearts of the people and insult him!trample!Losing the honor of the past, Tian Ji thought more and more, and suddenly found that dying in battle might be his best choice.

Tian Ji turned his head helplessly, smiled wryly for a while, stared at Feng Yi, and said with a grim expression: "Remember what you said before, bypass the lives of these soldiers!"

After Tian Ji finished speaking, he tore off his battle robe, wiped the blood off the sword, and shouted to the sky, "Long live Da Qi! Ten thousand years of Qi!"

"Hoo! Kacha!" An arrow sealed his throat, and Tian Ji did not even consider the idea of ​​surrender. In his opinion, he could be defeated, but surrendering was an insult to a soldier.

"Pfft!" The dignified seven-foot man, defending the country with his own body, ended up committing suicide by drawing his sword.

"Great General!...Great General...Great General!" Everyone hurriedly supported Tian Ji who fell to the ground, blood from Tian Ji's throat kept gushing out, but Tian Ji still muttered to himself: "Great... Qi... Wan ……Year!"


At the moment Tian Ji killed himself, Feng Yi closed his eyes and said with emotion, "Why bother?"

Even Ma Wu!Cho period!For a fierce general like Wang Ba, it's not easy to sigh for this general who is in his fifties!

"Leave him with a whole body! Take the body away! Leave it to the king." Feng Yi sighed. Compared with Pang Juan who surrendered, Tian Ji seemed more vigorous, and from today onwards, Feng Yi's name has also spread. , named Shuojiang, a military general who can kill the enemy general, as for Tian Ji's credit, it naturally fell into Feng Yi's pocket, and the soldiers under the command of the main general eating meat also drank the soup.

"Ding! Tian Ji died in battle, and his commanding ability has reached 95. The system is about to explode with four people plus the previous 24 people, a total of 28 people!"

"Tian Ji is dead! Who did it!" Han Yi made up a lot of pictures in his brain, such as Jia Fu who is the leader of the general with thousands of troops!Li Cunxiao!Xing Tian was hacked and killed by the rebel army, but Han Yi never thought that he was told to die by Feng Yi. It really is a wonder in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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