Chapter 1096

"If the tax is not increased, I'm afraid the treasury will not be able to afford it!" Dian Wei said with a serious face.

"Well! These are indeed a problem! Time does not wait! Send me an order to let all countries come to participate in the Luoyang League! Don't blame those who don't come, lose the power of the world, and don't come to find Gu! Send Du He to Wei, Xu Maogong to Zhao Guo, Li Bai went to Yue, Duanmuci to Shan, Chen Zhen to Xiang, Zhang Song to Wu, Chen Qun to Qin! Zhong Yao to Sui, Chen Tai to Ju! Zhong Hui to Yan, the above ten China, the time is within three months! All countries can bring [-] troops into the country, and those beyond [-] are not allowed to enter the country!" Han Yi said with a serious face.

When Dian Wei heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, and said for a while, "Isn't your majesty going to the state of Qi this time?"

"Qi Guo! Whether they can survive this winter is a question, and it doesn't matter what they do!" Han Yi smiled disdainfully, paused for a while with the brush in his hand, and said halfway: "I have been alone in Kaifeng's market for so long , It's time to get some rewards!"

"Your Majesty means...!" Dian Wei said thoughtfully.

"Kaifeng is located in the Central Plains, and has become one of the world's economic regions. This cannot be changed. We can start collecting taxes. The profits are huge! It should be able to make up for the gap.

"The general understands!" Dian Wei said in agreement.

"Is there any rich businessman from Kaifeng in Tianji? These fat sheep have been raised for so long, and they should bleed a little!" Han Yi rubbed his temples and said seriously.

"There are three people with a lot of wealth!" Dian Wei said with a serious face, Han Yi was taken aback, and said for a while: "Those three people!"

"Hu Shangzi! Liang Ziqian! And Shen Wansan! These three are the richest people in Kaifeng!" Dian Wei said calmly.

"Oh!" Han Yi was stunned for a moment. When he heard Shen Wansan's name, Han Yi remembered that this cornucopia almost forgot about him. Although he knew that there was such a person, Han Yi still pretended not to know him. Said: "What is the background of these three people!"

"Hu Shangzi was the first group of people to enter Kaifeng. He is a big local family and belongs to foreign businessmen. He often resells furs and trades them with salt and iron to the Northland for furs. He earns the difference. The profits are very rich. As for This Liang Ziqian is an out-and-out businessman in his own country. He has a wide range of businesses and has many cooperations with the imperial court. The excess moldy grain and grass in the household department are sold to him at a high price. People, as for this Shen Wansan, they only know that he started his business with a jade pendant, and his business is getting bigger and bigger, vaguely surpassing these two!" Dian Wei said calmly.

Han Yi stroked his beard, and said half aloud: "Yes! Not bad! This time, these three people need to work harder. You should send someone to summon them to Chang'an now, and you must see them at noon three days later!"

"The last general has orders..." Dian Wei nodded.

"Well! Back off!" Han Yi nodded.


In the dark night, the military camps all over the country fought for a day, and they were too tired to open their eyes, so they fell asleep directly, but there were always a few people who had to turn on the lamp to read at night.

Gongsun Yan and Cao Cao put on heavy clothes, looked at the bamboo slips in their hands, and discussed countermeasures overnight. It has been half a month now, and they have not won the city until now, which makes them extremely anxious.

Gongsun Yan looked at the bamboo slips in his hand, and immediately said: "The secret post sent to Laiwu City has released news that Tian Dan is dead!"

"Tian Dan is dead!" Cao Cao turned cold, threw the bamboo slips in his hand to Cao Ang behind him, and said with a heavy breath, "It's useless even if you die. Now the military power in Laiwu is in the hands of Gao Changgong!"

"Not necessarily. The number of soldiers in the city has been decreasing these days. We can be sure that there are not many soldiers under Qi State. Breaking the city is only a matter of time!" Cao Cao said calmly.

"There are too many casualties in the storm, and it's not realistic to outsmart him. This Gao Changgong is not a bag of wine!" Gongsun Yan said with a serious face.

"This time...!" Cao Cao was about to speak, when he saw a tall and thick man rushing in in a panic, and immediately said, "General! Good news, General! Good news!"

"What's the fuss, what's the matter?" Cao Cao looked at the person who came, and saw that it was his third son, Cao Ning immediately scolded.

"Father! There are soldiers in Laiwu who want to surrender!" Cao Ning said happily.

"Oh!" Cao Cao was taken aback, and immediately said, "Quick! Call in quickly!"

Gongsun Yan was taken aback, the good news came a little unnaturally, and Han Chen, who was standing behind, pressed the sword in his arms, closed his eyes and rested his mind, and waited for the soldier to greet him, Han Chen opened his eyes, if there was Thinking about looking outside the big tent.

After a while, I saw a sharp-billed monkey cheek!The scrawny soldier came in, looked at Cao Cao and Gongsun Yan, knelt down and said, "The little mermaid has met all the generals before!"

The soldier was shivering, as if he was a little cold, but he also seemed a little scared. Cao Cao glanced at Gongsun Yan who was at the side, and Gongsun Yan nodded slowly. Then Cao Cao said, "What's your reason for coming?"

"General Cao! My general has admired General Cao and General Gongsun for a long time, and I specially sent another letter of offering. I am willing to open the city to welcome the general into the city tomorrow night. I don't know what the general wants!" The soldier looked indifferent and bowed. He handed over the cloth in his hand and handed it to Cao Ang beside him! "

"Father! Please!" Cao Ang put his hands in front of Cao Cao.

Cao Cao stroked his beard, took Bubo for a while, glanced at it, and immediately said: "Not bad! You have a good handwriting, what will I ask next, what will you answer!"

"The villain must know everything! He can say everything!"

"How many soldiers and horses are there in the city!"

"Forty thousand regular troops, [-] soldiers and horses have been taken away by General Gao Xingzhou, and [-] militiamen are needed, and the combat effectiveness is low""

"Why are you dispatching troops!"

"This!... I don't know if I play it again!"

Cao Cao was taken aback, glanced at Gongsun Yan, and said, "Is there anything you want to ask, General?"

Gongsun Yan glanced at the letter, and said halfway: "This way! Adjust the time. At noon tomorrow, you will open the North, East, and South Three Cities! The three cities will be opened, and you will lead the soldiers with white cloths on their arms to the South City. You don’t need to worry about it! Can you!”

"This...!" The soldier looked embarrassed.

"Whether it succeeds or not, it depends on the two generals tomorrow! It doesn't matter whether you drive or not, it's just that you kill some people less! You can step back!" Gongsun Yan waved his hand.

"Wait a minute! Anmin! Give it to me. I'll serve you good wine and good food. I'm bringing some yellow and white things with me when I take it away. It's my brother's travel expenses!" Cao Cao said with a smile.

"Thank you, General! Thank you, General!" The soldier immediately said happily.

After the soldiers left, Gongsun Yan quickly looked at Cao Cao, and immediately said: "General Cao! Do you think this person is reliable?"

"Reliable or not, you and I are both prepared!"

(End of this chapter)

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