Warring States Call

Chapter 1095 3 Yang

Chapter 1095 Three Yang
"Jiang Xiaobai is dead!" Han Yi was stunned for a moment. This was good news for him. Without these three key figures, the demise of Qi State was only a matter of time. Looking at his beard, he laughed and said, "Hahahaha! Come on, system!"

"Ding, No. 1 on the current list: Yi Sun-sin: Armed Forces 95 Commander 95 Intelligence 76 Politics 54, special attribute water warfare, commander plus 1 during water warfare, currently implanted as a sea general recruited by Goujian!"

"Ding, the second person on the list: Cao Ning of the Southern Song Dynasty: military force 103, commander 87, intelligence 67, politics 60. Implanted identity is Cao Cao's third son! He has just been promoted by Cao Cao!"

"What the hell is this Cao Ning, why have I never heard of it!" Han Yi stroked his chin with an embarrassed expression.

"Ding, Cao Ning from the work "Shuo Yue Quan Zhuan" has the courage of ten thousand men. In the novel, he is known as a braver general than Lu Wenlong. His father, Cao Rong, defected to the Kingdom of Jin. Later, he rebelled against the Jin and surrendered to the Song Dynasty. Cao Rong learned about his After the son descended to the Song Dynasty, he personally led his troops to chase him, and was stabbed to death by Cao Ning. After Cao Ning saw Yue Fei, Yue Fei accused him of killing his father, and Cao Ning was so ashamed that he killed himself!"

"Yeah!" Han Yi was taken aback. This old Cao family is really full of talents. First, Cao Wenzhao, then Cao Ning, and Cao Zhang. This time, the old Cao family is really not simple. Will want to be comparable.

As soon as he mentioned this, Han Yi also began to think about it. He currently has three generals under him, one general from the Dugu family, and one general from the Yang family. Now this Cao Cao can be regarded as one.

"Ding, the third person on the list, Cao Bianjiao: Force 99, Commander 87, Intelligence 76, Politics 54. Implanted identity is Cao Cao's fourth son, who was just promoted by Cao Cao!"

"Well! Got it!" Han Yi wrote Cao Ning in his merit book!The names of Cao Shuangjiao and both of them are available talents. It seems that Cao Cao's attack on Laiwu is just around the corner. Han Yi is still considering whether to summon some talents to make up for it.

"Ding, the fourth person on the list: Thunder Copper of the Three Kingdoms: Force 87, Commander 75, Intelligence 75, Politics 54. The partial general of Laiwu, who was dissatisfied with Gao Siji! Gao Xing killed Tian Dan on Tuesday, and prepared to deliver the mutiny!
"Ding, the fifth person on the list: Wu Lan of the Three Kingdoms: Force 88 Commander 87 Intelligence ***** 44 Implanted identity is Laiwu general, because he was dissatisfied with Gao Siji! Gao Xing and his men killed Tian Dan on Tuesday and prepared to defect to the enemy! "

"Yeah!" Han Yi nodded. The city of Laiwu has probably been captured, and Han Yi can sleep well.

"Ding, the sixth person on the list, Zhu Biao, the prince of the Ming Dynasty: force 65, commander 88, intelligence 95, politics 91, implanted identity is Zhu Yuanzhang's eldest son, Zhu Di's brother! He is currently handling matters in the court!"

"Ding, Zhu Zhanji of the Ming Dynasty, the seventh person on the list: force 94, commander 95, intelligence 94, politics 95. Special attributes are strong and weak. If you become king, the force value will be reduced by 4 every year! Once the force value drops to 30, you will die undoubtedly!"

"I'm going! Tsk tsk tsk! Why are everyone in the old Zhu's family so troublesome? Han Yi looked at Siwei with a bit of embarrassment. If you want to explain who the sixteen emperors Han Yi likes or admires the most, then Han Yi Yi will definitely choose Zhu Zhanji and Zhu Houzhao. Apart from other things, at least these two foreign wars were won. Unfortunately, these two emperors were short-lived, so alas.

But that being said, Han Yi doesn't want a Ming emperor to be revealed. After all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Three cobblers are as good as Zhuge Liang. Activate any collective attribute, and there is no place to cry by yourself.

"Ding, the eighth person on the list: Yang Shiqi: Force 66, Commander 87, Intelligence 95, Politics 95. The implanted identity is the civil servant Liu Yu just recruited! Special attributes are three Yang, and Yang Rong! Yang Pu is an official in the same dynasty. One person, intelligence! Politics is plus 1!"

"Ding, the ninth person on the list: Yang Rong: Force 67, Commander 88, Intelligence 94, Politics 95. The implanted identity is the civil servant Liu Yu just recruited! Special attribute three Yang, and Yang Shiqi! One person, intelligence! Politics is plus 1!"

"Ding, the tenth person on the list: Yang Pu: Force 65 Commander 75 Intelligence 95 Politics 94 Special attributes Three Yang, the implanted identity is the civil servant Liu Yu just recruited! And Yang Rong! Yang Shiqi and Yang Shiqi are officials in the same dynasty. One person, intelligence! Politics is plus 1!"

"Good boy!" Han Yi mumbled involuntarily. The three Yang attributes of these three are not bad, and Han Yi felt a lot of emotion!These three old guys can be considered the elders of the four dynasties. Not to mention their longevity, their ability is not bad!The most important thing is the combined skills of these three people. Among all the civil servants, it was the first time that Han Yi saw the combined skills of the civil servants. It's a pity that Liu Yu's grandson was cheaper!

Picking up his cloak, and slowly writing the names of Yang Shiqi and the other three on the bottom, it can be regarded as recognition of their abilities.

"Ding, No. 11 person on the list: Zhuge Jin of the Three Kingdoms: Force 77, Commander 88, Intelligence 95, Politics 88. The current implantation status is a civil servant recruited by Goujian!"

"Ding, the last person to hit the list: Yuan Shanjian: Force 103 Commander 75 Intelligence 44 Politics 33 Implantation The identity is a general recruited by Gou Jian. Currently, he is really active in training and preparing to retake the country!"

"Ding, the current explosion is over. The death of historical figures currently provides summoning points for the host. The current host's summoning points are 980. May the host choose to summon!"

Han Yi stroked his beard and said half aloud: "Forget it! There is no need! There is nothing missing everywhere!"

"Ding, the current explosion is over!"

"Dianwei!" Han Yi greeted the front.

"The end is here!" Dian Wei strode forward and said.

Han Yi took a breath of fresh air, stroked his beard, glanced at the bamboo slips in his hand, and said, "How long will it take to reach Chang'an!"

"Report to Your Majesty! There are still three days left! The change will arrive in three days!" Dian Wei said truthfully.

"Yeah!" Han Yi nodded, paused for a while, and immediately asked as if thinking of something: "How is the situation of the treasury!"

"The current treasury doesn't have enough money and food for Han to capture the tiger! Cao Cao! General Gongsun Yan will use it for half a year! Besides, those people in Zhongshan need money and food. Lord Lu Su is waiting for you to come back these few days?" Dian Wei said truthfully.

Han Yi's eyebrows twitched. The treasury was wiped out by him, but he didn't want to. If he didn't fight, he would die. Han Yi knocked on the table, and said half aloud: "Does the Ministry of Households have any plans now?"

"The Ministry of Household Affairs is quite troublesome now. It's snowing heavily this year! We can't collect taxes yet, and adults from all over the country are asking the king if they want to increase taxes!" Dian Wei said with a serious face.

"No!" Han Yi immediately vetoed it. This tax increase is not random. If it is increased randomly, it will represent an endless cycle. Once the tax is increased, the people everywhere will be unstable. When the time comes to rebel, the treasury will have to spend money Not worth it.

(End of this chapter)

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