Chapter 1100

Han Chen was like a fierce tiger. The spear in his hand seemed to come alive at this moment. When it was used on Han Chen's body, it gradually emitted a scarlet blood.

Han Chen's face was serious, his eyes were full of cold light, and the cold air in his hands seemed to be cold and windy with every move. Gao Siji's face also sank at this moment. Judging from his long experience in the battlefield, this kid used The marksmanship is definitely not light, Gao Siji's face was stunned, and he secretly called damn it, but Han Chen didn't care so much, and suddenly said: "Julong Thirteen Spears, start! Lin Yunpo!"

"Boom!" The scarlet energy was solidified on Han Chen's gun body, as fast as lightning. Gao Siji only caught Han Chen's offensive with his naked eyes, and hurriedly raised his gun and walked away."

"Ding, Han Chen's dream gun attribute is activated, and it is taught by heaven and man. Every time it is activated, the force value will be increased by 2, a total of thirteen spears. It is specially reminded that after this attribute is activated, the good borrowing attribute cannot be activated. Currently, Han Chen's force value is 109!"

"Kang Dang!" With one move, Gao Siji himself had a great advantage. Relying on his own perception of marksmanship, he shot the long spear in Han Chen's hand with one shot. Heart, snorted coldly: "Boy! Go to hell!"

"Turning clouds and rain!" Han Chen didn't see any panic in his eyes. Holding the gun in both hands, he used the second shot, and immediately opened Gao Siji's silver gun. Holding the gun in both hands, he snorted coldly, "The prison dragon is broken! Great Chaoyang!"

"Ding, the current strength of Han Chen is increased by 4, the basic strength is 109, and the current strength is 113!"

"Bang Dang!" With a sound, the two fought together. Gao Siji's palms were numb, and he stared at Han Chen with an embarrassed expression. He never thought that he would knock him out. He stared at Han Chen with a red face, took a deep breath, stared at Han Chen with a pair of tiger eyes, and said with a bleak smile, "Boy! If I don't kill you today, I won't be so angry!"

"Anyone can say big things!" Han Chen held the horse rope, staring at Gao Siji with a pair of tiger eyes, and pressed his left hand behind the horse's head to block Gao Siji's sight. Han Chen quickly shook his hand, Soreness, numbness, swelling and pain, in my own hands, it can be said that it has everything.

"Boy! Your life is at stake today!" Gao Siji looked at Han Chen who was in a daze, and shot out like a dragon, like a cold light, straight to his chest.

"Drive..." Han Chen snorted coldly, and stabbed murderously with the spear in his hand like a colorful tiger.

Gao Siji doesn't intend to tangle with Han Chen. What he fears most now is that Gao Chong will kill him. It will be difficult for him to leave at that time, so Gao Siji can't continue to tangle. , and not too much probing, because too many probings are undoubtedly time-consuming.

"Ding, Gao Si Ji's anger cut attribute is activated, the force value is increased by 5, and the current force value is 120!"

"Ding dong! Ding ding... Dang dong!"

"Phoenix prison phoenix! Resentment scares the dragon! Brilliant lotus! The universe is determined!" Han Chen also fought hard, and every time he muttered to himself, Zhou's aura became stronger.

"Ding, Han Chen is currently firing four guns, adding 8 to the force value, and the current force value is 121!"

You come and go between the two, and the kills are inextricable. In the blink of an eye, the two have killed more than 30 rounds.

Mu Ying rubbed her eyes as she watched from behind. After the rounds of back and forth between the two of them, Mu Ying finally saw Han Chen's true strength, swallowed secretly and said, "Is this guy that strong?"

Jiang Wei was also a little stunned, shook his head, and immediately said, "This is the first time I've seen Han Chen like this!"

Only Li Jing kept silent, seeing the inextricable situation between the two, he immediately said: "Yan Xia! Jiang Wei!"

"What's wrong!" Jiang Wei looked at Li Jing in confusion, and Yan Xia also glanced at Li Jing at this moment, not knowing what he had to say.

Li Jing stroked his beard, and immediately said, "If the two of them continue to kill like this, even if the sky is dark and the sky is dark, they won't be able to figure out why. The two of you shoot arrows to help Han Chen!"

"This! Jiang Wei was stunned, and immediately said: "Is this against morality! "

Yan Xi also agreed with Jiang Wei's point of view. Li Jing looked at these two hard-headed guys, and immediately said: "On the battlefield, life or death, who told you so many reasons, the winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. Han Chen was killed by him, will you two feel at ease in this lifetime?"

"I agree!" Guo Ziyi rode a horse and stood side by side with Li Jing. The young man who was not confident before was now a little more resolute and decisive!
Hearing Li Jing's words, Jiang Wei immediately urged his horse up, put the long spear in his hand upside down on the ground, took off his bow and arrow, looked at Yan Xia and said, "I shoot horses! You shoot people!"

"Okay!" Yan Xia said immediately.

Jiang Wei squinted his eyes, drew the arrow with one hand, stared at Gao Siji's horse, and snorted coldly: "Zhong!"

"Hoo... woohoo... woohoo!"

Gao Siji and Han Chen fought inextricably. Naturally, they didn't pay attention to the cold arrow behind them. With one move, the horse under Gao Siji's crotch was shot through the horse's leg, and the horse suffered pain. Both the man and the horse fell down and fell to the ground, splashing a thick layer of dust. Yan Xia also took advantage of this opportunity, but took three arrows and shot straight at Gao Sji's chest.

"Swish, swish!" As soon as the three arrows passed, Gao Siji spat out a mouthful of old blood, breathing in the surrounding air, and the white horse silver gun in his hand also fell to the ground.

Han Chen was taken aback, looking at Gao Siti who had been hit by the arrow, then turned to look at Jiang Wei and Yan Xia who was holding the arrow.

Gao Siji breathed heavily, and looked at Han Chen with an embarrassed expression. At this moment, he smiled angrily: "I can't imagine that I, Gao Siji, who has fought in the battlefield for decades, will fall into their hands today. It's really ridiculous! "

Han Chen breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Gao Sizji, and said calmly, "If you do many injustices, you will kill yourself. The battle is only about victory and defeat. No wonder I!"

Gao Siji glanced at Han Chen, and said with a bleak smile, "Boy... I have seen your ability. You are very powerful, but which spear in your hand is too bad, use... mine!"

Han Chen picked up the white horse Liangyin on the side and played with it a few times. It was also a good choice when there was no weapon at hand.

"Cannibals have short mouths and soft hands, kid! I beg you one thing today!" Gao Siji said calmly.

"you say!"

"This war horse has followed me for many years, can you save his life!"


Gao Siji was satisfied when he heard it, and calmly said: "I finally understand how big brother feels, maybe I shouldn't listen to Gao Xingzhou's words and kill Tian Dan, hahaha! Big brother is right... I The Gao family is ashamed of their majesty, so they can only... go underground and repent!"

Thus ended a generation of famous generals.

(End of this chapter)

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