Warring States Call

Chapter 1072 Xiao He

Chapter 1072 Xiao He
The night was gradually approaching, and it was the most exciting moment. Han Yi sat in his seat, and the civil and military ministers behind him were all lined up at this moment, each one in high spirits.

"My lord! Kill the enemy general Qingji again! Thirty generals! There are countless captains and below!" Li Cunxiao strode forward with a look of pride in his eyes.

"My lord! The last general led the soldiers under his command to kill [-] enemy soldiers...!" Han Qinhu was also not to be outdone, and now is the time to compare his achievements.


The seven generals under his command were beaming with joy, but Han Yi still hadn't heard about the reason for Tian Ji's death.

After a while, Yao Qi took a step forward and said, "Report to Your Majesty! Tian Ji is dead! His body will be brought back by us!"

When Han Yi heard this, he was overjoyed and immediately said, "Who killed it!"

"General Qi! This battle should be attributed to Feng Yi!" After Yao Qi finished speaking, looking at the strange expressions of the generals around him, he immediately explained the ins and outs of the matter.

After hearing this, Han Yi's serious expression eased a lot, and he quickly said, "Where's Feng Yiren?"

All the generals shook their heads, and there was no Feng Yi in the big tent. Wang Ba raised his mouth and said, "General Feng is afraid to rest under the big tree again? The title of General Dashu in the army is not for nothing. of!"

"Oh!" Han Yi was surprised, exchanged a few words with all the generals, and left all the credits to Zhongshan for rewards. Now that they all returned to the camp to prepare for the battle, all the generals went back excitedly. Huo Huo, prepare for the next big show of power.

And Han Yi also had a leisurely time, looking at Feng Yi who was still resting under the big tree, with a leaf in his mouth, and the other generals were busy discussing meritorious deeds and offering rewards. The appearance of a foreign expert.

Han Yi stepped forward, looked at Feng Yi with a puzzled expression, and said, "General Feng, you are...!"

Seeing Han Yi coming, Feng Yi stood up and said, "The last general will join the King!"

Han Yi hurriedly held down Feng Yi, motioned him not to get up, found a seat beside him, looked at Feng Yi puzzled, smiled and said: "Others are in a hurry to show credit in front of Gu, you are a good one People enjoy themselves here!"

Feng Yi looked at Han Yi, shook his head slightly, and said, "It's not because of this little merit that I joined the army!"

Han Yi glanced at Feng Yi in astonishment. It was the first time he had seen someone put his fame and fortune so easily. He couldn't help but feel that this General Dashu might really be exactly the same as in history. Although he thought so, but Han Yi pretended to be shocked and said, "Oh! Then what are you doing for!"

"Why... of course it's because of the king's words!" Feng Yi spat out the leaves in his mouth, and looked at Han Yi with a serious expression, his eyes seemed to be able to see the stars and the sea.

"One sentence! What is one sentence!" Han Yi didn't take it seriously. He was joking, and sometimes he remembered what he had said. How could this guy know.

"Your Majesty, you said it! To pacify the world, there is only one country in this world! There is only one king, Your Majesty!" Feng Yi said firmly, and even Han Yi was taken aback. No one knows how difficult this sentence is. Han Yi was just showing his ambition to attract those talented people, but Feng Yi didn't expect it to be so simple, there must be a story behind it.

Feng Yi choked up for a while, glanced at Han Yi, and said with a wry smile: "When I was young, my family was poor! I was often hungry, but I was able to survive, but the war destroyed the peace here, and the soldiers raped and plundered without humanity. My parents died in that year, on which night, I once wanted to promote my idea of ​​ending war with peace, but in the face of the emperor's ambition, this is just a passing cloud, all there is to end war with war, but the world has this ambition Yes, you are the only one who swallows the world with anger!"

Han Yi glanced at Feng Yi in astonishment, and said for a while, "Blame me for taking back your military power and turning you from a general who commanded thousands of troops into a big-headed general now?"

"My lord! As long as you calm down the troubled times! This seven-foot-long general is willing to go through fire and water for the king. I only hope that when I close my eyes, I can see the scene of peace in the world!" Feng Yi's face was serious, knees Kneel down and kowtow heavily.

Han Yi leaned against the tree like this, looked at Feng Yi below, and patted him on the shoulder!After a while, he said: "Don't worry! Gu promise! Within 30 years! Fulfill your wish!"

After Han Yi finished speaking, he patted his ass and left!Feng Yi glanced back at Han Yi's back, and immediately said: "What the king said is true!"

Han Yi showed a side face. Under the moonlight, he looked down on Han Yi's expression, but Feng Yi could really hear Han Yi's voice, and only heard Han Yi say four words: "You have no jokes! !"

Feng Yi stood up, looked down at the restless military camp, and said with firm eyes: "The hard-won peace should be forged with blood. If possible, I, Feng Yi, would like to contribute the blood of my whole body!"

Han Yi, who answered the big account, got the answer he wanted, and leaned on the wall. He couldn't stop this time. If he stopped, he would lose. Qi was gone, and the only thing he could do was... After thinking for a long time Han Yi thought it was not a clue, and said directly: "The system is blown!"

"Ding, there are 28 people on the list this time! The host is better prepared, and there are still three months before the last agreement, the host please hurry up! Otherwise, Li Cunxiao! Ran Min! Among Xingtian's three people, one of them will surely die!"

Han Yi was so annoyed that he immediately shouted: "Understood! Can you stop talking nonsense and finish the watch quickly!"

"Ding, start now!"

"Ding, No. 1 on the list: Tian Guang: Force 89, Commander 89, Intelligence 75, Politics 67. Implanted as Tian Dan's younger brother, he was recruited to fight Cao Cao in the barracks!"

"Ding, the second person on the list: Tian Ken: Strength 90, Commander 90, Intelligence 67, Politics 55 Implanted identity Tian Dan's younger brother!"

"Tsk tsk! The state of Qi can't do it anymore. These two people are typically here to give away heads, so there's no need to remember it!" Han Yi didn't rush to write, and continued to listen to the system's explosion.

"Ding, the third person on the list: Cao Shen of the Han Dynasty: Force 90, Commander 95, Intelligence 94, Politics 95, the implanted identity is the talent Liu Bang just recruited!"

"Fuck! This is almost an all-rounder!" Han Yi was a little powerless to refute, after all, this guy is a politician!A military strategist, there is nothing wrong with such an ability.

"Ding, the third person on the list, Xiao He, the Three Heroes of the Early Han Dynasty: Force 65, Commander 90, Intelligence 97, Politics 101. The implanted identity is South Korea, and the exact location is unknown."

"What! Damn! Do you want me to issue a warrant?" Han Yi was taken aback, this is troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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